The Minecraft Block

Welcome to The Minecraft Block!

Darkness surrounds me everywhere. Noises echo off the walls. I'm out of food and my health is low but I must keep moving forward. I keep walking, looking for any source of light. I turn my head, looking in every direction. Then, a few blocks in front of me, I find light. I walk faster towards it, eager to finally be able to see again. I start to run just to fall into a pit of lava.

The Minecraft Block is home to tutorials, memes, and stories. There are also many facts to help out any of you noobs so you never fall in lava again!

Need build ideas? There are many tutorials you can check out. The Minecraft Block also has memes! There are also stories and comic strips that can entertain you. Need to freshen up on your skills? The Minecraft Block can keep you up to date with the latest facts, tips, and tricks.Content is updated weekly, sometimes even daily! You will find something new each time you come back.