
Meiosis: reduction division. results in haploid gametes.

Haploid (n): single set of chromosomes

Diploid: (2n): double set of chromosomes

Meiosis I: homologous chromosomes separate

Prophase I

synapsis of homologous chromosomes

crossing over occurs: exchange of genes

Metaphase I

tetrads move to the equator

Anaphase I

homologous chromosomes separate

Telophase I

cytoplasm divides to form 2 haploid daughter cells. sister chromatids are still joined.

Meiosis II: sister chromatids separate

Prophase II

new spindle fibers form

Metaphase II

chromosomes move to equator

Anaphase II

sister chromatids separate and move to poles

Telophase II

nuclei form

Result: four haploid daughter cells, genetically different from each other and parent cell.

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