Campus Service Officer Patch 1983-1991

CSO Patch 1983-1991
In 1983 two Campus Service Officers decided to put themselves through the police academy. Because they were going through the academy on their own without being hired by a police agency, they had to purchase their own equipment. So, the District Police assisted them by loaning them some equipment and old uniforms.

By loaning uniforms to the CSO’s, they would not have to purchase uniforms the academy required; however, they needed a patch for the uniform. They could not use an academy patch because the District Police uniform did not match the academy uniform. The District Police uniform at that time was a light blue shirt and dark blue pants with blue strip running down the side of the leg. The academy uniform was all khaki. These two officers needed a patch for their uniform. So with permission from the Police Chief, Paul Wiedemann, they made a patch to wear while attending the academy. Using the current department police patch design at that time, the words “West Valley College District Police” was removed from above the star, and the words “Campus Service Officer” was put in its place.

In 1984, this patch became the patch worn by CSO’s working for the District Police.

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