

46th Document



We, Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ, Successor of Saint Peter, Servant of the Servants of God, Patriarch of El Palmar De Troya.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, are firmly pledged to present Catholic Doctrine to the faithful, with all clarity and precision in order to avoid any possible error or any possible bad interpretation. Since the beginning of our Pontificate, we have firmly resolved to orientate the faithful with words that are at the same time clear, profound and simple, for the comprehension of all the faithful. Since the beginning of our Supreme Pontificate, we have tried, with all the means at our disposal, to express our self with all simplicity, howbeit with all profundity as well. We have, at the same time, in the measure possible, avoided the use of words difficult to understand, since, as Vicar of Christ, we have the mission of presenting Christ in such wise that He at once be recognized. We will try to speak at all times so that our pontifical word reaches the humble and simple of heart. With this explanation, we proceed now to give further guidance about several of our pontifical documents.

We, as Teacher and Universal Guide of the Church, wish, in the present Document, to make very clear the contents of our previous Document 32. In that Document we solemnly proclaimed the infallible doctrine on the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the souls of the baptized, as well as on the acquisition of the divine nature, thanks to the same Holy Sacrament of Baptism. To wit:

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly declare that this sublime truth is found in the Sacred Deposit of Revelation, and can be found in many passages of Sacred Scripture. Among such biblical passages, there appears in Genesis, written by the Holy Ghost, the following:

"And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth, and breathed into his face the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly teach:

When the Sacred Text of the Bible says that the Lord God breathed into Adam the breath of life, it is clear that in that breath of life there are three things,- to wit:

First there is indicated that God created the soul out of nothing. Secondly is indicated that God infused this soul created out of nothing into the body. Thirdly, there is indicated as well that the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity gave to Adam the Holy Ghost; through which act is understood perfectly that the Holy Ghost dwelt in the soul of Adam, espousing Himself at the same time with Adam's soul.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, teach infallibly and solemnly:

Although the Sacred Text omits saying it, nevertheless, there is no doubt that God, on taking the rib from Adam and forming it into Eve, breathed - as is logical - also over Eve; since otherwise, the first woman would lack a soul.

We solemnly teach that our first parents, Adam and Eve, enjoyed the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, and that they lost this indwelling through sin.

We teach that, with this indwelling of the Holy Ghost in our first parents, Adam and Eve, God put into practice his first decree about mankind. At the same time, foreseeing the sin of that pair, He prepared the second decree, and this second decree is contained mysteriously in the following biblical passage:

"Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon Adam: and when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and filled up flesh for it.”  The most profound mystery of the second decree We have explained in our Pontifical Document 45.

We find a mysterious parallel between the biblical passage and the signs and prayers of the rite of the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. Holy Mother Church, in the administration of the Sacrament of Baptism, most wisely ordains that the Priest, during a preparatory prayer, breath with his own breath upon the child, three times on the face, and say: "Depart from him, unclean spirit, and give place to the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete."

We teach infallibly, that when Holy Mother Church performs the sign just mentioned, there is no doubt at all that it is the same Holy Mother Church who teaches that the baptized enjoy the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and acquire the divine nature.

We teach solemnly:

When God puts a decree into practice, and man impedes the decree, then God has another decree prepared, which even surpasses the first in grandeur. Thus is understood why the Church in her sacred liturgy, jubilantly proclaims: "O happy fault (of Adam) that has merited us such a Redeemer!"

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, teach infallibly that God, in his second decree, surpassed the graces of the first decree, since, through the second decree we have attained the Wisdom of the Seven Sacraments; which, as you know, are the mighty pillars of the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ,- the Church that is One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, today Palmarian, formerly Roman.

We recall that passage in the Holy Gospel, when, on Easter Sunday, the disciples being together in the Cenacle, Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to them and said:

"Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you." When he had said this, he breathed on them; and he said to them: "Receive ye the Holy Ghost."

We teach infallibly that this breathing of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Apostles, recalls the breath that the Lord God breathed on Adam, and, naturally, on Eve as well.

We recall another passage of Holy Scripture, that of the day of Pentecost:

"And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting."

We teach infallibly and solemnly:

This sound from Heaven, as of a mighty wind, indicates the breath of Christ, who from Heaven was sending the Holy Ghost over the Apostles.          

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and of our own, declare, proclaim and solemnly teach the following:

If anyone dare deny that Adam and Eve enjoyed the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, let him be anathema.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, teach infallibly that original sin is the reason why we all come into the world deprived of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. Precisely when our first parents, Adam and Eve, sinned, they lost the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. And as logical consequence of this loss, they without doubt lost innumerable graces.

We teach all the faithful the sound doctrine that indicates in how great obscurity men found themselves from the fall of Adam to the coming of the promised Messias. Before the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, all was gloom and terrifying darkness, since in those times there existed only figures of the Sacraments. Those figures or signs could never have the efficacy of the Sacraments, which have come to us through Our Lord Jesus Christ. We shall surely never know how to thank the Creator for such wonders.

We insistently urge you to read and re-read our Pontifical Documents, by means of which you will the better know the Creator. These Pontifical Documents are an efficacious help for the Church during these chaotic times, times full of confusion and darkness. It is supremely necessary that you read the Documents again and again, since in each of them you will find precious divine help.

We exhort all the faithful frequently to read our Pontifical Documents, in order to acquire greater knowledge of the Most Holy Virgin, since this Divine Mother is intimately bound with the exalted works of the Creator. If you wish profoundly to know the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Emperadora of heaven and earth, then you must read and meditate profoundly our pontifical documents, which are inspired by the Holy Ghost in close co-operation with the same Most Holy Virgin Mary; since this Heavenly Mother is in duty bound to be known by men. On this knowledge the salvation of many depends, since, apart from the Most Holy Virgin Mary, salvation is not possible, because Mary is the Health of Mankind. It is sure and infallible doctrine that all who truly have the Most Holy Virgin Mary as Advocate before Our Lord Jesus Christ are not condemned. Understood in all this sublime question, there must be co-operation with grace.

We, Vicar of Christ on earth, pledge our word, solemnly declaring:

It is true doctrine that the authentic devotee of Mary is not condemned. It is certain, the Divine Mary is the surest Refuge of sinners. Mary is Refuge of sinners in such wise, that if the sinner invokes Mary with tongue and heart, he quickly receives the grace to rise from his fall, with sincere repentance, since this Mother, Refuge of sinners, seeks first and foremost, the conversion precisely of sinners.

We insist once again on the necessity for all of us to have true devotion to Mary, since Mary is the sure gate through which we meet Christ.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, avail our self of the present Document in order to clarify certain matters on the Holy Sacrament of the Order of Priesthood.

We, first and foremost, confirm as Universal Doctrine of the Church, the Document of our venerated predecessor Saint Pius XII the Great, the Apostolic Constitution "Sacramentum Ordinis", of the 30th November 1947.

We repeat here for perpetual memory the following extract from this Papal Document:

“In ordination to the priesthood, the matter (of the Sacrament) is the first imposition of hands of the Bishop which is done in silence,- but not the continuation of the same imposition extending the right hand, nor the final imposition adding the words: "Receive the Holy Ghost: whose sins you forgive, etc."   The form (of the Sacrament) consists of the words of the "Preface", of which the following are essential, and therefore necessary for validity: "Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty Father, to this thy servant, the dignity of the Priesthood: renew in his heart the spirit of holiness, that he may hold from Thee, Oh God, the second rank in thy service, and by the example of his behaviour afford a pattern of holy living."

Our venerated predecessor, Saint Pius XII the Great, in another passage of this Papal Document, declares solemnly: "From the aforementioned, it is understood that, even according to the mind of the Council of Florence itself, the handing over of the instruments is not required by the will of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the substance and validity of this Sacrament".

We continue to quote from this Papal Document - as follows:

". . . in truth . . . We declare and, if the matter had legitimately been disposed otherwise, we ordain that, at least in the future, the handing over of the instruments is not necessary for the validity of the Sacred Orders of the Diaconate, the Priesthood and the Episcopate".

We, Gregory XVII, Successor of Saint Peter, confirm with our apostolic authority, not only the citations, but the entire Papal Document of our venerated predecessor Saint Pius XII the Great. With our apostolic authority, we ordain the necessity of the various signs and prayers of the Rite of Ordination, not as essential, but as necessary, since Holy Mother Church has most wisely ordained these signs and prayers in order to indicate what is contained in the matter and form (of the Sacrament).

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly teach:

Through the corresponding imposition of hands and the form, the Priest is truly ordained, receiving in his soul the character of priest forever, according to the Order of Melchisedech. At that moment he receives all the powers proper to the priesthood; as well receiving at the same time the Holy Ghost.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly teach:

The other prayers indicate what the priest had received through the matter and form (of the Sacrament). From this is seen the need for these other prayers, since these prayers represent the intention of the bishop ordaining, an intention that may not be other than the intention of Holy Mother Church.

In the traditional rite, when the bishop hands over to the new priest the chalice with wine and the paten with host, he says:

"Receive the power to offer sacrifice to God and to celebrate masses both for the living and the dead."

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, teach:

To be sure, it is not with this prayer that the priest receives this power, but rather at the moment previous of the matter and form. What the bishop does in this prayer, is to manifest to the priest the power already acquired and, at the same time, to indicate the intention of the bishop, corresponding to the intention of the Church. The priest, through his priesthood, is intimately bound with the holy Sacrifice of Calvary, which is perpetuated on the Altar,- the sacrifice which is propitiatory, and in which is immolated the propitiatory Victim, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We quote now the prayer which, in the Official Church, the bishop says when he hands over the chalice:

"Receive the oblation of the holy people which is offered to God. Be mindful of what you are to do, imitate what you shall accomplish, and conform your life to the mystery of the Cross of the Lord."

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly declare:

This prayer of the New Rite of Ordination is heretical, completely departing from the orthodoxy of the Catholic Church. This prayer represents a symbolic idea of the Mass, thus denying that Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly teach:

This prayer is an insolent blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. This cursed prayer gives one to understand that the priest receives his power from the faithful, the so-called people of God. This prayer indicates that the priest is just another person who presides over the assembly, and receives his powers from the basic community in the service of the whole community.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly teach:

The priestly powers are received through the Holy Ghost, whom the Bishop gives the priest by the imposition of hands, and never can this come from the people.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly teach:

The Mass is not merely an offering, but rather a sacrifice.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly teach:

In order that the Mass be agreeable and acceptable to God, it must be offered to God as Sacrifice.

We solemnly teach:

The cursed prayer mentioned is in full harmony with the "Novus Ordo Missae” (the New Mass). In the "New Mass", the Sacrifice is not offered, but rather there is presented the fruit of the earth and the labour of man.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, solemnly declare:

If the intention of the ordaining bishop coincide with that expressed by this cursed prayer, then the intention of the ordaining bishop does not coincide with the intention of Holy Mother Church. The intention of Holy Mother Church is to ordain priests in order to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and not in order to present the fruit of the earth and the work of human hands.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and of our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach:

If the ordaining bishop has the intention that accords with this cursed prayer, even though he imposes his hands and pronounces the corresponding form, there is no valid ordination to the priesthood.

We, with our apostolic authority, solemnly declare invalid those priestly ordinations where the ordaining bishop has the intention that this repeated cursed prayer reflects.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and with our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach the following:

If anyone dare to deny our declaration on the invalidity of those priestly ordinations, let him be anathema.

For the validity of priestly ordinations, besides the matter and form (of the Sacrament), it is necessary and essential that the intention of the ordaining bishop coincide with the intention of Holy Mother Church.

We say to you: considering all the aforesaid, you can assure yourselves that the majority of those called priests today in the Official Apostate Church of Rome are not validly ordained priests. Naturally, all those within this group who have attained the episcopate, have, as is logical, acquired an episcopate that is null and void.

We exhort all the faithful to pray intensely for the conversion of the so-called "official" Catholics, since their misfortune could hardly be greater. On the one hand, they are left without true priests,- on the other, they are pastured by bishops who are masons, marxists and heretics. They are also governed by a beast, which is the antipope John Paul II, precursor of Antichrist. To crown their misfortune, they have parted from the Most Holy Virgin Mary, through whom they would have been able to find light and fortitude in order to renounce the Apostate Church of Rome, and to make the decision to transfer on board the Bark of Peter. This Bark of Peter is the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian Church. In this Church, though we are few, we are true Bishops and true Priests, with sufficient light to illuminate the world.

We exhort all the faithful to be vigilant and not to let themselves be deceived by the monstrous antipope John Paul II, that wolf that appears in sheep's clothing in order to deceive the traditionalists,- as for example, recently in the case of the heretical theologian Hans Kung, from whom he withdrew only the faculty to teach theology. But he has not excommunicated him. This shows that the antipope John Paul II has only in appearance taken a step backward, since the heretical theologian continues with the faculty to celebrate "Mass”, or, better, the Lutheran supper, as well as to preach in church, or to seat himself in the confessional, should such a seat be to his taste. In this way, this theologian has full liberty to continue teaching heresy, This cursed theologian, Hans Kung, teaches among other heresies, the non-consubstantiality of the Son with the Father,- and thus he denies that Jesus Christ is true God. He teaches also the non-intervention of the Holy Ghost in the Incarnation of the Word.  He also denies Transubstantiation, and denies as well the infallibility of the Church in general, and the infallibility of the Pope in particular. As you see, such a theologian is an obvious heretic,- nevertheless, the one who says he is true Pope of Rome does not excommunicate him, but rather limits himself to condemning him in appearance. It is clear at once that John Paul II has no power to excommunicate because he is not the true Pope. Furthermore he does not belong to the true Church of God.

We avail ourself of the present Document to thank all the devotees of the various parts of the world who have come to El Palmar de Troya for the Solemnity of the End of the Year and of the Opening of the Door of Pardon of the Holy Palmarian Year. The presence of those pilgrims, their prayers and penance, all has been a powerful stimulus for Us.

We thank with all our heart all the pilgrims who also have contributed with their economic help to defray the considerable costs of the Great Work of El Palmar. We remind you once again that the Lord will requite you a hundredfold.

We exhort all the faithful to begin now to offer special prayers the Most Holy Virgin Mary, in order to obtain a happy issue for the Great and Holy Palmarian Council, for the good of all the Church, and for the conversion of many sinners.

We avail ourself of the present Document to hold out our hand like an insistent beggar, for you to be very generous and help us as much as possible with the very costly preparations for the Great and Holy Palmarian Council, whose Solemn Opening, with the help of God, is at the door.

We, as Vicar of Christ on earth, remind all the faithful of the Fifth Precept of Holy Mother Church, which says:

Give your tithes and first fruits to Holy Mother Church.

We say to you: With your economic contributions to the Church, you do more for yourselves than for the Church. Through your generosity you will make satisfaction, and at the same time you will be recompensed by the Lord,- since even a glass of water given for love of God will be rewarded.

We direct our paternal word to those faithful who give what they can:

In the Holy Gospel, the Lord praises the widow who gave her mite, which was all she had. In this widow you who give what you can, are represented. This mite will be rewarded more by God than will the much of those who give out of their abundance, and remain in abundance after they have given of their excess.

We exhort the faithful: Make some sacrifice each day, praying for Our intention. Our special intentions redound over the whole Church.

Given in Seville, at the Apostolic See, 15th January, Feast of the Baptism of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, of the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ MCMLXXX, the second of our Pontificate.


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