Pamela N. Brown’s Literature

Your Final Fight


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Who am I?

Name: Pamela
[email protected]

Darkness stands and darkness falls,
Enveloping your soul.
You try to sleep and shadows creep,
With eyes so dark and cold.
Winds howl and creatures bow,
Before an evil hand.
He slips in with cold thick skin,
He is nor beast nor man.
Lightning strikes and thunder spikes,
Within your opened sense.
Clouds hang low and the thunder rolls.
This fog ever so dense.
Your heart pounds and tension mounds.
He hides behind your door.
The door creaks, a black cat shrieks.
You know not what's in store.
You're terrified and your eyes you hide.
He stands before you now.
His hand held fast upon your breast.
Sweat's dripping from your brow.
Your every wind does now send,
Pulsations to your heart.
And still you lie, you want to cry.
You wish he would soon part.
You lay dead still and have no will,
To rouse you from your bed.
Is this a dream? Should you scream?
Is this all in your head?
A bright light shines, he does pine,
To keep your very soul.
You gasp for air, this is a scare.
You dare not let life go.
Your body shakes, the thunder quakes.
You continue to fight.
His eyes now red, the king of dread.
The light does grow so bright.
The light dims now. He holds a scowl,
Upon his pale white face.
You catch your breath, so near to death.
You stare off into space.
Your life you win. Forget your sin.
You'll never again feel shame.
He turns away, 'tis the break of day.
"Again we'll play this game."
You're safe for now, and you vow,
To take life by the hand.
To play and run, to have some fun;
Before you reach your end.

© pnb06/14/03

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