Pamela N. Brown’s Literature

The  Sacrifice


My Art Pages:


Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

From tightly closed eyes
Teardrops fall to the ground
No more hiding now
She thought she'd never be found
A heart dies tonight
You know not what you do
A love that is pure is taken
Right in front of you
Blackness fills the air
Hearts race, blood pumps
There's blood every where
The demon crawls upon her
Moans are heard
Her screams excite you
Chills run up your spine
Lightning cracks above
The ground opens below
Angels fall to the ground
Earth becomes hell
The fear sets inside your
Her eyes turn to blood
Her body trembles
She screams for her god
His back is turned
His ears deaf
His eyes closed
Your excitement takes over
You open your eyes
You see her beneath you
You feel no remorse
The smile spreads across your face
Her heart turns black
Her eyes grow cold
She is his now
Your work is done

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