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My Bodybuilding Pages is where I have my latest routine, tips and schedules (Updated frequently). It has my latest tips there too! I train mainly for upperbody because for legs doing squats and aggressive inlineskating is sufficient. Ive ditched calve raises altogether (for now) because my calves get a really good workout aggressive inlinesk8ing.

Click here for my 2001 Mega Musclebabes Page with links to babes and other Fbb and bodybuilding sites.

Click here for my 2001 Pure fbb babes gallery page - you wont be disappointed!

Heres what remains of my 1998 gallery (theres more but i have to find where i put them! - Make sure you go to my 2001 gallery at there is no xxx there.)

A lot of ppl cum here using the search string "tips for biceps" so heres a quick tip: warm up with seated dumbell curl (light) then 2 warmup sets of light barbell curls (avoid ezbar curls cos they are for strengh only and ezcurl bars limit the growth of your forearms), do the heaviest set which should be at a weight you can control totally for at least 10 reps (as in back straight and upperbody does not move ie only forearms move and at the top you squeeze hard enuff so your elbows move forward 2 or 3 inches) and cheat 2 reps to get 12, take some weight off and do 2-3 more sets each with sucessively less weight. What you do afterwards depends, I like to follow with concentration curls and hammer curls. I suggest hitting concentration curls before hammer cos if you do it the other way around, you wont have enuff steam (no matter what supplements you take) to put enuff effort in to get more out of the reps.

The key to concentration curls is total control. I only do 2 sets one with my arm pointed out slightly and the other pointed in to hit the bicep at different angles. Concentration curl imo is more effective than preacher curls in terms of getting a better flex.

Hammer curls are best done seated and they round up the look of the biceps/shoulder/forearm connection and you feel orgasmic after one or 2 sets :)

Ok assuming you have been to my Main Bodybuilding page, you would have calculated your one rep max using my online if youve also been to my 2001 tips page at, you would have read my tips on how to make it work for you. What I didnt say, was that I limit the use of the cheating principle to 30 percent of my "period" eg 3 weeks out of 10 weeks, with the other 7 weeks doing the sets slow and controlled. This is very important for biceps growth. You will find actually that staying around 60 percent of your one rep max will provide optimum growth...the cheating is just for strength gains imo. Obviously, when you get stronger you lift heavier, which is why it is essential to factor in strength exercises in your routine. If you train natural and are committed with determination, you should be able to add at least 3 inches to your upperarm in 5 years (cos I did :) Note the more frequently you train the more sleep you should get and no late nites cos your immune system goes down since all resources are going to muscle growth and its very easy to get sick...every year i screw myself this way around autumn when the weather changes and get sick :( I would suggest you have 2 days off each week doing no exercise whatsoever. For abs I would suggest you do NOT train it after doing your arms or legs and have a separate day just for abs. The point is, for muscle growth you have to keep the blood in the muscle as long as possible and if you do abs after training your arms as opposed to having a separate day, you can feel it yourself. Occasionally I warm up doing dumbell bench presses for chest then go to dumbell curls, barbell curls, skull crushers and other arm exercises but id never go to do abs. While some debate the need to train your abs, I would suggest you DO train them..I only train them once a week before "rest day" as many sets as possible within the 12-20 rep range. Youll find if you do sets of 60 the last reps are just a waste of time cos youre cheating and not flexing the ab muscles. The 2 most useful ab exercises (if I had to choose) are 1. Lying on your back with hands under ass and feet in the air and just flexing your abs to make your feet go as high up as possible and 2. arnold crunches. I do other ab exercises but the intensity just isnt there for those exercises. You might not believe this, but it was 3 years into bodybuilding that I actually discovered how to do arnold crunches properly since you need a prerequisite amount of muscle to be able to flex your way up and not rely on cheating. Doing skullcrushers with your feet in the air (knees bent) will help strengthen your upper abdominals (as well as triceps obviously)...for those who train their abs every day, id say they are fucked in the head cos if you try doing it once a week and compare it with doing it every day, you can see that you put more in once a week and get more out of it. Of course you could train it 2 or 3 x a week but that would interfere with other body parts since the abs hold everything in place whether it be doing triceps extensions or chinups...the last thing you want is to feel muscle cramp/fatigue...ok more later

Remember to change the exercises you do so your muscles get hit from different angles eg you can subsitute 1 set for one exercise that you already do 2 sets else since doing 3 sets of the same exercise doesnt always optimise your muscle growth. Eg I do 1 set of light (and I mean light) seated hammer curls (both arms together) after 2 sets of conc curls instead of doing 3 sets of concentration curls. I love hammer curls but you cant lift heavy since your forearm will run out of steam early.and the bicep/forearm muscle wont be working optimally (which is the point of doing hammer curls)

My old tips and stuff

I now train my legs with shoulders because for legs i skate aggressive so with all the jumping and pumping i dont need to train my legs hard with weights. The downside is that when the blood goes to the shoulders your legs dont grow so good but the effect is negligible for me. Its great for warmups ie i use a barbell do 8 sets standing overhead presses and immediately place the bar behind my back and do squats. I then alternate sets of squats with calf raises (when the weight gets heavy so i cant shoulder press). AFter that I do lat arm raises both standing and seated, one arm and both followed by 4 to 5 sets of arnold presses (and some ab work) speaking of which, I dont have to train my abs much because aggressive skating gets them out. I train them 2 to 3 times a week directly doing arnold crunches in the 10 to 20 rep range for a few sets.

For a natural bb, You need to train smarter when you reach intermediate stage to keep on gaining. Supersets and drop sets are the answer to most of your ill tell you about the ones that work for me...

If you train back and biceps on the same day, then this warmup will get you off: onearm dumbell row supersetted with seated 1 arm bicep curl Basically do 8 one arm rows with a lightish weight and sit your ass down grab another weight (of the same weight) with the other hand for balance and curl with the arm you did the rows with for about 8 reps ie not alternating because you want to force blood into your muscle, after all its a warmup. Repeat with other arm and then grab a heavier weight and repeat for 2 sets ie 3 supersets will get your nicely warmed up. (8 reps are best for growth and if you can do more, stop anyway and focus on the heavier sets you do later on with barbells) Ps as a rule, you shouldnt 1 arm row more than you can curl because youll find that youre not using your reardelts/back and using arm strength instead. I usually follow this with 2 sets of standing alternate dumbell curls (with a heavier weight)

After this, youre ready for another superset: bent over barbell row+barbell curl+behind the back shrug I only do one set of this because its just so intense youll feel like you have just cum when youre finished. I do a separte set of bent over row and a superset of barbell curl with behind the back shrug. I find that I shrug best immediately after barbell curls.

After this ill do 2 sets of ezbar curls (with heavier weights) and then sit my ass down and do seated alternating hammer curls in strip sets eg 45 lbs 35lbs 25lbs 20lbs. I try to rest as little as possible between them or split it into 2 strip sets ie 45 and 35, 25 and 20. Hammer curls are ideal for polishing the forearm off (the bent over rows would have helped tear them out if you did them slow) plus the bicep looks better after you do some and you can get much more intensity in this than normal seated curls. Focus on flexing the bicep/forearm at the top (you might want to curl so that your forearm is slightly across your chest to get that outer bicep pumping. After that, you should be tired as hell that you cant even flex your bicep (if you can, then theres something wrong with your intensity/workout). I at the moment follow this with bent over and normal lat raises (my right shoulder blade is injured) and next week ill ditch close grip upright row altogether since its a dangerous exercise as your scapulae are at an awkward angle. Shoulders are best trained doing lat raises with light weights. Then i do 2 sets of wrist curls and call it a day.

My tricep is also injured so no triceps for me, i just do 10 sets of dumbell bench press, pyramiding up and down again followed by dumbell flyes (your chest is sore for 2 days).

Ok heres my latest bicep routine (for strength which i used till i got fucking injured so refer to for my latest routine):
wARMUP Seated alt dumbell curl 1 set of 16 (8 each arm), barbell curl lite for 12 reps.
barbell curl 50% 1 rep max 5-8reps
ditto 60% 1rm @5reps
70% 1rm @ 5 reps
80% 1rm @3-5reps
95% 1rm @ 3 reps
Ezcurl bar at same weight as last set as many reps as possible (usually 1 or 2 more than the straight bar)
standing alt dumbell curl max weight for 6 -8 reps (3-4 each arm)
Hammer curls (both arms together) 75% 1rm @ 3reps and 95%1rm @ 3 reps
3 sets concentration curls @ 8 reps each
3 sets wrist curls (increasing weight each set) 8 reps, 5 reps, 3 reps (last set if can do more than 3 add extra weight and churn out another set)

The EZcurl bar
Most people who dont know how to use it say you shouldnt use it FOR heres how:
You can always do more reps using the ezcurl bar for a given weight compared with the normal barbell. Now eventually as you lift heavier, youll find that either your forearms or traps give way earlier than your biceps. Now if you stand naturally, youll notice that your natural hand position is palms facing inwards so it makes sense that using the ezcurl bar, it places less stress on your forearms. Therefore, when you are stuck in a rut because your forearms cant lift heavy, this is the time to focus on your forearms by churning out 5 sets of wrist curls at the end of your biceps routine while continuing to lift heavy but using the ezbar.

Normally if youre lifting heavy happily, then just add one or 2 sets of ezbar curls at the end after the normal bar, youll be lifting heavier for the same no. of reps. The ezcurl bar is also great for upright row and skull crushers as its better on the wrists. I use both ezcurl bar and normal for my bent over barbell rows. Tonite IM training my sexy calves and obliques. I use the cheapo abthingy you get on tv ads (which someone threw out) because you dont use your hip flexors as much as if you were hanging from a bar. Questions? email [email protected]

Ok to immediately add 10 lbs to your dumbell bench press, stick your knees in the air like youre doing arnold crunches and do the dumbell bench press. Ps some argue you lose balance but i would argue otherwise because if you cant control the weight and let it control you, youre lifting too heavy and wont get a good pump anyway. Also, youve probably noticed a lot of people sticking their feet on the bench when bench pressing. This is because when your lowerback is extended (esp when feet on the ground) it means your abs are in a bad position. by sticking your knees up, this ensures that you arent wasting energy on your abs/lowerback so you can focus 100 percent on the bpress. If you dont believe me, just try it out. If you work out alone, the way to get the heavy dumbells up is to explosively do a bicep curl while seated at edge of bench and then immediately roll back on your back.

If you find your forearms getting tired and your biceps are not getting pumped when doing curls, then you probably are not training your forearms enough. If you have an ez day eg in your lite weight portion of your periodization cycle, hit your forearms hard. For me, if i want to hit my forearms, ill do my back first doing chinups, seated rows, 1arm rows (these really torture the forearms) then followed by wrist curls with the barbell and do drop sets ie heavy followed by a lighter etc.. Just remember, if any part of your body is fatiguing earlier than the muscle group your exercise is supposed to train, that indicates a weakness in that part of your body and you should remedy the weakness by training that weak muscle more.

If you want to look massive and youre like me ie always in shirt and tie or tshirt, a quick fix is to pump your back, traps, shoulders, forearms and triceps. Of course youll train the other body parts esp biceps but if you have to choose because of lack of time in your workout...The traps are the most important because they keep your neck up and helps avoid neck injury. I love training my traps because you can see the result instantaneously. Also when you wear your shirt it looks sensational. I train my traps with shoulders now because I have more time to recover.

There is a trade off between getting super massive and your agility. It is well accepted that to get massive, you dont do any type of aerobic exercise. However, if this is the case, youll be walking around really stiff. I would recommend you do aerobic exercise because it keeps you feeling and looking regular. After all, whats the point of being massive and looking like a dickhead. To keep regular, do sprints. Sprinting will help maintain the explosiveness of the muscles without compromising much size (after all, normal people cant sprint over 800 metres). Skipping and aggressive inlineskating also helps keep you regular (but skipping may cause overtraining of shoulders).

Although back and biceps is good in theory, its better off putting 100 percent into the biceps and do light back, waiting 4 or 5 days and then doing 100 percent back with light biceps. This is because if you work your biceps after your back, you are not hitting the muscle as hard as you could when its fresh (after a warmup). I personally believe, that if you are not on steriods, you shouldnt train related bodyparts more frequently that once every 4 days. Your shoulders are overtrained and there are arguments that you dont need to train them at all ie your front delts get hit by your bench press, biceps curls and your rear delts get hit by rows, side delts get hit by shrugs...but i still train my shoulders once a week for completeness. The best thing for your shoulders is lat raises - I do my bent over ones first 3 sets done really slowly and pausing at top with a light weight (either 15 lbs or 20 lbs) then 3 seated side lat (i do one arm for 10 -12 reps then the other)

Ps my workout is under continuous improvement ie i have never did an identical workout more than 3 times. You can vary the many variables such as rest periods, order of exercises and muscle groups etc. I dont do upright rows anymore because they put your shoulder blades out of alignment and youre better off doing lat raises and shrugs. A fun shoulder workout is dumbell bench press, seated rows/chinups, shrugs and lat raises, overhead dumbell press followed by one arm rows and wrist curls. I find that you are more prone to injury if your elbows move away from the body eg in bent over rows with wide grip.

My Biceps tips
Im now recovering from my shoulder injury. The key to getting the peak in your biceps is lifting light weights. Of course you should regulate your routine so you lift heavy for strength but if you want ripped definition, light is the only way to go. concentration curls are a fundamental exercise to get your biceps peak. A trick I use is right at the bottom when your bicep is fully stretched, curl your wrist slightly back (under your leg). This ensures that you can flex the entire muscle when you flex the next rep. Oh and make sure your bicep fully lengthens before you do the next rep. A lot of people fuck up their gains up by not doing this. YOu should see your inner bicep crawl down your upper arm towards the elbow joint.

Ok heres one to immediately increase your concentration curls by one or 2 reps using the same weight...first of all at the moment im doing biceps twice a week, one heavy day and one lite day. It is on the lite day I do concentration curls. Now after lite barbell curls and various back exercises, I proceed to do 2 sets of curls on an incline bench ( I call them lean forward curls). I lean forward. Depending on your bench, you can either straddle it, or have on leg on ground with other knee placed where your ass usually sits. Rest your chest on the backrest. Use the noncurl arm for support. Youll find doing these extremely kinky as your entire bicep gets really pumped since your upperbody is stabilised and youre relying solely on your bicep/forearm. Start off with your arm dangling and hand in hammercurl like position (you dont want to rotate too much at the bottom). Curl right up flexing as hard as you normally pose and at the top use the front delts to bring your upperarm/elbow forward slightly for the maximum pump. Release/lower as slow as possible feeling the tension thruout. The second set should be done with a lighter weight than the first. Then after that do concentration curls (starting with the same weight as the first set of lean fwd curl) and I guarantee youll feel heaps sensational and get at least 1 extra rep than usual.

On my litebicepday, I end it with 4 sets of 8-10 reps of barbell wrist curls. I rest the back of my forearms on my thighs (as opposed on bench) since its better for your lowerback. The reason why i do them on lite day is because heavy day I do hammer curls which hits the other side of the forearm. Therefore if you do both on the same day, you simply cannot achieve the same level of intensity for both exercises due to the cannibalism effect.

Rest 1 to 2 min between sets and use the same weight for all sets. Your inner forearms should be harder than an erect cock when youre finished.

Oh and the reason why supersetting barbell curls with behind the back barbell shrugs is so effective is because curls use your lowerback whereas the shrugs use your abs, try it!

My bodybuilding history
When I was visiting L.A. as a kid and saw female bodybuilders flexing on ESPN, I thought "wow, if they can do it then so can I. They just turn me on. I started with a cheap 10 lb dumbell when I was 12. I was naturally stronger than the kids in my year because i started skool in hong kong a year late when i went over from new zealand. I lost this advantage in later years so i had to do weights to maintain my competitive advantage because i did throwing events in athletics and for shot putt, the fat dudes kept kicking my ass. Anyway,

I was also inspired by Lou F "the incredible hulk" and Sylvester Stallone "Rambo/Rocky"and Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. I really loved doing close grip chins as the stretch at the bottom was cool, and watching her do it just turned me on!! What I would do to be with someone like her. I could squeeze 5 wide grip chins and 15 close back then and bench the whole machine stack!!! (Read my other page to find out how to improve your chinups) However, at the time I had no methodology ie i went there everyday (even after Taekwondo or athletics) because I had so much energy (unlike now). I was the strongest at skool and could beat anyone in arm wrestles... the toughest was during pe as there was this guy who had the largest forearms you had ever seen proportional to his upper arm. Doing weights gave me confidence and strength. The only downside was clothes. I outgrew clothes so quickly that I ended up buying extra large. I guess it makes me feel good because im achieving something.

However, weights gave me extra strength, and i found it didnt control my aggressive behaviour (btw,i see a shrink about my depression) so I did 2 martial arts simultaneously with weights to help channel off this aggression. I love looking at myself in the mirror and flexing my muscles.

Old Tips to get massive
Eat like a bitch and youll look like one - if you dont eat more calories than you need, you just wont grow. Theres nothing worse than finding yourself starving during a workout and not being able to perform at your max. I eat my junk food during the day before my workout in the evening. You dont have to worry about getting fat because the muscle you gain will increase you overall metabolic weight (providing you dont eat excessive amounts of fatty foods)

After a year or so of building your basic strength and experimenting with different exercises to find which ones work for you, you can increase your upper arm size by an inch per year naturally for at least 3 years before the growth tapers off providing you train every muscle in your body.

If you need help or tips email [email protected]

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