Alfred (Alf) George W.WITTS
Bungarby NSW 4 Children - Beth Middleton- (d: England) George- Thomas- Ian Wife 2 Clara Alberta GALE Notes by John Gordon Witts Alf - Overseer on Mt. Cooper Station Monara- at 18 yr. 1877 Broke Brumbies for the Light Horse- Sold at Liverpool (Boar War ) Drove Cattle from the Gulf to Melbourne a
number of times Owned and/or leased land in Ciandra Area Lived in later years at Euralah- (1927) and
Landsdown- Collarenebry NSW (1928-1931) owned by Arthur Witts- then “Maxeen
No. 4 Barnhill Rd. Terrigal- owned by Una Witts Graphics will take a few minutes to load| \|/ V |