How Friendly Are You?
The Sociability Test

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Sociability may be defined as the disposition or quality of being sociable or fondness of the company of others and is synonymous with being friendly, pleasant, agreeable and affable. The concept of sociability is closely related to the concept of extraversion-introversion. Sociability is said to be one of the characteristics of extraversion, which is the state of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self through human interaction such as social gatherings and the likes.

Although everybody may engage in social interactions, it should also be a possibility that not everybody enjoys it or finds it rewarding. There may be some who prefer or enjoy being with themselves more than being with other people. In the concept of extroversion-introversion, being more in tune with one’s self and being solitary is called introversion. There might also be some extreme cases wherein one is uncongenial and not conducive for social exchange.

Sociability may be an important aspect of the development of personality, especially for children and adolescents. This is because social or peer interactions are said to have a big impact in the development of their identities. The outcome of their interactions with other people could determine how they would define themselves and their worth. In addition, the feelings of acceptance, and agreeability of one person as he or she engages in social activities could help in uplifting their esteem.


  • This test aims to measure the level of sociability of the examinees.
  • It aims to give knowledge about the impact of sociability on the development of personalities.
  • It aims to give the examinees knowledge about their own sociability level so that they may be aware if the kinds of interactions they have with other people and if they need to change their social interaction and approach to other people.

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