Is a Ferret the Right Pet for You?

You've seen ferrets, and you think they may fit into your lifestyle just right. You like their curious nature, their enthusiasm for life, their Houdini-like cage escapes... Well, that's a good start!

We always recommend that you research a new pet choice THOROUGHLY before actually bringing one home. With a ferret, this might include talking to breeders, people who own ferrets, people who show ferrets, local ferret rescue groups... and one that I consider possibly the MOST important - a local veterinarian who is knowledgable in ferret care!

Not every veterinary clinic will treat ferrets. Some may charge more than regular cats and dogs for exams and vaccinations.

Ask lots of questions and determine whether your family, your house and your finances are ready for the ferret commitment. You must also make sure that they are legal to keep as pets where you live.

Click on the button below to go to a wonderful Ferret Ownership Quiz that will help you evaluate whether a ferret is the right pet for you!

Special thanks to my friend, Nancy, who designed this quiz!

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