Parka Kings Home


Ballad Ridden

I'll watch you smile
I'll watch you laugh
I'll watch you have an
anxiety attack
I'll watch you sleep
Although you think it's a bore
I'll watch your bad trip
As you writhe on the floor

Still wearing shorts
In the cold snap
You might've got me (let me tell you baby)
But I'll get you back
We'll stay up late
Wait until dawn
I'll puke my guts out
On your neighbors lawn

You'll say your bleeding
I'll ignore you I'm reading
But nothing will change
Because nobody's leaving

I'll watch you smile
I'll watch you scream
See a little of everything inbetween

You'll see me fake
You'll wonder why
I'll watch your plants while your gone
I'll watch them whither and die
You'll be at my door
But you'll take your time
The victim of the crime
Most vicious of crimes (the most vicious of crimes)


Parka Kings Home


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