Webcam Fun
You just never seem to learn lol. Here you will find pictures of my friends I think they would rather not have up here lol. Yeh so when people put up their webcam at random times i will press the lil print screen button and save the image - i do it alot. look at mr moran on cam or jen does lanzerotte lmao.
This is Stu aka Mr Toots bein random on cam lol. pic 1 is of the 'friendship' sign we do to b random lol.....yeh....*losers* lmao......pic 2 is one of many signs i hold up to the cam lol and the last pic is stus attempt of bein a piedo - you dont need to try you ARE!
<----      rick       --->

<---- Joe

rick prankin "someone" *cough* ant *cough* lol

<---rick smiling bless!

rick sign which is back to front ------>
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