Photos, videos, and maps of my cities. A list of mods will be provided soon.


Tupac city

Located on the scenic west coast, Tupac city bustles.
Unfortunately after the construction of Tupac International Airport in 2040, a plane headed off to New York suffered catastrophic engine failure. This caused plane to "drop" from the sky, into the eastern woodlands below. As soon as the plane hit the ground, it burst into flames. Everyone on board perished in the blaze. Slowly the blaze spread trough the uninhabited Tupac Region.

It wasn't until a month after citizens began to smell the smoke that authorities attempted to battle the fire. They were too late. Most of the outer woodlands had been engulfed, and the low lying suburbs had been incinerated

The complete eastern area had been incinerated.the population feared for their lives as the fire spread to the downtown and industrial areas.

Nearly 90% of the city and surrounding area became charred, all that remained was the stadium and south district.

South district was divided by a river that flowed from the mountians lake. This kept the blaze at bay for several days. The district still received power from the hydro dam.

But the inferno found a way through the mountains and wiped out the last remaining area buildings.


Rebuild began shortly after, starting with construction of a nuclear power plant. Tupac city was looking for the better until a small fire left from the previous blaze destroyed the power plant and caused a meltdown, setting fire to the city twice.