Ghost Tank

An Artificial Intelligence-controlled tank adventure

Version 0.9

Copyright © 1998 by Gerry Smit ( avonsmit AT netcom DOT ca).  All Rights Reserved.

Inspired by various classic science fiction authors and games, as well as Andy Slack's Gorgon Hunt adventure published in Challenge magazine.  - Gerry

Pre-adventure Background

I'm going to be pursuing my AI tank ( ala Bolo model B, or Ogre Mk I) storyline in my next adventure session ( still haven't figured which I'm going to call them).  I seem to recall that the early Bolos and certainly early Ogre's are just heavy tanks with AI.  The early Bolos had human crew-commanders.  So I figured the early AI tanks in my adventure will be re-modeled tanks from the Ground Vehicle Guide.  For one thing, the vehicle stats are ready made.  Add an auto-loader, a crew-bot capable of Mech-1 and Elec-1, and the AI itself, which, for story purposes will all fit in the remodeled crew-compartment.  The robots are based on the concepts introduced in Nyotekundu.  The larger tanks will have room for a human commander. 

Early AI Tank Evolution

So the next question I asked myself was, what kind of tank?  A hovertank, maneuverable, or tracked, and heavy?  And then I figured, try out both over a number of sessions.  Each try-out, will of course, end with a combat test-of-fire against the Kafer.  Next was, how to protect the AI.  What about a "mother" tank with the AI, radio-controlling a number of parasite combat-tank-robots?  Then I realized the commo-signatures would make concealment Difficult, even Impossible, and a definite tactical disadvantage.  So I'll have the design team back at Kie-Yuma ( players work for Trilon) propose it, give the players a chance to shoot the idea down, preferably after the first mission.  If they go for it, well, they get to field test it, and they'll learn the hard way about signatures.  I really don't mean this to seem like Paranoia:2300, but I'm willing to steal good ideas from anywhere.

Add to this distinct personalities for each tank.  I figure software engineers being what they are, the Luki 9 will have a German personality, and have read about Rommel, the Aero-Char 12 will be French, and the American M-9 will have an American personality, and naturally Jeb Stuart the infamous cavalry commander came to mind ( too many comic books as a child).  Now, you have to realize that the AI's, if truely Intelligent, are thinking beings, enslaved as armor crew, doomed to cyber-psychosis, and stuck with their lot in "life".  The Bolos of Keith Laumer were steeped in the honour of the regiment, and protecting mankind, and I intend to continue those ideals, minimizing the enslavement overtures ( unless the players pursue it).  If any of the players provide any of the tanks with Laumer's Bolo, they will do things "For the Honour of the Regiment".  But, on the other hand, if one of the players starts talking to the AI and asking it about its dreams, I may let one of tanks be dreaming of being an artist.  One of the tanks could end up like Ender, of "Ender's Game".  There are LOTS of possibilities here, pick your favourite S.F. writer, and insert personality ( plus differing skill set.  Does an AI tank need Leader?).

The Dark Secret

The next part of the plot line will be the cyber-punk style deep, dark secret.  While the project will profess to be attempting to solve cyber-psychosis, it is doing NO SUCH THING.  The average life-span of a combat vehicle on the front lines is going to be much less than 12 months, so from Trilon's point of view, why bother?  The AI tanks are meant to be sacrificed in combat.  I figure I'll have each tank go out a different way, one will kamikaze, another will pull a forlorn hope, another will be ordered abandoned by higher command ( ala French Foreign Legion), etc.

The Field Test

Where to field test?  Well, anywhere along the Kafer ( I mean French) Arm will be fine.  My campaign hasn't actually gotten to Invasion yet, so the first trials will be on Aurore.

And so we get to my "Ghost Tank" tag line.  Kafer Dawn has Luki Nines deployed to TANSTAAFL from I can't remember where.  Alrighty then, along come my players, with their Luki 9 AI.  I intend to have their battle culminate with explosions blowing off the communications rigs of the tank, taking it out of contact with the human controllers ( no one is onboard, the Luki 9 crew compartment is small, so it's full with the AI and robo-crew).  The Luki, being in heavy contact with the enemy, and losing all contact with command, will execute a fighting withdrawal, but unfortunately, away from the players.  Then it'll HIDE.  After regouping, repairing damage to human crews and vehicles, the players will start their search, but I'll recall them before they have much time, leaving the Luki 9 AI alone to wander Aurore.  It will be lucky enough to discover an ambushed supply column, and it'll recover and repair a tank-trailer and solar-powered fuel cracker.  Then, still out of contact, and fearing the worst, it heads into the bush, with trailer, some reloads, a few parts.

Meanwhile, the Human Luki 9 troop has been in a few combats, and eventually takes a vehicle catastrophic hit on at least one tank ( easy enough to arrange and quite believable).  But this crew was different, either a popular commander, or popular crew, that is respected and will be mourned by the rest of the troop and squadron.

Time passes

Players field test other Bolos with whatever success.  Maybe Invasion kicks off, whatever.  But on a later trip to Aurore, some strange rumours are circulating about a ghost tank.  The Luki 9 squadron has  occasionally encountered a "ghost tank".  Maintenance laagers have had a convoy of tanks pull up, reloading and refueling on the quick.  Only afterwards do the maintenance crews realize there was ONE TOO MANY tanks.  The last tank to refuel/reload stayed buttoned up, except for its fuel and ammo hatches, and then moved out.  No one at the time gave it much thought, as the squadron was scrambling to meet some new Kafer attack.  Only afterwards do they realize that  no one ever came out to talk, and of course, it's not on the TOE...

It is, of course, the Luki 9 AI.  It's gambled on sneaking in and re-arming from the unidentified armour unit.  Without comms it has no way of knowing of the Luki squadron is friend or foe, but by this time its desperate for supplies.  The Luki squadron, of course, takes it to be their long-lost comrades.  Supplies near the edge of camps will start going missing, as the tank or its robo-crew sneak up and take supplies.  The tank will be encountered by the squadron in a fire-fight with Kafer, and or show up at an opportune moment in a combat, saving the day, and then retiring, without a word.  Another maintenance team will refuel/re-arm it, and then it will be all over the squadron.  Leave out POL and ammo for ghost tank, it's a good omen.

Somewhere in here the players return to Aurore.  Because field-testing a single tank against a Kafer force is doomed, they'll be well advised to try and team up with another combat unit, which will eventually get them working alongside the Luki 9 squadron.  And finally a meeting with the ghost tank.  I'm not sure how this will end, but perhaps some sort of "Unit LNE, Lenny of the line" ending where a player has to run up and clip on a contact to a shot-off antenna mount...

Comments, suggestions, enhancements, hell flames, are all welcome.

Gerry Smit,
Toronto, Canada.

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Last Update: 1998 Apr 22
First Online: 1998 Apr 22
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