Article by Cpl. Steve McGuire

The Black Watch P&D on parade, CFB Gagetown 1958

When the Black Watch disbanded in 1970 and formed the 2nd Bn The Royal Canadian Regiment it brought with it the Pipes and Drums.

On the weekend of 29-31 Aug '97 2RCR P&D had the privilege and honour of playing for the Black Watch reunion held at Camp Aldershot, N.S. Although we lack the size and traditions of the original Black Watch P&D, those we performed for were very grateful of our performances, bringing them back to the days when they were proud young soldiers of the Black Watch.

We were made to feel welcome from the moment we stepped off the bus until the time we left. The entire weekend, for some, was a trip to the past, running into some of the men responsible for shaping a large number of soldiers who still serve today.

The weekend began for us the evening of the 29th when we put on an impromptu performance at the mess before any of the official activities began. We were very well received and the crowd of ex-Black Watch soldiers and their wives were very appreciative.

The following morning, at the request of some, we played reveille through the camp grounds. Expecting a hail of combat boots and curses, we were pleasantly surprised to be greeted with cheers, applause and video cameras.

We then began preparing for the street parade to follow that afternoon. The parade include all the former members of the Black Watch, formed up sharply in two guards, a colour party, and a fair sized masses Pipes and Drums. The parade marched a short circular route through the city of Kentville and a large number of people turned out to watch. As the parade neared the end, Black Bear was played and the rowdy response would have made any RSM proud !

That completed, we changed into full dress & awaited that night's performance. I would venture to say that 2RCR P&D has never received such a heartfelt reception and we did when we marched into that reception hall playing ! The highland dancers (Cpl. Rob Kraft, Cpl. Renee Hudon, Cpl. Mark Heagle, and Cpl. Chris Racine) performed the Dance of the Argyle Broadsword flawlessly and were rewarded with a standing ovation for their efforts as they marched off.

2RCR P&D  on parade, CFB Gagetown 1994

After our set we talked with the former Black Watch members, had a few soft drinks and listened to war stories. All in all, it was a very enjoyable weekend, worthy of the four day weekend sacrificed for us to be there.

On a personal note, I was very happy to have run into MWO (ret'd) Terry Seaver, who I consider to be the finest CSM that I ever served under . He is now serving with The Governor General's Foot Guards and wanted to say hi to all former P Coy, 3RCR members scattered about the Regiment.

2RCR P&D are now scrambling to prepare for The Spirit of Victory Tattoo in Fort Monroe, Virginia, for which we will depart 04 Sept '97.



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