Definitians of.... BACK
A Scally is a low life loser who lacks the basic information to string  togther sentances of more than five words long.This prevents them from taking up the only job they are qualified for as they cant say "do you want fries with that"
To make up for their shortcomings they  they wear a uniform of fake designer gear and hang around on the streets looking for things to rob. The ultimate outfit is anything by Lacoste "cos its cool laaa". They normally only own one tracky and their single mothers dont know how to clean it so they are a bit grimy and stink.
Once a person has succumed to scallydom there is no saving them and they are doomed to spend the rest of their lives hanging round street corners with their loses drinking cheap cider and 25 lager.
To rebel against their sad lot in life scallies actully create a perverse sense of pride in belonging to the group and attempt to 'out scally' the other members to gain approval.


"is that a dog turd over there or a scally taking a rest?"

Mini Mosher:
a mini mosher is a ten to thirteen year old youth who beleives that they are being special/diffrent by dressing the same as the mainstream rock bands they listen to such as evanescense and they buy their CDS from tesco.

Terms Mini Moshers Use:
"do u like my key chain, it makes me look ded hard!"
"lets mosh to evanesense they rock, dont mess ma hair up tho, my mummy did it"
"fucken dirty townies everywhere" - yesh lil mini moshers, sad fact bt is tru, you yourself in 6mths time will become one yourself

basically a fucken bellend or cunt. They all talk the same. All walk the same. All wear the same. And shag the same bird. They are identified by their dress code: reebock classics, addidas poppers, blue shirt seyin england or nicholson across it, and a fake burberry cap at a po degree angle. This is a harsh generalisation but so accurate. other names for a pikey - lout, chav, gippo, townie

term used in birmingham to describe moshers/goths. generally used by pikeys and trendies in disgust
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