Aarthi appeared for this

Time Allowed - 1hour 30 min for Q. 1 & 45 min each for Q.2 & 3


1.1 You are given three images in a paper. Use all the three images to complete a human figure in proportion (the top image is a �Bindi� the middle is �Bangles� and the bottom image is �Shoes�)

1.2 (a) You are given an object. Study and analyse the object from the point of
i) Function / use (drawing / sketches and words)
ii) Materials (describe in words)
iii) No. of parts (drawing / sketches and words)
This is to be done in the form of 3-dimensional drawings and sketches.

1.2 (b) Draw the given object in enlarged size showing as much details as observed.

1.3(a) Indicate five distinct uses of the same object other than its original or intended use explaining these uses through sketches and descriptions.
(b) Imagine that object is enlarged twenty times and suggest 5 (five) possible uses of the enlarged object.
(c) Use this object to communicate a relevant message to youth in the form of an illustrated poster with a suitable slogan.
Note: Aarthi was given a plastic hair-clip for this exercise.

2. Using only Triangle, Circle and Square, Represent the following emotions


3. You are provided with a set of coloured papers and two sheets of white paper, one with a grid and the other with only an outer line.

Select a theme from the list given below. Use the coloured papers to make a composition which in your view gives the feeling of the theme you have selected. You can use as many colours as you like.
1. Storm
2. Millennium
3. Birthday celebration
4. Bazar/Market
5. Happiness/Sadness
6. Contrast
7. Stars
8. Night
9. Leaf/Leaves
10. Dance
11. Music
12. Forests
13. Sea
14. Wedding
15. Festival of Colours
Note: Do not cut, fold or tear the coloured squares.
There should be no overlapping.
No square in the grid should be left blank.
Please indicate clearly the theme selected by you.

3 B. Exercise on the paper with the outer line only:
Using the same theme selected by you in the exercise 3A, make a composition which gives the feeling of the theme. You can use as many colours as you like in your composition.
Do not cut or tear the coloured squares but you can overlap or fold in any way you like.
Write overleaf in about 100 words your interpretation of the colours and forms used to convey the theme selected by you. You may write either in English or in Hindi.

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