Stag Derby Keep

Roy "String King" Bingham

No morning feed.
Spar and select stags, wipe heads and inside mouth with witch hazel. Do NOT trim feathers unless you know the derby will accept stags with feathers trimmed. Some do not.

Mix five tablespoons taxatine Epsom salts in one quart of water. No more than ten dips per stag.

Work will be 10 runs, 15 fly's and rub down up to 3 days before fight, morning and night.

Morning and night feed will be 2 tablespoons, heaping, for each stag, of the following mixture:

2 cups hen scratch
2 cups wild bird seed
1 cup whole corn
3 whole raw eggs
Mix and stir, let set and dry at least
10 hours before each feeding.

Place stags in sun coops or scratch pens at least 2 hours each day.

Five days before fight spar again. Select best stags for derby, wash face and inside mouth with witch hazel.

Three days before fight at night, (Friday) if you on Sunday, give stags orange juice in place of water after feeding. Also Saturday morning after feeding.

Place stags in dark stalls Friday night and rest until fight Sunday morning.

Give 2 dips water after Saturday night feed. Also give one gelatin capsule to each stag after Saturday night feed.

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