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Also, he smeared his weapons in the juice of the kneblasch root, whose garlic stink would bring about a partial paralysis in any vampire, causing endless vomiting and a general nervous disorder lasting for days.
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There must be a closed-circuit camera in the trees somewhere behind. You want to help, Muldoon said, you can break out those canisters by your feet.
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His eyes were a dull black. What is it you want, Volkov? ''If you have to ask the question, you still have a ways to go. Mars held Irina down with one massive forearm, pressed the muzzle of his gun into her mouth.
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No, it couldn t, Sherlock Holmes. Then who? You. Only you, esteemed Brother-in-law. What? You heard me. Everything was happening so fast I probably forgot Tannenbaum s name anyway, and if I remembered it, I certainly wasn t going to advertise it.
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Purely? I dont understand. It was Niko who broke the pairbond, not- This is not about Niko. It's about Jihan. Oh. Oh. Randal slipped out from under the Riddler's arm, its weight suddenly unbearable.
Scobie gnawed his lip before he could tell her Okay, I admit it, a main reason I volunteered for this trip was I'd lost out in a love affair on Earth.
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