Meiosis Video Questions

1. Meiosis is a process that allows for genetic ______.

2. Are members of the same species identical?

3. What type of cell does mitosis occur in?

4. Give an example of a somatic cell.

5. What type of cell does meiosis occur in?

6. What is the end result of mitosis?

7. What is the end result of meiosis?

8. What are the two gametes in humans?

9. How many chromosomes do gametes have?

10. Are gametes haploid or diploid?

11. What is formed when a sperm fertilizes an egg?

12. In fertilization, the _____egg joins with the haploid ______ to form the _____ zygote.

13. What do homologous chromosomes have in common?

14. What are the sex chromosomes of a male?

15. What are the sex chromosomes of a female?

16. How many nuclear divisions are involved in mitosis?

17. How many nuclear divisions are involved in meiosis?

18. How many daughter cells result from mitosis?

19. How many daughter cells result from meiosis?

20. What unique things occur in prophase I?

21. How does genetic variation occur in meiosis?

22. What happens during metaphase I?

23. What happens during anaphase I?

24. What is the final stage of meiosis I?

25. What happens during cytokinesis?

26. When does cytokinesis occur?

27. What is the result of meiosis I?

28. What is the second nuclear division of reproductive cells?

29. What happens during prophase II?

30. What happens during metaphase II?

31. What happens during anaphase II?

32. What happens during telophase II?

33. What process concludes meiosis?

34. What are the products of meiotic division?

35. A zygote grows from a single cell to the estimated trillion cells in the body by what process?

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