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Unknown: a letter (1198) written from Aden

Taken from Goitein: Letters of Medieval Jewish Traders

only part of the letter is given

Prices in Aden
Pepper, a sack-sold for 52, later went down to 45
Cinnamon, a sack-45
Brazilwood obtained different prices:
Good Amiri, a sack-18
Middle quality-16
End pieces (tr'f), a sack-16
The long variety, a sack-18
Indian indigo, a piece-70 din
Clove-not to be had; the mediocre-45
.. ..
Celantine-not to be had
New camphor-8.5 a mann
The odoriferous woods are of middle quality and expensive.
The price of copper was-
Copper in fragments, first-72, later-85
in bars-70; later it attained 90
Antimony (kohl) of Salwadh, a sack-17
of Madrid, a sack-25
The gray perfume, a sack-
Cinnabar- 10 (mann) 17
Please take notice of this, my lord.
Camphor crystals
Ceylon cinnamom bark
Cinnabar mercury cristal
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