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That's for two reasons. First, the beam's effective area is the entire body, even an extremity. You can catch your target in the foot and still gain the desired effect.
It's a fabric of lies, Cathy old girl, Ian had said. For what purpose, I cant fathom. My source is legitimate, old darling. What do you smell?
I mean, if they did they could use it to pressure Neal to vote their way . . cars . He looked up at her. Diane I'm one of those Penta- gon people. But you're his friend.
And while the Colonel understood better than any Westerner in Japan the importance of the maintenance of its traditions, its heritage, knowing that without those things the country would disintegrate, yet he also understood that the kind of traditionalism that Satsugai represented was as evil and self-serving as anything in Japan could be.
A ripple of worry surged through his gut. It was worse than that. These women didn't really understand what he was asking Kahlan to do. He was not asking a queen to surrender her land he was asking the Mother Confessor to surrender all of the Midlands.
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How? asked Nicholas. It's the hardest part. But if two or three of us can work our way up there, bare-handed, we have enough rope to lower down a line from the cliffs to the top of the ledge and pull up those who need help.
.. INT. OPS ROOM The simulation of Rodina on Jackson's screen is surrounded by an expanding blue sphere. The sphere stops expanding. The simulation blurs into digital stati c, fades as the sphere begins to contract.
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Maybe that s them now. Go out on to the patio and get some air. Chain yourself to the railing and beat yourself up a little, I m pushed for time myself.
He looked at Borric and lowered his voice. As I said, it was expected Erland would take the crown. But when the crown was presented to him, he refused, conceding the claim to Rodric.
In fact, the priest said amiably, a mutual acquaintance of ours-the highest authority consumer reports car in these matters, as it were-assures me that your curse is, shall we say, all in your mind.
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The road narrowed into a trail that struggled to remain above the black water, making it necessary to slow the horses for fear they would break a leg on the roots.
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