Multiple Synchronization System

Till now keeps the PCSync unit in of sync with only one PC dossier. That is executed the modifications automatically on the match of items in another machine at data communication, but only in the one PC dossier.

At synchronization with additional PC dossier the modified item came to the another machine as a new item. Therefore the two PC users could have kept the dataitems in of sync with only one PC.

The MSS came into being to solution of this problem. It already supports the unit keeping in of sync with two or more PC dossier. This possibility opens ground for countless practical solution in the case of both the old and the new PV unit:

   By use of MSS:      ...etc.

The MSS does not require plus work for you during synchronization, it activates oneself full automatically and it works in background if you synchronize the unit with another PC dossier too.

The MSS quicker and occupies less memory in case of much dataitem as the multiple synchronization system of the manufactured software which include the newer unit kit. (In case of thousands of items use only the per thousand unit memory part as the different softwares.)

The MSS works with older type PV units too, which not yet include the separate hidden register for the Multiple Sync tables. The MSS not reserve the one complete register for MS table in these old units as the different softwares, but it hides the MS table to the dataitems of the register in the not visible manner.

The MSS  - in contrast with other systems -  supports the synchronization of more units to the one PC dossier. These PV units can be different types and can be in the multiple synchs with other PC dossiers.

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