Cook Main Page / Cook Bible Records / Joseph P. Cooke / Susan Moss Cooke descendants chart

At the top of the page: Ma is 56 year old today May 1, 1885. Pa gave her 5 cents.


Susan M. Cooke was born on the 1day of may 1829 (d/o Joseph P. Cooke - Carla’s)

Columbus McDaniel was born on the 12th of May 1841. (Bro. of Eli McD)

Eliza Jane McDaniel was born on the 8th of March 1850

Elijah Luther McDaniel was born on the 18th of October 1851 (Carla’s)

Joseph Wesley McDaniel was born on the 17th of March 1853

Pernecia Eleanor McDaniel was born on the 23 of May 1854

James Lafayette McDaniel was born on the 10th day of August 1855

Laura Elizabeth McDaniel was born on the 27th day of December 1857

Malica May McDaniel was born on the 25 day of November 1860

Emily Francis McDaniel was born on 30 day of October 1864

Ida Lula McDaniel was born July the 19th 1869

Daniel Webster McDaniel was born on the 26 February 1872

Mary M. Long (No information)

Elijah McDaniel was born in the year 1820 July the 4th (Bro. of Eli McD)

Eli McDaniel was born June 15 1822 (Carla’s)

Polly A. McDaniel was born June the 4 1832 (Sister of Eli McD)

Eraswith D. Harrison was born August 3d 1867 (s/o Eliza Jane)

Hattie H. Harrison was born May the 28, 1869 (d/o Eliza Jane)


Pernecia Eleanor McDaniel departed this life on the 17th of September 1854

Mary An McDaniel departed this life on 19 of August 1863

Emily Francis McDaniel departed this life on the 28 day of September 1865

Elijah Luther McDaniel departed this life on November 23, 1886

Joseph Wesley McDaniel departed this life on October 18 1908

Susan M. McDaniel departed this life on the 9 day of May 1892 (Carla’s)

Eli McDaniel died February 11 1898 being 75 yr 7 mon 26 da (Carla’s)

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