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Chang-Te-Hsiang (compiler) Sung Hui-yao (Essentials of the Sung dynasty history)(11th-13th Century)

Taken from: Paul Wheatley; Geographical notes on some commodities involved in Sung maritime trade

In 1017 lung-hsien occurs in the section on diplomatic affairs as an import into China
In 1156, a lump weighing thirty-six chin was brought from Sri Vijaya
In 1178, a lumb of twenty-three liang was brought from Sri Vijaya .
In 1071 the unidentified district of Wu-hsun, seemingly in Arabia, and Ts'eng-t'an (Zanzibar) contributed unspecified quantities.
In 1133 and 1141 ambergris featured in a customs schedule.

Note: All authors agree that the Chinese only got to know Ambergris through the Arabs and that they were unaware that the substance was also found on their own coast. The Arabs collected Ambergris on all Indian Ocean coasts (including East-Africa); but the importance of early texts pointing to Ambergris in China is also that we have mentions of  black people arriving in China at the same time as the Ambergris; the Arabs were also importing black slaves, (who might also have come from South East Asia and / or Africa)
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