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23 Skidoo, The Parka Kings
by Jim Schwartz - Chicago Ska

OK, you caught me. This is an old CD--6 years old, to be exact. And The Parka Kings aren't even from Chicago! Well, frankly I went and poked through the CD bins at Reckless Records and the Clubhouse, and I couldn't find *anything* put out recently by any Chicago ska bands. Now, don't get me wrong--there are some albums brewing from a couple Chicago acts, such as Lucky Boys Confusion, or Logan's Loss. But right now... Nothing. If I'm wrong, let me know any I'll be happy to write a review.

So what's wrong with travelling down memory lane? Besides, The Parka Kings' CD 23 Skidoo was released by Chicago's Jump Up! Records, and they played in Chicago a number of times. And they've got an active website run by a former member of the group and a long-time fan, who also happens to follow the Chicago Ska Page. So enough explanation. Now on to the music.

I never saw The Parka Kings play live and I think the only album song I ever heard before this weekend was Juliette from "Bienvenidos".

The Parka Kings play third-wave ska--not too fast, not too slow, not too distorted. This album has some catchy songs. The band featured a pretty standard line-up of three horns, guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard. The music definitely takes me back to the heyday of third-wave ska.

I think my favorite of the bunch is Radio Song, which really isn't a ska song--more of a pop/rock song. But the vocals and horns, which follow a very similar melodic line, are very catchy and I find the urge to sign along though I don't yet know the words. The usual vocalist on the CD is Brett Warren, the guitar player, but Dave Holle on keys takes over for this one. His voice isn't powerful, but very melodic and a little soulful.

Another good song, Confidential, has a nice, bouncy slow part with some quavering vocals that fit the music very nicely. The horns and bass swing just a little biut and make me want to groove.

I think that overall, this CD is a solid starting place. If the CD had just been released, I would say that I think this band has a lot of promise. Since the Parka Kings are already gone, I must say that they had a lot of promise when they put out this CD. Perhaps I'll pick up their next one, Bienvenidos, to see how they delivered.




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