Mitosis: the reproduction of cells


1.      Where do cells come from?

2.      What must happen for life to continue?

3.      What is nuclear division resulting in two new, identical cells?

4.      What codes for our genetic characteristics?

5.      What is coiled DNA?

6.      How many chromosomes are in humans?

7.      How many chromosomes are in fruit flies?

8.      What must happen before a cell can divide?

9.      What attaches a chromosome?

10.  What are the two strands held together by a centromere?

11.  What are the four periods of the cell cycle?

12.  When does interphase begin?

13.  What happens during the G1 phase?

14.  What period is necessary if the cell is to divide?

15.  What happens during the S phase?

16.  What happens during the G2 phase?

17.  What governs the time for cell reproduction?

18.  Do all cells divide?

19.  What happens during prophase?

20.  What helps shape the mitotic apparatus?

21.  What is another name for chromosomal fibers?

22.  What happens during metaphase?

23.  What happens during anaphase?

24.  What happens during telophase?

25.  What is cytokinesis?

26.  What elongates the cell after telophase?

27.  What forms to pinch the two animal cells apart?




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