Country Info



Getting around Mauritania can also prove to be a challenging part of living in and visiting the country. Taxis brousses are the main means for traveling between towns and often entail squeezing into a Peugeot 504 with eight or nine other people (sometimes one person sits to the left of the driver!) or sitting on top of luggage in the back of a pickup truck with 20 other people and rumbling along sandy roads through the desert. Some regional capitals offer plane service to and from Nouakchott that is both affordable and fairly reliable and safe.

Air Lines that serve Mauritania

Air Mauritania - This link does not always work, and when it does, the information is not necessarily correct. Best bet is to call the airline at 525 27 21 / 525 22 11 / 525 22 18.

Air France - 525 18 02 / 525 18 08

Royal Air Morac - 525 35 64

Air Senegal International

Air Senegal - 525 05 84

CMTA - Compagnie Mauritanienne des Transports -- 525 12 37

Air Algerie - 525 20 59 / 525 44 04

Tunis Air - 525 87 62 / 525 87 63



Embassies in Nouakchott

Algerian   525 35 69 / 525 40 07
Chinese 525 20 70
Congolese 525 28 36 / 525 28 42
Egyptian 525 21 92 / 525 48 01
European Union 525 27 24 or 32
French 525 17 40 / 45 or 57
French Cultural Center 525 25 46
German 525 10 32 / 525 17 29
Israeli 525 46 10 / 648 00 69
Kuwaiti 525 40 01 / 525 41 11
Malian 525 40 78 / 525 40 81
Moroccan 525 14 11
Nigerian 525 57 54
Palestinian 525 39 93
Qatari 525 15 62 / 525 23 99
Russian 525 22 72 / 525 19 73
Saudi Arabian 525 26 33 / 525 16 69
Senegalese 525 72 90
Spanish 525 20 80 / 525 25 79
Syrian 525 27 54
Tunisian 525 28 71
United Arab Emirates 525 09 30
Yemeni 525 55 91


Mauritanian Search Engine


-- Disclaimer: The content of this web site is a project of the volunteers in Mauritania and does not reflect any official position of Peace Corps or the U.S. government. --
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