Photo Journal

Written Journal

Note to myself when I feel depressed - at eof


14:30 - in the library in Temuco

Nov 4

Today I went to the Alliance Fracais for the first time. It was 2 minutes from the place I slept last night.



Had a very intersting chat with Ferando. First, he offered me a chain and a lock for my bike since I didn't have one. He said that they were prepared for people to come with expensive bikes, for example the children of diplomats, so they started offering to loan the chain and lock. It was a nice reminder of how the French think and how nice I usually feel when I am around French people or in a country with French influence, like Belgium, Quebec, Tunesia, Morocco.

He has had a lot of life experiences like mine, including depression. He lost his best friend to suicide when he was about 16. He is quite a philosopher now.

I told him about Alfie Kohn and the problems with punishment and reward. He told me that the reason not to kill yourself was because you would go to hell. I told him I don't believe in hell, or punishments and rewards.


I also told him what works for me when I am depressed. 1. Doing exactlhy what I want to do for as long as I want to do it. 2. Talking to someone who shows me empathy and understanding.

He plays the guitar at night on busses to earn some extra money. I offered to help him play in hostels. So today I will go to some hostels to ask if they would give him a chance to play.


Payasos sin frontera



In the library I met Dennis who works there, and Rosanna who was using the computer and told me about her daughter in Spain and showed me a picture of her. Then she came to talk to me some more and sat down at the table to keep talking while I was trying to work. I suspected that she lives in a refugio based on her need to talk and the way she looked. I could be wrong of course.

Now it is 3pm and I am working on my support group page.


met H from Norway. He said he felt inspired by me. Roberto told me he wants to help with book.