This is my site for Adult Nursing Relationship information and support.
This Web Site is presented to provide information and support to consenting adult couples interested in an An Adult Nursing Relationship. An Adult Nursing Relationship means that a woman offers her breasts to her partner on a regular, on-going basis. The main purpose in this is the deep emotional bonding that nursing provides. An added bonus to this relationship is that a woman can produce milk even if she has never been pregnant. Methods to induce lactation, the production of breastmilk, will be presented here.

There is a lot of information presented on the site as well as many off site links. Many of these links are sites related to breastfeeding a baby or inducing lactation for adoption and not to sites related to Adult Nursing. While visiting any of these sites not related to Adult Nursing you should not bring up Adult Nursing to anyone there. Doing so may cause them to ask me to remove their link from this site. I want to present all the information I can and do not want to lose any off site links. You will have to change some of the information provided on these other web sites to work for an Adult Nursing Relationship. You may contact me or join one of my Adult Nursing Relationship groups to ask questions not answered here.

This may or may not involve breastmilk. It is possible for a woman to produce breastmilk without having been pregnant before. The process to start production of breastmilk is called Inducing Lactation. Women that can't or never have had a baby can induce for adopting a baby.

Actually the milk is a bonus part of Adult Nursing Relationships. It is so relaxing to settle down with a partner to a nursing session. Couples report a deep emotional bonding from these sessions. An Adult Nursing Relationship is a big commitment on the part of both partners. You have to remember that you cannot skip a nursing session or the woman's breasts will become engorged. Engorgement can be very painful for the woman and cannot be used as punsishment for the woman if the partner is mad at her

That is why the most effective method to induce lactation for an Adult Nursing Relationship is to have a parnter nurse from the woman's breasts. The next most effective method is manual stimulation or massaging the breasts. The Marmet Technique is one woman's method. The least effective method is to use a breast pump. You need to set up a schedule to follow every day. You should be able to closely follow this schedule in terms on the number of sessions, the time of each session, and the length of each session. You may choose any of the three stimulation methods for each session.


How do you induce lactation? You increase the levels of prolactin by stimulating the breasts. The best stimulation is simulating a baby nursing. Followed by manual stimulation and then a breast pump.

For interactive information on Adult Nursing Relationships there are email lists and chat rooms. On Yahoo and MSN I have some groups and communities. For a list of over 100 related groups on Yahoo and MSN click here. Some are for personal ads and others are for information and support. Information and Support Groups do not allow asking for partners in the messages. This is to keep it "Female Friendly" or free of personal ads and a good source of information and support.


There is one group on Yahoo that is more established than mine that I recommend. It has 3 regularly scheduled chats each week. The Society of Nursing Couples is a Yahoo Group for information and support related to inducing lactation and adult breastfeeding relationships. To remain "Female Friendly" the group does not allow messages asking for partners. The group has chats each week on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. There is a lot of information to be read in the group web pages as well.

For a method to induce lactation developed by a Doctor and Lactation Consultant goto:

Newman-Goldfarb Protocols to Induce Lactation


Information on herbs to help induce lacatation can be found at


For instructions on how to manually stimulate breasts and express breastmilk goto:

Marmet Technique to Induce Lacatation


Domperidone Manufacturer Handout

Some of the Breast Pumps Available


For questions or comments
e-mail me.




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