Pamela N. Brown’s Literature

I See


My Art Pages:


Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

 I see children dying from hunger and illness,
While criminals get free health care.
This is the country we live in.

 I see murderers walking free and getting rich from it,
While good people can’t make ends meet.
This is the country we live in.

I see decent families living in the streets,
While child molesters walk them.
This is the country we live in.

I see Americans without freedom,
As criminals scream for their rights.
This is the country we live in.

I see uneducated people everywhere,
While inmates get free college educations.
This is the country we live in.

I see all good people living in fear,
From children to the elderly.
This is the country we live in.

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