miscelaneous pix 2
The best hair Award
goes to BadBaby - hehehe
 how to kill the 5 furys in 1 round ;p
Combat begins!
Fury mumbles 'Atersis nelahar!' under her breath.

 Fury gains combat shift enchantment! (x5)
Fury mumbles 'Atersis nelahar!' under her breath. (x5)
Cynic's Orb of Holding glows for a moment.
Fury held for 5 rounds!
DocE mumbles 'Tak eros nothrahk!' under his breath.
Fury loses 815HP! Fury is hurt badly!  Fury loses 508HP! Fury is hurt!  Fury loses 520HP! Fury is hurt!  Fury loses 681HP! Fury is hurt badly!  Fury loses 335HP! Fury is hurt!
MsFields says 'Dalterahk!', pointing at Fury.
Fury loses 692HP! Fury dies.  Fury loses 848HP! Fury is about to die!  Fury loses 274HP! Fury is hurt badly!  Fury loses 550HP! Fury is about to die!  Fury loses 931HP! Fury dies.
<= etc..
Murcury mumbles 'Alini ehm ahnious palon!' under his breath.
Nothing happens.
You just gained 869 experience points.
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