Biology Links

General information

Biological Principles




Animal Dissections

Cell Biology



Human Biology

Teacher Links

General Information

Biology Links

The Biology Project

USGS Science Links

Biology Topics

Biology Concepts and Connections: an online biology book with text, activities, and quizzes


Fun Health Tools: from Discovery online. Enter your birthdate to find out how many times your heart has beaten and how many breaths you've taken in your lifetime.

 Biological Principles

History of Science: information from Clermont College.

The Scientific Method: information from Clermont College.

Carbon based compounds: information from Clermont College.

Biochemistry: introduction to chemistry for biology.

Lipids: information from Clermont College.

Proteins: information from Clermont College.

Proteins in the Diet: information from Clermont College.

Calorie Counter: enter your ideal weight and lifestyle to find out how many calories you need.

Restaurant Menus: choose a fast food restaurant and a meal to find out nutritional information.

Newton's Apple: information regarding diet and nutrition.


Biomes Links: from Marlborough High School

Mount Saint Helens


Environment Ecosystems

Phosphorus Cycle notes from Cecil Community College

Impact of Phosphorus on Aquatic Life

Nutrients and Eutrophication

Nitrogen Cycle: notes from Cecil Community College

Nitrogen Metabolism and the Kidneys

Ecological Succession and Fire Ecology: information about wild forest fires and their natural place in an ecosystem

Forest patterns and Processes: succession in a forest.

Ecology: information from Clermont College.


The Plant Doctor

Photosynthesis: links about photosynthesis

Photosynthesis animation

Twig Identification Test: on line quiz to identify twigs without leaves.

Photosynthesis: overview with diagrams from Clermont College.

Virtual Chloroplast: explore a chloroplast!


Exploding Turtle


The Electronic Zoo


Earthworm Dissection

Virtual Frog Dissection

Interactive Frog Dissection

Virtual Pig Dissection

Cat Dissection

 Cell Biology

Cell organelles: information from Clermont College.

Osmosis: animation illustrating a red blood cell in hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions.

Cell communication animation

The Virtual Cell Page

Cell and Molecular Biology Online

Cellular Respiration: information from Clermont College.

Mitosis tutorial: from the Biology Project

Mitosis all you ever wanted to know about mitosis, plus animations.

Mitosis animation: see how one cell divides into two.


Translation animation: see the process of translation occurring.




Meiosis pictures: diagrams from Access Excellence that illustrate the process of meiosis.

Meiosis Animation cool animation of meiosis. watch crossing over, meiosis I and meiosis II.

Meiosis: information from Clermont College.

Meiosis Outline: check out the links to the animations of meiosis I and II. they take a little time to load; hit see animation again once the pictures load to see the whole process.

Comparing Meiosis and Mitosis: great animation comparing the two types of cell division. takes a while to load, but well worth it!

Fertilization animation: animation of a sperm fertilizing an egg to produce a diploid zygote.

Genetics: general information about genetics from the Clermont College.

Genetics practice problems: interactive practice problems with answers!! (at least, it tells you if you are right or wrong!!)

Sex Linked traits

Human Genetics


History of Evolutionary Thought

Apologetics Press: searchable site about creation and evolution. Click r&r and scroll down to search. Then type in the topic for which you wish to search.

Talk.Origins Archive: a site exploring the creation-evolution controversy. searchable, with more infomation about evolution than you could possible ever read!!

True.Origins Archive: a creationist answer to Talk.Origins.

Human Biology

Tissues and Organization of the Body

Skeletal System: information from Clermont College.

Muscles: information from Clermont College.

Muscular contraction: animation of a muscle contraction.

Neuromuscular junction: animation of a neuromuscular junction.

Nervous System and Senses: information from Clermont College.

Endocrine System: information from Clermont College.

Circulatory System: information from Clermont College.

Cardiac cycle: animation illustrating the cardiac cycle.

Immune System: information from Clermont College.

Respiratory System: information from Clermont College.

Digestive System: information from Clermont College.

Vitamins: information from Clermont College.

Urinary System: information from Clermont College.

Reproductive System: information from Clermont College.

Reproductive Physiology: information from Clermont College.


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