
Circle of Life 19-20



Chapter 19

"Perhaps you'd like to do this," suggested Michaela, holding the suturing needle out to Anna. Sitting on the examination table was an uncomfortable and sorry Grace, her bloodied hand held out in front of her. Michaela expected the younger doctor to perhaps protest, but she nodded, took the needle assuredly and bent over the relatively minor wound.

"I saw you wash it out," she said quietly. "You're sure there's nothing left in the gash?" Michaela nodded and so Anna began, while Michaela comforted Grace who was grimacing in pain.

Michaela observed the younger doctor carefully. If Sully and Brian were right, she had to try to gauge the woman's expertise and attitudes in a very short space of time. Having Grace come in to the clinic had given her an ideal opportunity to ascertain Anna's attitude to treating all manner of patients. She'd known many doctors in the past who would object to treating a Negro, but Anna hadn't flinched. She'd taken the suturing needle and passed the test with flying colours. She'd shown as much interest in Grace as she had in an earlier, wealthy new arrival bound for the Chateau.

At last Anna straightened and smiled sympathetically at the unhappy patient. "There," she said. "All done ... but you'll have to keep it dry and clean for a few days ..." Grace nodded and then winced again as her hand was bound tightly with a clean, white bandage.

"Thanks Dr Mike ... Dr McLeod ..., she said, holding her hand tenderly against her chest. "Feel kinda stupid ... all these years an' I go cuttin' myself with a carvin' knife ... Can't imagine what Robert E'll say ..." She paused and giggled, her usual happy disposition returning. "Or maybe I can," she said shame-faced. She edged off the table onto the floor.

"Remember what Dr McLeod said ... you must keep it clean Grace," advised Michaela. "We don't want an infection setting in ... You'd better come in here tomorrow afternoon so I can check it hmmm?"

The caf� owner nodded. "I will," she said. Her shining brown eyes met Anna's. "Thanks Dr McLeod," she said with a wide, sincere smile. "Ya did a good job ..." Her tone and smile said a lot more than mere words.

The new doctor acknowledged the sentiment with a nod. "Hope everything goes well with your hand," she said with almost a touch of shyness.

"I got no doubts about that," responded Grace surely. "With *two* doctors lookin' after me ... how could I go wrong!" She started toward the door. "I'll fix ya up later Dr Mike," she said. "You comin' in for lunch?"

"Of course," replied Michaela.

"I better get back ta choppin' those apples for pie then huh?" giggled Grace as she opened the clinic door. "Wouldn' want ya missin' out on your favourite ..." She stepped out onto the porch. "Thanks agin Dr Mike ... Dr McLeod ..."

As the caf� owner bustled away, Michaela was startled to see Loren jump up agitatedly from the porch bench and ask peremptorily, even a touch angrily, "I've bin waitin' for ya Dr Mike ... need to speak with ya ..."

Michaela frowned. "Are you unwell Loren?" she asked with concern, standing back so he could precede her into the clinic.

"No ... it aint that ... but I need ta talk with ya anyways ...," he said. Then upon seeing Anna, he added, "In private ... No offence Dr McLeod ..."

"Of course," said Anna at once. "I'll ... I'll ... perhaps I'll have a cup of coffee at Grace's." She moved immediately to the door.

"Thank-you Anna," said Michaela, her expression apologetic. The younger woman waved her apology away and left.

Michaela at once turned to face her friend and patient. "Would you like to sit down Loren?" she asked, indicating the chair by her desk.

He shook his head, then blurted out angrily, "What's this damn-fool idea Dorothy's got about goin' ta live with indians up north? I'd've never believed it! The winter's comin' ... an' her place is here .."

"She told you," said Michaela calmly.

"Course she told me ... this mornin' ... crazy idea ... I *told* her gettin' mixed up with that indian'd only bring her trouble ..."

"*That* indian is her husband Loren," returned Michaela quietly.

"I know that ... an' he should know better 'an draggin' her all the way up there ... away from everythin' she knows ..."

"She's been up there ... She knows what she's facing ..."

"But she shouldn' have ta ... her home is here ..."

"Her home is with her husband ..."

Loren's eyes narrowed. "You didn' try to talk her out of it did ya? You encouraged her in this daft idea ...," he accused. "I shoulda known ..."

"It wasn't my place to talk her out of it ..."

"That aint stopped ya before ..."

Michaela swallowed, then said in a low tone, "No ... I didn't try to talk her out of it ... but I don't like her going either ... She's my best and closest friend ... and I can only imagine the hardships she faces ..." She paused and bit her lip.

"Then ya shoulda told her .."

"She knows ..."

"Its all Cloud Dancin's fault ... Like I said ... he should know better 'an draggin' her up there ..."

"Cloud Dancing has been through a lot lately ... he's been unwell ... and he's desperately missing his people ... Dorothy knows that and is willing to go with him ...," explained Michaela calmly.

"An' what happens when the same thing happens to her? He gonna pack up an' bring her back here?"

"I'm sure he'll recognise the signs if it does happen ... He's been through it ..."

"So they could end up movin' back and forth ... from here ta there ... for years! What're people gonna think o' that?!"

Michaela shrugged. "People who love them will understand ..."

"And everyone else? Ya know what would happen if folks around here found out they were married ..."

She nodded.

"And what about the Gazette? Dorothy says Brian's gonna run it for a while! He's barely out o' school. You know how I feel about the boy ... but runnin' a paper ... doin' a man's job!"

"Give him a chance ..."

"Don't have much choice do I?" He suddenly slumped into the chair after all. "I been thinkin' about it ever since she told me," he muttered, less anger in his tone. "So much could happen to her Dr Mike ... an' I don' mean just up there ... What if people put two an' two together? ... She wouldn' be made welcome here ... even if she *did* come back ..."

"Sully and I have considered all those things also," rejoined Michaela, moving across to rest her hand comfortingly on his shoulder. "We love her too ..."

"An' ya didn' come up with any more answers 'an me ... right?" he murmured morosely.

She shook her head. "At least ... if we can cover her absence for a while ...," she suggested.

"The longer she's gone ... the more people are gonna wonder ..."

"I know ..."

He stood to face her. "She's special Dr Mike .. You know how I feel about her ... always will ... If somethin' was ta happen to her too ..."

"I know," she returned again, at a loss.  "We'll miss her dreadfully ..."

"An' always be wonderin' if she's alright ..."

"That too ..."

"You don' think she'll change her mind?"

She shook her head. "No," she said with certainty. "She knows how much this means to Cloud Dancing."

"Well ... I hope he realises how much it means for Dorothy too ... It'll mean a lot o' changes in her life ..."

"I'm sure he does ..." She reached out and again rested her hand on his shoulder. "You alright now?" she asked with concern.

He took a deep breath. "I still don' like it," he muttered. "She should know better ... but ... if its what she feels she's gotta do ..."

"It is ..."

"I better go get out some things they might need ... Its gonna be real cold up there soon ..."

She smiled. "Don't forget they'll be on horseback ... they won't be able to take much ..."

He nodded. "I know it ... but I bet she'll want ta write ... so she'll need paper an' pencils ... candles ... extra blankets ...," he itemised. "Maybe some o' that peanut candy she likes ... for the trip ..."

Michaela couldn't resist wrapping her arms around him and drawing him close. "You're a good man Loren Bray," she murmured.

He pulled back and embarrassedly straightened his coat. "Don' go fussin' now ... it aint nothin' ..." He backed toward the door. "Sorry if I held up your next patient," he said crustily. "I'll see ya later ..." He pulled the door open and strode off toward the mercantile.

Michaela watched him go, shaking her head in wonder. For all his gruffness, Loren Bray really was a good man as she'd told him. She smiled as Anna appeared from the direction of the caf� and she beckoned her back inside.

"This is what I'm thinkin' so far," explained Sully, unfurling a large sheet of white paper on which he'd drawn a sketch of a small house. They were standing in the middle of Hank's piece of land on the Colorado Springs Chateau road.

Hank took the sheet from him and examined the drawing carefully. At last, he remarked, "Don' look bad ... the porch is how I pictured ... an' I like the stone steps ..." He lowered the drawing and turned to Sully. "But actually ... I've sorta ... well I've bin thinkin' ... an' I've changed my mind some ..."

Sully's eyebrows rose. "Ya have?" he rejoined in surprise. "You're not gonna build a house now?"

"Oh ... I'm still gonna build alright ... but I had a talk with Myra .. an' well ... my ideas've changed ..."

"How's that?"

Hank shrugged his shoulders. "Well ... Myra's talkin' about maybe not needin' my house no  more ..."

"She gonna stay in that little room at the Chateau?"

"She says no .."

"She gettin' married maybe?" Sully inquired, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Said no ta that too," Hank replied. "Just said somethin' had come up ... Seems she mighta got a better offer ..."

Sully frowned, all manner of unlikely possibilities whirling through his head, but deciding not to speculate any further with Hank, he returned to the subject of the house. "So what're ya gonna do with this piece o' land then?"

"Gonna sell it ..."

"You are!"

"Uh huh ... bought another piece ... other side o' town ... bigger .. It aint so flat an' its got lots o' trees ... No chance o' tappin' inta a hot spring neither ..."

"So you still wanna build a house!?" Sully eyed his oft time adversary with both surprise and interest.

"Yeah ... I do ..."

"What're ya gonna do with it?"

Hank shrugged his shoulders.

Sully's eyes narrowed. "You movin' out o' the saloon? You gonna live in it?" he asked incredulously.

"Maybe not right away ... but a man's gotta think o' these things ..."

Sully shook his head. "Well ... have ta admit ... you've surprised me ... never pictured ya out o' the saloon ..."

Hank's jaw clenched. "Don' go makin' more of it than there is," he said brusquely. "I'm lookin' on it as an investment ... just like the house I was gonna build here .. An' I don' want ya discussin' it with folks in town ... It aint none o' their business ..."

Sully gave him a wry look. "Ever known me ta gossip in town?" he queried.

"No I aint ... an' I don't want ya ta start now ... right?"

"Sure ... What sorta house you thinkin' o' buildin'?"

"I dunno," said Hank warily. "Nothin' too fancy ... but maybe a bit bigger than I was thinkin' for here ..."

Again Sully eyed him thoughtfully. He wished he could see what was going on in the man's mind. At last he said, "You still want me ta build it?"

"Sure I do," answered Hank at once. "Who else would I get?"

Sully shrugged. "Just thought ... if ya want somethin' better ..."

"We might not always see eye ta eye Sully, but I've seen your work ... an' I know good work when I see it ... You still want ta build it?"

"Yeah ... could do with the work," Sully replied. "Well ... if ya want me ta build ... maybe we better go over ta this new bit o' land ... take a look ... an' talk about what you've got in mind huh?"

"Alright by me," said Hank. "If you were a drinkin' man, I'd buy ya a drink at the saloon after ..."

Sully waved the suggestion away. "Ya know what I think o' that idea ..."

"I know .... I know ... Come on ... won't take long ta git over there ..."

Sully nodded and the two men mounted their horses and unhurriedly headed back towards town.

Anna watched in amazement as the entire Sully clan bustled around ensuring that supper arrived at the table hot. Brian was setting the table, assisted by little Katie, though she appeared to be more a hindrance than a help. Sully was busily carving the large, roasted joint, Colleen was removing newly baked biscuits from the oven, Kathleen and Michaela were placing hot vegetables into bowls for the table and Matthew was bringing extra chairs down from upstairs. She'd been embarrassed at first to discover that the supper to which she'd been invited was actually a farewell to Colleen and Andrew who would leave on the train the next day for Pennsylvania. But Michaela had waved her protestations aside. Watching them all, they seemed accustomed to such large gatherings and there was much conversation and laughter while they worked. She jiggled little William on her knee and continued to watch. This was all so new to her. Mary had passed away some six years back and her parents before that. She'd become used to her own company. Of course it had been different for a little while ... She was startled from her reverie by Michaela who approached her and reached for baby William, who, it seemed, would sit up to the table with all of them. She smiled. She liked the informality, the sense of family.

"Mrs O'Connell came ta see me today ma," said Matthew, as he wiped gravy from his chin.

"She did?!" rejoined Michaela, delighted. "I wasn't sure she would ... since I was the one who recommended it ... Will you be able to help her?"

"I'm gonna give it a try ... We're headin' north ... to Rawlins ... early next week ... see if we can work somethin' out with the bank ... She's worried 'bout all their papers burnin' in the fire ..."

"I'm sure you'll be able to work it through ... I'll prepare the death certificate tomorrow ..."

He nodded and forked another generous helping of potato into his mouth.

"So are ya all packed Colleen?" asked Sully.

She nodded. "Nearly ... we seem to have a lot of luggage ... two trunks and two large bags ... then there's our carpetbags," she replied with embarrassment.

"You're going for a long time Colleen," pacified Kathleen. "Of course you're taking a lot with you ..."

"That doesn't even include my medical books," chuckled Andrew. "Mathew's going to send them on separately."

"Oh dear ... it seems so final when you start talking about taking your books," commented Michaela mournfully.

"We'll be back for holidays ma ... as often as we can," said Colleen, resting her hand on Michaela's.

"I know ... We've been through this before ... but I *am* going to miss you ... both of you ...," she returned.

"We all are," added Brian. "Speakin' of which ..." He turned to Anna. "You gonna take Andrew's place at the clinic Dr McLeod?" he asked guilelessly.

"Brian!" exclaimed Michaela.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Figured someone had ta ask ma ...," he explained, lowering his eyes to his plate and shovelling a large forkful of beans into his mouth.

Sully was trying so hard not to laugh he almost choked on a mouthful of roast beef.  Despite this, all eyes turned expectantly to Anna. A gradual flush appeared on her face and she bit her lip. Finally she said, "Um ... I thought ... well ..."

Michaela reached across and laid her hand over the younger woman's. "Ignore them," she said quietly. "It doesn't matter ..."

"Yeah it does Michaela," interjected Sully. "You're the one who's bin worryin' about it for weeks ... Ask her ..."

"But you must have numerous applications Michaela ... I didn't even apply," interjected Anna, obviously perplexed.

This time it was Michaela's turn to blush. At last she said with a wry smile, "Remember you told me things had changed little back east?" Anna nodded, so she continued, "Where would those applications come from hmmm?"

Anna frowned and then it dawned on her. "Back east," she returned. "Do you mean to say they'd forego the opportunity to work out here because they'd have to work with a woman?" she asked incredulously.

"I can't think of any other explanation as to why there have been no inquiries ... can you? The advertisement appeared in the newspapers .... You saw it .."

"Yes I did ... but I ... I ...just assumed ... Its ... its an incredible opportunity ...," she stammered.

Michaela's eyes roamed over all those at the table watching so intently and then she said with a rueful smile, "Well then, while the supper table is not the most appropriate place to conduct business ... Anna, the position is yours if you'd like it ..." Before the astonished doctor could reply, she held up her hand and added, "There are several arrangements we would have to discuss ... and perhaps you still have in mind taking the position in San Francisco ... so I'm not asking for a decision tonight ... Sleep on it ... and we can discuss it in the morning ... alright?" The younger woman nodded mutely, her mind obviously whirling. She managed a whispered "Thank-you" before sitting back in her chair, overwhelmed.

Satisfied that the matter was in hand, a smiling Colleen pushed her chair back from the table, stood, and began collecting dirty plates. "Coffee an' cake in the livin' room ma? Me an' Andrew can't stay too late ... there's still some things ta get done before we leave tomorrow ..."

"Matthew and I'll do that Colleen ... you go sit down with everyone," offered Kathleen nudging her husband and standing also.

"Yes there's no need to be worrying about such things tonight sweetheart," added Michaela. "There are plenty of people here to help ... Perhaps we'll all sit out on the porch hmmm? It's a beautiful evening ..."

Colleen surveyed the so familiar faces all looking at her and nodded, a lump forming in her throat.

As the sun gradually set behind the western hills, tinging the eastern sky before them with vivid pinks and oranges, the family and Anna sat out on the homestead porch, enjoying this time all together.

Colleen placed her coffee cup down and grasped Michaela's hand. "You're right ma ... it is a beautiful evening," she said softly. "I'm gonna try an' remember it just like this so I can call it to mind when we're so far away ..."

Michaela smiled wistfully. "There will be other wonderful sights to see in Pennsylvania sweetheart," she rejoined. 

"But not like this ma ... this is home," said Colleen.   "I've been waiting ta start medical college for the longest time ... ever since you came here an' I realised women could be doctors ... but now the time's finally here an' ... I ... I ... don' wanna leave you all ..."

Michaela squeezed her eldest daughter's hand. "As you've been saying to me for weeks ... you'll be back ... for holidays and such ... You're starting something very exciting ... very important ... Enjoy it ... its going to be wonderful ..."

Colleen nodded, but retained the tight hold on her mother's hand. With that, Andrew walked across to his wife and held out his hand. "Thinks its probably time to go Colleen," he said quietly. "Like you said ... we've got things we have to get done ..." She nodded and reluctantly let go of her mother's hand, only to grasp Andrew's as she stood. He turned to Anna. "You want us to take you back into town Dr McLeod?" he asked.

She opened her mouth to reply, but was forestalled by Matthew. "We can take Dr McLeod back with us Andrew," he offered with a smile. "You better go finish that packin'."

For the next several minutes tearful farewells were said before everyone stood and watched Colleen and Andrew's buggy disappear into the darkness. At last Kathleen reached for Katie who had fallen asleep in her father's arms. "Why don't I put this little one to bed," she said with a smile. "While everyone moves inside and gets comfortable ... Its cooling down out here now the sun has gone ..."

As they went inside Brian asked, "Dr McLeod ... you ever bin west before ... or is this your first time?"

"Its my first time Brian," she replied with a smile. "And I'm loving it ... its all so new ... but I do wish you'd call me Anna ... all of you ..."

Brian immediately turned questioningly to his mother who gave a barely perceptible nod. He smiled and said, "You're just like ma Anna ... comin' out west ta be a doctor ... Like Colleen said ... we didn' even know there *were* lady doctors til ma turned up here ... Maybe I could write an article for the Gazette ... 'bout you ... what you've bin doin' an' what ya hope ta do in the future ...," he suggested expectantly.

She frowned. "I don't think people would be interested in hearing about me Brian," she said.

"Yeah they would ... especially if ya decide ta stay in town ..."

"Well then ... *If* I decide to stay we'll talk about it ... alright?"

He nodded in satisfaction and went across to sit at his father's feet by the hearth. It was only a short time later that Matthew suddenly frowned, rose and went to the window to peer out into the yard.

"A rider Matthew?" asked Sully, walking over to join him.

"Uh huh ... headin' this way fast ..." the young man replied, striding to the door.

Only a few seconds later heavy clumping could be heard on the porch steps and Charlie from the Chateau appeared in the doorway. "Is Dr Mike here?" he asked, out of breath.

Michaela hurried across. "Is it one of the Chateau guests?" she asked.

He shook his head. "Sorry ta disturb ya," he panted. "But Myra sent me ... its little Samantha ... she's feelin' pretty bad ..."

Before he was finished Michaela was reaching for her medical bag. "I'll come at once," she said, then turned concerned eyes on her husband.

Chapter 20

"You want me ta go after Andrew?" asked Matthew immediately.

Michaela frowned, then said, "No ... I'll find out how Samantha is first ... No need to bother Andrew unless I find I need him .."

"Do ya want me ta saddle Flash Michaela ... or are ya gonna take the wagon?" asked Sully already out on the homestead porch.

Anna stepped forward. "I'd like to come with you Michaela ... I might be able to help in some way ...," she requested.

"I'll hitch up the wagon then," said Sully, hurrying across the yard.

In the end, Kathleen and Matthew offered to stay at the house with the children so that Sully could accompany the women to the Chateau. If Samantha's condition was critical, he wanted to be able to go into town to fetch Horace.

It was close to eleven when they finally halted the wagon in the Chateau forecourt. Charlie was waiting at the door for them and they hurried through to the employees' quarters at the back.

Myra greeted them at her room with relief. "I'm sorry for bringin' ya out so late Dr Mike," she said distractedly. "But she's gettin' worse instead o' better ..." Her eyes opened wide at the sight of Anna.

Moving across to the small bed on which a pale-faced Samantha lay, obviously in pain, Michaela quickly explained, "Myra, this is Dr McLeod ... she offered to come out here with me." She bent over the little girl. "You're not feeling well sweetheart?" she said sympathetically.

Samantha swallowed and then shook her head, tears springing to her eyes.

"Its her stomach Dr Mike," said Myra anxiously from behind. "I thought it was somethin' she ate ... an' I gave her bicarbonate ... like you've done before ... but she's gettin' worse ..."

Michaela sank to her knees beside the bed and gently pulled the blanket back to reveal the little girl, her hands bunched tightly against her stomach. "I'm going to try to find out what's wrong sweetheart," said Michaela softly. "You tell me if I hurt you ..." She bunched up the little one's nightgown and began to gently prod at her abdomen. More than once the little patient winced and moaned. At last Michaela sat back on her heels and looked up at Anna who had been watching avidly. "Perhaps you'd like to examine her?" she said quietly. The younger doctor nodded and they quickly exchanged places.

Anna, before starting her examination, met the frightened little one's eyes and said kindly, "Hello Samantha ... I'm Anna ... I'm helping Dr Mike ... Would you mind if I try to find out what's wrong with you like she did?"

The little girl bit her lip, then said breathlessly, "Its alright ..."

Anna reached up to momentarily rest her hand on the little one's brow, then began her examination. A few minutes later, she looked up at Michaela and proposed, "Appendix?" Michaela nodded, prompting her to add, "Acute I'd say ..."

"What's that mean Dr Mike?" asked Myra anxiously.

Michaela rested her hand on the worried mother's arm. "It means they have to be removed ... They're severely inflamed ... and they can't be left to worsen and then burst," she explained quietly.

Myra swallowed. "An operation?" she gasped. "She's so little ..."

"If we don't operate things could get much worse," advised Michaela. "And the clinic here is modern and has everything we need ..."

Tears sprang to Myra's eyes. "I couldn' stand it if anythin' happened to her Dr Mike," she murmured. "I just couldn' ... She's all I got ..."

Michaela wrapped her arm around her friend's shoulders. "We won't let anything happen to her Myra," she said compassionately. "Remember Horace had the same operation when you were expecting Samantha ..."

Anna, who had remained beside the little girl comforting her, stood and said in an urgent whisper, "It needs to be done Michaela ..."

Myra looked from one concerned doctor to another. "Tonight?" she whispered. Both acknowledged her question with a nod and she sighed, unaware of the single tear that ran silently down her cheek. At last she nodded and then knelt down by her daughter's side. Before returning her attention to Samantha, she asked softly, "Could ya maybe ask Charlie ta go into town ... ta fetch Horace?"

"Sully'll do that sweetheart," rejoined Michaela, pulling the door open. The two women left the room and Michaela turned to Anna. "You remember where the clinic is?" she asked. When the woman nodded, she said, "Could you go down there and start to prepare ... I'll be there in a minute ..." Anna immediately scurried away into the darkness heading for the front of the hotel, and Michaela's attention turned to Sully whose eyes were narrowed with worry. "Its appendicitis," she explained tensely. "We have to remove them at once ... Could you please carry her down to the clinic and then go into town for Horace?"

He nodded and then asked, "You want Andrew?"

She shook her head. "I'll work with Anna ... we'll be fine ..."

"An' Samantha's gonna be alright?"

"As long as we get to those appendix before they burst ..."

"So its urgent?"

She nodded and he immediately pulled the door open and entered the room. "I'm gonna take her down to the clinic Myra ... alright?" he asked quietly.

Myra stood and nodded resignedly. Sully squeezed her shoulder comfortingly. "She'll be alright?" he said reassuringly. "She's in good hands ..."

"I know it," responded Myra in a strangled whisper. "But I can't help worryin' ... she's my daughter ..."

"I'm goin' in ta get Horace ... then we'll sit with ya," he told her quietly. He bent and ever so gently lifted the frightened little girl into his arms. "Its alright honey," he crooned. "Dr Mike's gonna make ya feel a lot better ..." He cradled her against his chest and made his way down the quiet, darkened landings of the resort to the clinic, followed closely by Myra and Michaela, arm in arm, and a worried Charlie hovering close behind.

"Myra honey?" exclaimed Horace as he rounded the corner from the Chateau foyer and spied her sitting forlornly outside the clinic. Young Charlie stood leaning against the wall a few feet away.

She swallowed and tears welled in her eyes. "They've started Horace," she said tearfully, looking up at him. "I had ta let 'em ... Dr Mike said it was urgent ..."

He nodded. "Sully told me," he rejoined, sitting down by her side and taking her hand.  "She say how long it'll take?" Myra shook her head and he sighed, running his fingers through his dishevelled hair. "At least she's got *two* doctors workin' on her," he offered reassuringly.

Myra nodded and added inconsequentially, "She seemed real nice ... the other lady doctor I mean ... I aint met her before ..."

"I met her in town ... an' yeah ... she *did* seem nice ..."

They both looked up as Sully rounded the corner and came to sit on Myra's other side. "They've started huh?" he remarked. When they both nodded, he said, "Then I guess all we gotta do is wait? Least there's two of 'em in there ... Remember when Michaela took your appendix out Horace? She had ta do it all on her own ..."

The telegraph operator frowned. "Seem ta remember Hank bein' there," he said a touch disparagingly.

"Yeah well ... I figure two doctors is a better bet," rejoined Sully with a half-smile. He leaned his head back against the wall and raised his eyes to the ceiling.

"You could go home Sully ... to your kids," offered Horace.

Sully shook his head. "Matthew an' Kathleen are with 'em ... besides ... I like ta be near Michaela at times like this ..."

"She's pretty special huh?" proposed Myra.

"Uh huh ... she is," he agreed. "Remember what it was like before she came?"

"Samantha probably wouldna stood a chance," mused Horace, his brow creased in thought.

Sully nodded. "An now Dr McLeod's thinkin' o' stayin' too ...," he commented.

"She is?!" exclaimed Horace. "Wonder what people'll make o' that?"

"Anyone with any sense'll see it as a good thing," rejoined Myra. "But there's folks in this town aint got much o' that ... sense I mean ..."

"Seems ta me they aint gonna have a lot o' choice ... Andrew leaves this mornin' with Colleen ... an' if they want more an' one doctor in town, then Dr McLeod's gonna be it," Sully stated bluntly. "That's if she decides ta stay o' course ..."

"She might not?" queried Myra.

He shrugged his shoulders. "She's still makin' up her mind ...," he explained. "Was headin' for San Francisco ... Bein' here like this might help her decide ..."

"Dr Mike wants her ta stay?" Horace inquired.

"Yeah ... I think so ... She can't run two clinics on her own ..."

A metal dish suddenly clattered inside the clinic rending them all silent. Horace tightened his hold on Myra's hand and Sully once again turned his eyes to the ceiling.

It was nearly two hours before the clinic door handle suddenly rattled and then turned and Michaela stepped out. Four pairs of anxious eyes flew to hers. She grasped Myra's hands and said with a smile, "She should be just fine Myra, Horace. "We got to those appendix in time ..."

"Thank God ... Can we see her?" Myra implored.

"She's still sleeping ... but you can sit with her ... She should wake in the next couple of hours ..."

Tears of relief welling in her eyes, Myra enthusiastically wrapped her arms around Michaela's neck and hugged her. "Thank-you, thank-you," she whispered gratefully.

Horace placed his hand on Myra's shoulder and said, "Myra honey ... let's go sit with her ... She's gonna wanna see us when she wakes up ..." Myra backed away a touch sheepishly and Horace took her hand.

"Dr McLeod is with her at the moment ... Later on I'd like to move her into town so there's a doctor on hand to observe her," suggested Michaela. "I know that makes things a little difficult for you Myra ... but I want Samantha to get the best care ..."

Myra swallowed and replied, "So do I Dr Mike ... I'll see if Mr Eades'll give me some time off ta be with her ... If he won't I'll get in there as often as I can ... How long before she can come home?"

Michaela appeared to consider the matter for a moment and then said, "Perhaps a week ... if everything goes well ... We'd want to watch for infection ..."

Myra nodded. "I'll never be able ta thank you enough Dr Mike," she said sincerely, as she walked into the clinic and towards the tiny figure on the bed in the middle of the room.

Michaela and Sully watched as the family reunited and then Sully drew her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her cheek against his shirted chest. "Everythin' went alright?" he whispered against her hair.

"Mmmm," she replied tiredly.

"How'd Anna do?"

"She was nervous at first ... but once she settled to it ... she was very efficient ..."

"So you'd be happy ta work with her agin?"

"Definitely ..."

He squeezed her lovingly. "That's good," he said. "Now we gotta wait for her ta say yes ..."

"You think she will?"

"Uh huh ..." He kissed the top of her head. "Myra was right," he said softly.

"About what?" 

"She said you were special ... an' she was right ..." She peered up at him inviting a quick kiss and he willingly obliged. "What happens now?" he asked. "You comin' home?"

She shook her head. "I want to monitor Samantha for a few hours ... I'm going to send Anna back to the guesthouse to sleep and I'll stay here ...," she explained.

He nodded. "I'll take her ... then come back ...," he offered.

"You could go home ... get some sleep yourself?"

He shook his head. "I'll come back here ... stay with you til everythin's settled ... Gotta make sure you get to the station ta see Colleen an' Andrew leave ..."

She gasped. "That's this morning!" she said in dismay.

"Uh huh but it's a few hours off yet ... Still dark out ..."

She gulped and settled back into his arms.  "So many changes," she sighed. "Sometimes it feels like everything is moving so fast I can't keep up ...."

He chuckled. "We'll try an' keep up together Michaela," he rejoined lovingly.

Dorothy, dressed for travelling, arrived at the open door of the Chateau clinic to see Michaela bent over her tiny patient and Sully seated at the desk. "Michaela?" she called softly. "She alright?" Both pairs of eyes flew to her and they hastened to her side. "We called by the house ... Matthew told us Samantha was sick ... we had ta find out what was wrong ...," she explained, peering across at the little girl who seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

"She's going to be fine ... She had appendicitis ... Dr McLeod and I removed her appendix early this morning ...," Michaela elucidated reassuringly.

Dorothy heaved a sigh of relief. "We wanted ta say goodbye ... but I told Cloud Dancin' we couldn' go if Samantha was real sick ... Where's Myra?"

"She went to bed for a couple of hours ... As soon as we can we're going to move Samantha into town where she can be under my care at the clinic ...," Michaela replied.

Dorothy nodded. "I'm so glad she's gonna be alright," she said softly.

"Where's Cloud Dancin'?" asked Sully.

"Outside ... with the horses," Dorothy replied. "Waitin' for me ..."

Michaela swallowed. "So you're leaving today?" she asked, a lump forming in her throat.

"Uh huh ... said we would," the older woman returned.

Sully glanced back at Samantha. "Can we leave her a minute Michaela ... just ta say good-bye?" he entreated.

Michaela frowned, then strode out into the corridor obviously seeking something or someone. Her face brightened and she beckoned to a woman sweeping floors further down. "Lizzie ... would you mind watching Samantha for a few minutes while Sully and I go out front?" she asked. "I don't want to leave her alone ..."

The woman's face softened, and she said, "Course I will Dr Mike ... she's a little darlin' ..." She hurried down the landing and into the clinic, while Sully, Michaela and Dorothy made their way to the Chateau forecourt.

The last vestiges of dawn pink were fading in the clear eastern sky and the air was already warming with the rising sun. Cloud Dancing stood motionlessly by their heavily laden horses, watching the Chateau's front entrance. Sully emerged first and hurried across. Cloud Dancing held out his arm. "Ha-ho my brother," he said with a smile.

"Ha-ho," Sully repeated.

As the women joined them, Cloud Dancing asked anxiously, "The little girl? She is alright?"

Michaela nodded. "She'll be fine ..."

"That is good ... we were worried when Matthew told us ..."

Michaela glanced at the horses, carrying their few possessions. "I can't believe you're really going ...," she said sadly.

"This aint good-bye Michaela," Dorothy said at once. "We'll see each other again .."

"I know ... but I'll ... we'll miss you both ... You're family ..."

"I'll try to write ... let you know what we're doin' ... that's if there's a town nearby where I can post my letters," offered Dorothy. "Actually ... I'm gonna be writin' a lot ...," she added ambiguously. She turned to her husband who in turn looked at Sully. "When you were staying at Palmer Creek with me, we decided we must find a new way to make people aware of what is happening to my people," Cloud Dancing began. "We have found a way ... Dorothy is going to finish her book ..."

"I'm gonna write it more from the perspective of the Cheyenne," she added excitedly. "Then I'm gonna send it to my publisher in New York ... He said they'd publish my last book about the Cheyenne ... only I had ta burn it ..."

"Then people all over this country will know," continued Cloud Dancing.  "And perhaps feel ashamed of what has happened ..."

"Sounds good," Sully responded with a smile.

"Yes it does," agreed Michaela. "And if you need help with anything ... anything at all ... please let us know ... we'll do all we can ..."

"We will Michaela," said Dorothy gratefully. She glanced across at her husband. "We better get goin' huh? ... Got a lot o' ridin' ahead of us ..."

He nodded and turned to Sully. "Look after your family my brother ... and know that we are thinking of you all the time we are apart ...," he said, his tone low and sincere.

Sully swallowed and rejoined, "You'll be in our thoughts too ... all the time ... please be careful ... an' remember there's always a home for you here ... with us ..."

"We know this," Cloud Dancing said with a half smile. He stepped forward and embraced first his brother and then Michaela. "We will see you again ... soon," he said resolutely. Sully gulped and swallowed.

Then Dorothy embraced her dearest friend.  "You're right ... we are family," she said softly. "An' family ties are never broken ... even if there's a lot o' miles between us ... Be safe Michaela ... an' keep on helpin' all these folks around here ... They need you ..."

Tears welling in her eyes Michaela nodded and whispered, "You'll be in our prayers ... please be careful ..."

With that the two of them backed away to their horses and mounted. Without another word, they rode away from the Chateau, heading north. Tears blurring her vision, Michaela scrabbled about in her apron pocket for a handkerchief. At last she murmured soulfully, "Do you think we'll ever see them again Sully?"

For a long moment there was silence, then he wrapped his arm comfortingly around her shoulder, drawing her close, and said so softly she could barely hear him, "If the spirits will allow it ... I sure hope so Michaela ..."

Anna looked up as soon as Michaela appeared at the door of the recovery room and noted her reddened eyes and the sodden handkerchief in her hand. "Are you alright?" she asked with concern, standing and moving away from the bed, leaving Myra alone with her daughter. Mr Eades had kindly allowed his employee the day to settle Samantha in the town clinic.

Michaela nodded. "Its been a rather emotional morning," she said, striving to regain her composure.

"The train left on time?"

"Yes ... though I was almost hoping it wouldn't," replied Michaela ruefully.

Anna smiled. "Remember leaving for medical college for the first time Michaela? ... I was so excited I couldn't sleep ... and yet I was frightened at the same time ... even though Mary had been there before me ... I'm sure Colleen's feeling the same way ... she knows what to expect and yet she doesn't ..."

Michaela nodded, the tears threatening to fall anew. "She *was* excited," she sniffed.

"Why don't you go and lie down for a while ... I'll stay here with Samantha."

Michaela shook her head and swiped at her eyes. "No ... I'm alright ... We need to talk ... You're supposed to be leaving tomorrow ..."

"Are you sure you want to do this right now?"

"Yes ... I'm fine ..." Michaela drew her out onto the landing. "First I want to apologise for putting the proposition to you like that last night at the supper table ... I had no right ...," she said. "The family knew I'd been worried about it ... and ... well ... things got out of hand ..."

Anna rested her hand on Michaela's arm. "Its alright ... I just assumed that you'd have had a number of applications from doctors more experienced than myself," she said. "I've had so many rejections these past months I never considered you might regard me suitable for the position ..."

"Putting aside the fact that you may still want to go to San Francisco ... I worked with you this morning during Samantha's surgery and I recognise competence when I see it ... I'd be more than happy to work alongside you here ..."

Anna bit her lip and returned, "Thank-you ... I needed to hear that ..."

"Perhaps if I detail what the work would involve, then you'll be able to make an informed decision," Michaela suggested.

An hour later the two women were standing in the middle of the kitchen in what were Colleen and Andrew's quarters attached to the clinic. "Sully built these rooms on when we realised I needed a partner and we asked Andrew to work with me," Michaela explained. "They'd be available for your use if you took the position," she added.

"And the rent?"

Michaela shook her head. "There's no rent in exchange for being on the premises when there is a patient staying in one of the recovery rooms," she clarified.

Anna gazed around at the amenities provided. "Its very nice," she said thoughtfully.

"Its not what you'd be used to in Washington," said Michaela a touch defensively.

"You don't know what it means to me to be offered a position in a general medical practice Michaela ... and that it comes with comfortable living quarters is an added bonus," Anna said at once. "I've only been here a couple of days ... but I have learnt that Colorado Springs is *very* different to Washington ... not necessarily worse ... just different ..."

Michaela acknowledged the sentiment with a nod. "So that's about it," she said. "Do you want to go away and think about it?"

Anna chuckled. "I've been thinking of nothing else since last night ...," she admitted.

"And?" prompted Michaela.

Anna took a deep breath. "And ... I'd very much like to take the position ..." Michaela beamed and was about to say something when Anna resumed, "However ... there is something important you should know about me first ... You might want to change your mind ..."

Michaela frowned. "Oh?" she asked.

"Perhaps we should go back to the surgery and sit down ... this may take a while," said Anna mysteriously.

Continued ....


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