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When frogs fell from the sky, Straton prognosticated, such would be the case. They'd done some good there they'd conscripted Wrigglies and deputized fishermen and bullied the garrison duty officer into sending some of his men out with the long boats and Beysib dinghies and slave-powered tenders which searched shoals and coastline injury for survivors. Mustangbabes.
I'd almost forgotten you'd asked. There wasn't anything about it in the dispatches from headquarters. I'm afraid you find us not properly prepared to greet you, Reverend Ayres.
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A Grolim stumbled back, plucking at the dagger hilt protruding from his chest, missed his footing, and fell heavily backward down the stairway. I always keep a bit for contingencies, Sadi replied, ducking under a sword swipe and deftly slicing a Grolim across the belly with his poisoned dagger.
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