Paulina Wdowiak

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Information about myself:

NamePaulina Wdowiak
Address355 Maple St. Palatine IL 60007
Phone/FAX847 202 3258/ 847 505 9639

You can sent me letter

Educational background:

Previous experience and/or job experience:

Background information other than in the other questions.

What type of job you are hoping to receive after graduation?

Since I study business management, I plan to be a manager either in an office setting or a hotel.

My short term and long term goals/objectives

My short term goal is to attend the graduate school and receive a master’s degree in business related subject. My long term goal is to be a successful manager or possibly a CEO of a hotel/ dental related company.

My personal interests and/or hobbies

Outside the workplace, I enjoy any outdoor activities. I like to run, bike, ski and play volleyball.

Languages, that you know or understand and proficiency level with the language


Technology that you have used, are familiar with and your proficiency level with the software.

Contact information: Paulina Wdowiak

Copyright © April, 2015