hmmm. it seems you have stumbled upon a very old + forgotten site. =/ yeah, peach fuzz is gone, cause i realized i don't even like wedding peach. + the layout was very pink + girly, not me at all. just overall... old. soooooo. sorry. i see that people have signed the guestbook, that is surprising... forgive me ;_; sniff. ah well. I's got other pages, though, if you wanna take a gander. or... something.

bluberry pi
my art/personal site. currently being renovated. =/ god, i'm such a procrastinator.

the deadjournal
journal, where i rant + rave. or just talk about my boring life. + also the occasional bouts of depression. what am i saying, occasional? but you don't have to put up with all that, this is my slightly happy journal. slightly.

the ujournal
a journal i do with sharon. this journal is very happy. we are funny. i think. also it has pretty colors, + a spiffy icon i made. wheeeeeeeee.

e-mail me. + stuff.

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