This is one of the most important parts to this site. I want to say Thank you to all who are listed below If you feel you should be given credit to something on these sites which I have mistakenly overlooked please let me know.

The border, buttons and dividers on my site were from the wonderful She has many great designs and was  very nice to let me use a few.

All the Phantom pictures on this site are copywrite The Really Useful Group and were used only to enjoy and no profit is made on my part because of them.

Thank you to Catherine for the "Signs Your Addicted to Phantom" list. She really did a great job... make sure you let her know.

Lastly I would like to thank all of the wonderful performers who inspired this site - Jeff Hyslop, Michael Crawford, Patti Cohneour, Charlotte Page, Kim Stengel and Magaret Preece. You are all great!

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