An example on how ambergris looks like.
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Liu Yu ; Si shi ki of Ch�ang Te (1259)
(Record of Ch�ang Te�s Embassy to the Regions in the West.)

Taken from :  Routledge ; Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources: Trubner's Oriental Series

Ch'ang Te : Envoy from Mongol Khan Mongke to his brother Hulegu.
Note ; none of the products  mentioned below come only from East-Africa. But as they come from the western sea (Indian ocean); and as the envoy visited Persia; we can deduct that on these imports into china from Persia are also included the civet, coral, ambergris, rhino horn,.. which the Persians exported from east Africa.

The wolves in those countries have also manes.
The k�ung ts�io (peacocks) of the western countries are like the peacocks represented in our paintings, only they have the tail covered by the wings. But every day at noon the tail opens like a splendid green screen.
There are also hiang mao (fragrant cats)(the Viverra civetta in Africa, and V. zibetha in mostly India) resembling our t�u pao. Their excrements and urine are fragrant like musk.
There are variegated parrots.
Feng t�o (wind-footed-camels or fast camel) are used for dispatching couriers. They make a thousand li in one day. But there are also pigeons which also transmit news to a distance of a thousand li in one day.
Shan-hu (corals) grow in the south-western sea. They are taken with iron nets. Some of them are three feet high.
The lan-chi is found in the rocks of the mountains in south-western countries. There is also the ya-sze, of five colors, which fetches a very high price.
The kin kang tsuan (diamonds) come from Yin du (Hindustan). The people take flesh and throw it into the great valleys (of the mountains). Then birds come and eat this flesh, after which diamonds are found in their excrements.
The sa-ba-rh (sahabiri or ambergris) is a product of the western sea. It is the essence of the tortoise-shell. The Kiao yu (scaly dragon = crocodile) eat the tortoise and then vomit. In a year the vomited substance hardens. (that is the sa-ba-rh). The price of it equals that of gold. It is adulterated with rhinoceros excrements.
The gu-du-si (horn of rhino) is the horn of a large serpent. It has the property of neutralizing poison. 
The lung chung ma (dragon horses) are found in the western sea. They are provided with scales and horns. People do not allow mares with colts to graze near (the sea-shores). The colts are drawn into the sea, and do not come back.
There is also a black eagle (ts�ao tiao). It lays only three eggs in one brood. From one of these eggs a dog comes out; it is of a gray color and shored haired. It follows the shadow of its mother (when she flies). In hunting game it is always successful.

Note: Authors and books giving evidence of civet-musk being exported from East Africa;
Jahiz, Cowar el-aqalim, Fei Shin; Battuta
For coral :  Wang Dayuan
Ambergris: Tuan Ch�eng Shih, Buzurg, Chou Ch�u Kua, Marco Polo, Wang Dayuan, Ming Shi, Fei Shin, Columbus.
Rhino horn: Abu Zaid al Hasan, Masudi, Idris, Chou Ch�u Fei, Chao Yu Kua, Tuo Tuo, Cowar el aqalim, Ming Shi, Taizong Shi Lu, Ma Huan, Fei Shin
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