

Dogmatic Declaration on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah

Anathema against the Famous Jerusalem Bible and Others of Its Kind

Approbation of the Cult in Honour of Our Lady of Ezquioga

Establishment of a Proper Mass with Proper Preface in Honour of Our Lady of Sorrows of Ezquioga

Dogmatic Declaration on the Date of Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Year 5,199 of the Creation of the World

Dogmatic Declaration on the Instant Divided into Instants of the Work of Creation

Anathemas against Those Who Dare to Deny these Dogmas

Restoration of the Historical Chronology of the Holy Bible

Decree of the Jubilee Year 1980 as Palmarian Holy Year, with Most Plenary Indulgence

Opening and Closing of the Gate of Pardon

Some Reflections on the Parousia, and Some on the Creation of Our First Parents, Adam and Eve.

We, Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ, Patriarch of El Palmar de Troya.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, in the present Document, most ardently and most vehemently desire to speak about certain biblical questions, in order to oppose the new theories concerning authorship of the books, which the sacred authors, inspired by the Holy Ghost, did write.

We are speaking in the present Document about the book of the holy Prophet Isaiah. Since remote Hebraic tradition, it has been constantly held that the holy Prophet Isaiah, inspired by the Holy Ghost, wrote the book known by the name 'Book of Isaiah'. Not only does Hebrew tradition maintain this belief, but Christian tradition also maintains the same belief. By the time of Our Lord Jesus Christ, they spoke of the Book of Isaiah as written entirely by one and the same prophet. This belief the Apostles also maintained, as likewise it was upheld in the patristic age of the Church, when the Holy Fathers and Doctors of the Church maintained that the book named after Isaiah was entirely written by the Holy Prophet Isaiah. This belief has been held in the Christian Church throughout the centuries,- with the exception of certain contrary sparks struck in the Middle Ages, as also certain exceptions during the 19th as well as the present century. To be sure, some theologians of the last century came to affirm that the Book of Isaiah was written by the Holy Prophet Isaiah and also by two or more secondary prophets. These theologians alleged, in support of their thesis, that a prophet cannot predict events beyond 200 years. We all know that the Holy Prophet Isaiah announced events for very distant times, since he spoke not only of proximate events but also events far into the future. The Holy Prophet Isaiah foretold events which were to occur in diverse and distant generations,- and these have been exactly fulfilled. The Holy Prophet Isaiah, precisely, is one of the prophets who, to a greater and better degree, portrays the human circumstances of the Messiah. The Holy Prophet Isaiah describes perfectly the characteristics of the Anointed, Christ Jesus, the Lord Our God. The Holy Prophet Isaiah foretells that a Virgin will conceive and bear a Son, who will be called Emanuel (God with us). The Holy Prophet Isaiah predicts the circumstances of the Jewish People in which the promised Messiah will appear. All that the Holy Prophet Isaiah foretold about Christ was fulfilled. The Holy Prophet Isaiah foretold that Christ would be led "like a sheep to the slaughter, dumb as a lamb before his sheerer",- He who would not open his mouth, but would remain silent before his judges and executioners. The Holy Prophet Isaiah foretells that the Face of Christ will, for the sins of mankind, appear like a leper's face. The Holy Prophet Isaiah, when he speaks about Christ, speaks as though he were an eye-witness living at the time of Christ. It need not at all surprise us that an authentic prophet foretell events in the distant future, since for God nothing is impossible,- especially when God Himself reveals to his prophets events to come in far distant times. It is altogether absurd to allege that a prophet cannot foretell events of the distant future, since that is the same as imprisoning God within four walls. To be sure, theologians who say such things are stupid and belong to the infinite number of fools. The Holy Prophet Isaiah, inspired by the Holy Ghost, foretold events for his own generation and for generations to come.  He not only spoke of the time of the Messiah, but he spoke as well for the whole History of the Church of Christ on earth, including the last times and the Parousia, or return of Christ to earth. The Holy Prophet Isaiah is one of the exalted prophets of the Old Testament, who can well be called, and most justly, the Evangelist of the Old Testament,- because he describes Christ with great precision, as also, with great precision, he describes the Catholic Church, Immaculate Spouse of Christ. The Holy Prophet Isaiah, that exalted and great Evangelist of the Old Testament, with fine precision, foretells the eschatology (the last things) of the Church of Christ. The Holy Prophet Isaiah perfectly describes the events of the Jewish Church, as likewise the events of the Christian Church. The Holy Ghost, by means of the Holy Prophet Isaiah, and within the context of the very same words, has foretold events of the Jewish Church and of the Christian Church. We are lost in wonder and amazement, to the point of mystical rapture, when slowly we read the book of the Holy Prophet Isaiah, inspired by the Holy Ghost,- and meanwhile We verify its exact fulfilment in the Old Testament and in the New Testament.

We are lost in deepest ecstasy and exaltation when we compare the prophecies of Isaiah with the Last Times. The Holy Prophet Isaiah speaks with all clarity and precision about the present time of the Church, so as to astonish us by the exact fulfilment of his prophecies.

The Holy Prophet Isaiah, when he speaks of the last times of the Church of Christ, repeatedly speaks of the Desert, the Holy Mountain, Mount Carmel, and of the Great Pontiff of the Last Times,- as well as the great blind one who sees with spiritual eyes: the eyes of the soul. Actually, all that is wanting is to put the name of Pope Gregory XVII, the name of El Palmar de Troya, and the name of the Carmelites of the Holy Face. The Holy Prophet Isaiah describes how the Great Monarch of the Last Times will be: a sinner in his youth who is converted and delivers himself to the cause of God. The Holy Prophet Isaiah describes the Carmelites of the Holy Face: those vested in sackcloth, who offer continual prayer and penance on Mount Carmel, and are the only sound remnant that endures.

The Holy Prophet Isaiah speaks of the need to draw the faithful out of Babylon to avoid contagion, and to lead them to the desert, to the Holy Mountain, to Mount Carmel.

The Holy Prophet Isaiah foretells the fall and destruction of the second Jerusalem, the present Rome, the City of the Seven Hills. At the same time, the Holy Prophet speaks of the rebuilding of a new Jerusalem, in the desert, or on Mount Carmel,- where all that is wanting is to put the name of El Palmar de Troya.

We warmly recommend that you read and re-read the book of the Holy Prophet Isaiah. In this Holy Book, inspired by the Holy Ghost, you will find the Palmarian Church, the Carmelites of the Holy Face, and the Pope-Emperor Gregory XVII.

Most dearly beloved children of our soul:

Read, meditate and reflect on the prophecies that the Holy Ghost has written by means of the Holy Prophet Isaiah. You will find a true fulfilment of these prophecies in these apocalyptic times of the Parousia or Return of Christ to the earth with great power and majesty, in order to establish the Messianic Kingdom on earth.

We exhort you to read with humble and simple heart the predictions of the Holy Prophet Isaiah, and you will find true parallelism to the times that it is ours to live.

We would wish to continue speaking of the Holy Prophet Isaiah, but that would be endless because of the depth and extension of his prophecies.

We, in accord with authentic Hebrew tradition and with authentic Christian tradition, declare that the Holy Prophet Isaiah suffered the cruel martyrdom of being sawn through his whole body. With this martyrdom, offered to God, he sealed the authenticity of his Holy Prophecies. The Holy Prophet Isaiah has to be considered among the number of the great martyrs, since he offered his life to God in testimony of all that he had written and foretold through the operation of the Holy Ghost.

We who feel great admiration for works of beauty, art and poetry, observe that the Holy Martyr Prophet Isaiah belongs to the number of the great poets. His writings, inspired by the Holy Ghost, are expressed in perfectly lyrical and poetical forms, capable of captivating and delighting all true lovers of great poetry. The Holy Prophet Isaiah, inspired by the Holy Ghost, wrote with ineffable and indescribable exquisiteness. In the book of the Holy Prophet Isaiah, through its exquisite beauty, step by step is discerned that his pen was moved by the Holy Ghost Himself.

We, in the name of Christ, warmly exhort the faithful to read with humble and simple spirit the book of the Holy Prophet Isaiah, whose words contain a most rich and appetizing honey that sweetens the palate and disposes the reader to find God,- which is the principal object of such words.

We do not wish to continue speaking of the Holy Prophet Isaiah, given the danger of impoverishing his holy and illustrious figure, since we never come sufficiently to ponder the exquisite and exalted personality of the Holy Martyr Prophet Isaiah.

We urge you once more to read the Holy Prophet Isaiah; we leave you to judge the sublimity of this Holy Prophet, confident that all the faithful, without hesitation, will confirm what We have been saying about this Prophet.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and that of our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach:

It is a truth of Faith that the Book of Isaiah, inspired by the Holy Ghost, was written integrally by the Holy Prophet Isaiah.

We, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and with our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach the following:

If anyone dare to say that the book of Isaiah was written by prophets other than Isaiah, let him be anathema.

We, when we warmly recommend the reading of the Holy Prophet Isaiah, do so while obliging the faithful to read from older Bibles, approved by Holy Mother Church before Vatican Council II, and before the terrible pest of modernism, since as you know, modernism is the sum of all heresies and errors.

We, with the authority with which we are vested, anathematise the famous bible known by the name "Jerusalem Bible",- as likewise all bibles similar or parallel to the famous Jerusalem Bible, since in these bibles the progressivists and cursed modernists have introduced heresies and errors.

We observe that all these bibles, the fruits of modernism, are designed to turn the Catholic into protestant.

We, in the name of Christ, insist on the obligation you have to seek those older bibles that are in agreement with the interpretation of the Magisterium of the Church. In these bibles you must look for the explanatory notes of the traditional Magisterium of the Church.

We wish to re-emphasize that the Holy Prophet Isaiah, inspired by the Holy Ghost, foretold events for his own time and for generations to come. This Prophet foretold the First Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ; and in the same words, well interpreted, foretold the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, assisted by the Holy Ghost, teach infallibly that the Holy Prophet Isaiah, inspired by the Holy Ghost, when he speaks of Jerusalem, he is at the same time speaking of several mysterious and profound meanings of that name. On the one hand he is speaking concretely of the City of Jerusalem as a geographical place. On the other hand, he is speaking of the Jewish Church, as well as of the Church of Christ,- and he is also speaking of the Heavenly Jerusalem. In addition, when the Prophet speaks of Jerusalem, he is speaking of the City of Rome as the Seat of the Church of Christ, ruled by the Vicar of Christ. In the same way, when he speaks of the destruction of Jerusalem, this is to be understood on the one hand as the destruction of the geographical Jerusalem,- and on the other hand, the destruction of Rome in her new role as the New Jerusalem. In like manner, when the Holy Prophet speaks of the rebuilding of Jerusalem, this is to be interpreted on the one hand as the various times of rebuilding of the geographical Jerusalem, and on the other hand as the rebuilding of the New Jerusalem after the spiritual destruction of Rome, now considered as Jerusalem of old. The fulfilment of this reconstruction took place on the 6th August 1978, the great Feast of the Transfiguration on Mount Tabor,- which spiritually and mystically signifies the Transfiguration of the Church, accomplished in the destruction of Rome and the construction of El Palmar.  El Palmar is on the Mount of Christ the King, and also on Mount Carmel, since in El Palmar is established the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, the Order that recalls two Mountains, the one of the Holy Face, Mount Tabor of the Transfiguration,- the other of the Carmelites, Mount Carmel. Both these Mountains are intimately connected, and on both these Mountains appears the Holy and mysterious figure of the Prophet Elias. On the Mountain of the Transfiguration, Elias and Moses appear beside Our Lord Jesus Christ speaking of the coming Passion and other mysteries. On Mount Carmel the principal figure is that of the Holy Prophet Elias, who offered sacrifice, and who saw in the mysterious cloud the Divine Mary in white dress and blue mantle. It would be interminable to speak of this passage, in which the Prophet Elias beholds his Spouse, the Divine Mary. It would be interminable to speak of the mysterious incidents in the so-called 'Cave of Elias' on Mount Carmel. In this Cave, according to constant tradition, the Divine Mary, on various occasions, entered with the Child Jesus. It is not to be forgotten that the Holy Prophet Elias is Father and Model of the whole Order of Carmelites, which, as an Order of hermits, was the first of all religious Orders. And this Order of Carmelites, according to many prophecies of various mystics, will be the only religious Order to exist in the Last Times. The Order of Carmelites, in the Second Mount Camel in the desert of El Palmar, or Holy Mountain, is preparing the way for the Lord in his return to earth. This Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, rooted in El Palmar, is on the way to Jerusalem accompanying the last Pope, to go forth to meet Christ, at which meeting he will return the keys to Christ. Let no one forget, nor lose sight of the fact, that the Founder and Father General of the Carmelites of the Holy Face is at the same time Pope Gregory XVII, to whom, in accord with the prophecies of Saint Malachy, pertains the motto 'De Gloria Olivae'.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, teach infallibly that all this mystical and sublime fulfilment of prophecy is found reflected in the book of the Holy Prophet Isaiah, as well as in the books of other holy prophets, of whom We will speak in other Documents.

We remind you with emphasis that the humble and simple of heart are capable of understanding the language of God,- especially when the Vicar of Christ indicates the path to follow so as to understand one or other of the mysteries of the Holy Bible.

We point out for all the faithful that the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face is also the last, called Order of Crossbearers, many times prophesied in the blessed Apparitions of Ezquioga in the Province of Guipuzcoa, in Northern Spain, whose principal apparitions took place from 1931 to 1934. Besides the Prophecies of Ezquioga, other mystics of different parts of the world speak of the Order of the Crossbearers,- as well as of the Great Pontiff and the Great Monarch. Both these high dignities concur in one and the same person, who at the same time is leader of the Holy Crossbearers or Carmelites of the Holy Face, or as is likewise the fact,- of the Jesuits of the Last Times.

We recommend to the faithful that you read with humility and simplicity the prophecies of Ezquioga, which We have carefully examined without finding anything in them contrary to faith or morals. We recommend especially the messages and prophecies of the seer Benita Aguirre. Her Messages are the most beautiful of Ezquioga,- not only are they the most beautiful, but they are those that speak most of the Holy Cross bearers, of the Great Pontiff and Monarch. Bearing in mind that these messages of Ezquioga were given through a child of about 11 years, without higher studies, it is astonishing to verify the correct doctrine and boldness of her prophecies, at a time that was terribly dangerous for Spain, since the Apparitions of Ezquioga took place during the cursed Second Spanish Republic.

We are availing our self of the present Document to speak of the Apparitions of Ezquioga also for their intimate relation to the Carmelites of the Holy Face, or the Holy Crossbearers of El Palmar, for their exact fulfilment in accord with the prophecies of the Holy Prophet Isaiah.

We are grateful to the priest Father Burguera for his most inspired book on the blessed Apparitions of Our Lady of Ezquioga. To be sure, Father Burguera, with his book, co-operated in the exaltation of the Glories of Mary since, in the Apparitions, the Most Holy Virgin Mary appears full of splendour as Precursoress of the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We firmly believe that the blessed Apparitions of Ezquioga are the antechamber to the blessed Apparitions of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar.

We, in the name of Christ, feel the urgent need to re-establish the glories of Mary of the Sacred Place of Ezquioga,- which place was unjustly condemned, precisely because its messages spoke insistently of the bad conduct of many Bishops and priests.

We, as Supreme Pontiff of the Church, One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian, approve the Cult of Our Lady of Ezquioga, so, at the same time, We assume responsibility for the apparitions that took place from 1931 to 1934.

We approve only the Apparitions of Ezquioga included in the three years given above. We do not approve many other apparitions in the same place in the years that followed. In those following years, the Sacred Place of Ezquioga was invaded by a pestilential plague of false seers, in order to destroy the authenticity and truth of the blessed apparitions of the 3 years mentioned above.

The first apparitions of Ezquioga began on the 30th June 1931. The Most holy Virgin Mary appeared in the Apparitions of Ezquioga generally under the title of Our Lady of Sorrows; although on some occasions she appeared as well under other titles.

We establish in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows of Ezquioga proper Mass with proper preface, to be celebrated each year on the 30th June, in order to honour the memory of her apparitions in Ezquioga, in that dearly beloved Spanish region of the Basques.

We wish to make clear, as general information, that the most ferocious enemies of the Apparitions of Ezquioga were precisely the cursed Basque separatists,- since for those Basques it was most inconvenient that a Virgin Mary, very Spanish, should exalt the unity of Spain,- as she did constantly in those messages, just as she spoke constantly in those messages of the future grandeur of Spain,- as likewise of the Great Monarch of the Hispanic Empire, as never! - of a hypothetical Basque Empire!  One ought to bear in mind, as matter for deeper reflection, that the seers who received messages on the love of God for a united Spain were Basques. At the beginning of the Apparitions of Ezquioga, there were in the Sacred Place many separatist Basques with their cursed separatist flags. To these the Most Holy Virgin Mary replied: "I have not come only for this region, but I have come for all of Spain." With these blessed words of the Mother of God, the Basque separatists abandoned the Place and joined the enemy. Those cursed separatists then repaired to the cursed authorities of that Second Spanish laicised Republic. At once they formed a triumvirate composed of that cursed Bishop Mugica, who was a traitor to God and Spain,- of the republican anticlerical authorities, and of the Basque separatists. All of these obtained the help of the Masonic press to vilely calumniate the blessed Apparitions of Ezquioga, for the sole reason that the Virgin who was appearing there was as eminently Spanish as Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar. It could not be otherwise, since it concerns the same Virgin Mary who came in mortal life to Zaragossa on the banks of the Ebro. The exalted Mother of God was doing no more than keeping her word which she gave to the Apostle Santiago, that is, her promise to assist Spain permanently. And this Most Holy Virgin, as in Aragon on the banks of the Ebro, as in the Basque lands, and so now in Andalucia, is the same as the Virgin of Covadonga in Asturia, who gave victory to the Spanish against the Mohammedans. Save for the intervention of the Virgin of Covadonga, the Basques and all of Spain would probably now continue to be Mohammedan. It is historically verified that in times when Spain is divided, no Spanish region is powerful,- proof that God desires the holy unity of Spain.

It would be interminable to speak of the powerful intervention of the Divine Mary in the great problems of Spain, since all her regions, without exception, have been blessed with Marian apparitions, and she always appeared in order to strengthen the unity of Spain. For Spain to remain Catholic, she must remain always united.

We recall this famous Spanish phrase:

Spain united will never be defeated!

We recall that the Most Holy Virgin Mary has always been the exalted Captain General of the Spanish armies.

We, in the name of Christ, once again declare solemnly:

We anathematise all the separatists of the various regions of Spain, including the cursed separatists of Andalucia.

We remind you once again, that all separatism in Spain is driven by masonry and Marxism, since the enemies of the Church know that a united Spain is a great bulwark of the Catholic Faith.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, avail Our self of the present Document to amplify certain biblical questions of Document 39, referring to the antiquity of the world.

We in the Document mentioned, referred to biblical genealogies according to the Official Vulgate Bible.

We have encountered, reading the Mystical City of God of the most erudite Saint Mary Jesus of Agreda, an exact date of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As Saint Mary Jesus of Agreda relates, Our Lord Jesus Christ was born in the year 5,199 of the Creation of the World, which date coincides with the Roman Martyrology, as recited by Holy Mother Church on the Day of the Nativity of the Lord. It can be inferred from reading the Mystical City of God, that some priest consulted Saint Mary Jesus of Agreda about the authenticity of the date 5,199 of the Roman Martyrology. It can be deduced that the holy mystic presented the question to Heaven, and following that request, she gives assurance that such was the exact date, and that Holy Mother Church had included it in the Roman Martyrology, inspired or assisted by the Holy Ghost.

We, with this discovery in the Mystical City of God, proceeded to verify if really the date 5,199 is recited in the Roman Martyrology, and have found that to be sure, it is so recited.

We have consulted certain books that speak of the chronology of the Bible, and it appears that in certain Greek versions there are differences of years in relation to the Latin Vulgate,- and this to the point of finding the years that are missing between the text of the Vulgate and the date of the Roman Martyrology.

Among the differences in years, there is found, from Adam to the Universal Deluge, in certain patriarchs, a difference of 100 years in each of them. In like manner, there are similarly corresponding differences from Sem to the Patriarch Abraham, as well as the hundred years of construction of the Ark of Noah.

One must bear in mind that, when Saint Jerome composed the Vulgate, there already existed many other Latin texts of the Bible. Saint Jerome translated and also compiled other Latin translations, comparing them with Hebrew texts, as also with Greek texts. Of all Latin translations, Holy Mother Church chose as most adequate and perfect that of Saint Jerome, making it official for the Church.

We remind all the faithful,- as is already quite well known,- that after the time of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Jews falsified certain biblical texts, and even concealed and destroyed others, particularly those that better portrayed the Messiah.

At the time of the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ, all the peoples were sure that the Messiah was near, in accord with the prophecies. Even the Romans themselves were informed that the time of the Messiah was at the door. The Jews who rejected Christ tried by every means to conceal the clear proofs that that was the time of the Messiah. The Jews, in the famous council of the Elders of Sion, adulterated the biblical texts. There is no doubt that the Jews, with patience and serenity, with premeditation and malice, took the trouble zealously to lessen the number of years of the patriarchs, to let it appear that the Coming of the Messiah was still far off,- since, given the correct chronology, there would appear a palpable sign of the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The prophets had given signs of the approximate years for the Coming of the Messiah. For that reason the perfidious Jews, that cursed deicide race, changed the years of the biblical chronology in order to hide their monstrous crime, that monstrous crime of deicide.

We believe and confess that the Holy Ghost, who cannot deceive, put in the original biblical chronology the exact years of the lives of those Patriarchs in order in this way to give notices and signs of the expected and longed-for Messiah.

We, now that We know the approximate age of the world, are enraptured, because thus we find that seven millennia have passed, which presents a powerful sign that the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ is at the door,- since the number seven is profoundly biblical. With the completion of seven millennia of the age of the world, behold, we find ourselves in the plenitude of the Bible, since, with the passing of this week of millennia, there is already discerned the return of Christ to the earth with great power and majesty, accompanied by his myriads, to establish the Messianic Kingdom on earth, the Reign of Peace, in which Christ appears and is acknowledged King of the Universe, with the accomplishment in this time of Messianic peace of the second Triumph, now absolute, of Christ over the devil, death and sin. These three enemies will be buried in the pit of sulphur for eternity of eternities. In the Messianic Kingdom on earth, it will be seen perfectly that Christ is King of the Universe, while all his enemies will be overthrown and buried. As you all know, at the return of Christ to earth with great power and majesty, all his enemies will be made a footstool under his feet.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, teach infallibly that we find ourselves now in the first general apostasy of the last times, pertaining to the eschatological moment of the Parousia of Return of Christ. This great general apostasy you are able to see with your own eyes since, in the midst of a great multitude, the true Catholics form a tiny minority living in the catacombs, while Babylon the Great has fallen, the Great Babylon that is Rome, City of the Seven Hills, the Great Prostitute. These seven hills represent her drunken stupour and concubinage with the seven capital sins, since she has adulterated the seven Sacraments in accord with the new protestantised liturgy. The monstrous antipope John Paul II is profaning the churches that formerly were of God, since that monster invites every kind of heretic to his cults. We remind these apostates of today of those words of Saint Athanasius: "They are left with most of the Temples, but we are left with the Faith." Without doubt, the Faith is a Temple agreeable to the eyes of God,- understood naturally, when accompanied by good works.

We await jubilantly a great flowering of the Catholic Faith,- a flowering which will appear during the 25 years of peace of the Sacred Palmarian Hispanic Empire.

We remind you that after these 25 years of peace, Satan will again be unchained, and there will come the second general apostasy.

We believe and confess that after the second general apostasy, the Antichrist, a human person, will be destroyed by the breath of Christ. And with the victory of Christ over Antichrist, there will come the conversion of all the peoples, who will reign with Christ in the Messianic Kingdom of absolute Peace on earth. These, after living on earth for very many years, will go to Heaven through a transition or sweet dormition, since, by that time, death will have long since been overcome completely by Christ.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, teach infallibly, confirming what We previously have taught, that, at the Return of Christ to the earth, the Devil and all his followers will be chained in the pit of sulphur, never more to tempt men, since the Messianic Kingdom of Christ on earth restores the gifts that Adam lost through sin.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and with our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach:

It is a truth of Faith that Our Lord Jesus Christ was born in the year 5,199 of the Creation of the world.

We, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and with our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach the following:

If anyone dare to deny that Our Lord Jesus Christ was born in the year 5,199 of the Creation of the world, let him be anathema.

We remind all the Church of the wise sentence: the Pope has spoken,- let the rest be silent.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, repudiate all scientific study which would speak of remotest antiquities, for whatever false proofs that they dare to present,- proofs that only betray their falseness.

We avail our self of the present Document to continue speaking of the Work of Creation.

We amplify our declaration of Document 39, in which we spoke of the Creation by God of Heaven and earth, that is, all things visible and invisible, on the First and Only Day of Creation.

We, in the present Document, desire to clarify the question of that instant divided into instants.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and with our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach:

It is a truth of Faith that that "Instant divided into instants" passed within the 24 natural hours of that First and only Day, called the Day of the Lord.

We, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and with our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach the following:

If anyone dare to deny that Creation took place in an "Instant divided into instants" within the 24 natural hours of the day, let him be anathema.

We, with all these exact dogmatic definitions, have made quite clear the age of the world.  Reason itself tells us that the age of the world is on a par with the antiquity of man, since God made man king of all the rest of creation. A great age of the world without the existence of man would not be fitting, whereas God, in his infinite Wisdom, provides everything with perfect order.

The most erudite Saint Mary Jesus of Agreda speaks of God's creating the trees with their fruits.

We support this doctrine, since we see that it forms a parallel to the creation of man. The first man was created vigorous, tall, beautiful and intelligent. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, formed a most lovely pair, since Eve, as the image of Adam, was a stately woman, lovely, innocent, gentle and gracious. Our first parents Adam and Eve were created with perfect bodily proportions. Both interiorly and exteriorly they were exquisitely beautiful. Both were endowed with infused knowledge.  Both could communicate in speech, and in both there was nothing unbeautiful.  When our first parents sinned, God withdrew from them many graces and gifts, as punishment for their offence. Later their posterity, in the measure they continued to pervert themselves, continued also to lose many graces,- graces which mankind will recover in the Messianic Kingdom of peace, which Christ will establish at his Second Coming in Glory.

We, in establishing these dogmatic definitions on the Work of Creation, restore to the biblical chronology its original historical character. Henceforth it is of obligation to give the chronology of Genesis its historical character, and the historic truth which is inspired by the Holy Ghost,- with which are destroyed all scientific theses invented by human pride to destroy the historical facts of the Bible.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, decree:

That the Vulgate be revised, and that the Chronology be made to conform with the Roman Martyrology.

We, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, dis authorize all biblical chronology that does not harmonize with the present Document.

We, as Vicar of Christ on earth, decree:

We declare 1980 Holy Palmarian Year, because of the Twelfth Anniversary of the First Apparitions of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar, and also because of the Solemn Opening of the Holy and Great Palmarian Council.

The Jubilee of the Holy Palmarian Year will open on the 1st January 1980, and will close on the 1st January 1981.

We establish for the faithful of the Church, One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian, a Most Plenary Indulgence to be gained on the days they make a pilgrimage to El Palmar de Troya during the Holy Year, assisting at holy Mass, being truly repentant for their sins, confessing and communicating within the customary time according to Holy Tradition. All the faithful, after hearing Holy Mass, will recite a Creed, an Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, and Hail Mary Most Pure for Our intentions, and another complete Our Father for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

We decree:

Our religious community of the Carmelites of the Holy Face, in its several branches, resident in Seville, can gain the Plenary Indulgence on the 30th of each month during the Holy Palmarian Year.

We decree:

Those faithful who, during the entire Holy Palmarian Year, find a pilgrimage to El Palmar totally impossible, can gain this Plenary Indulgence on the 30th of each month during the Holy Year, assisting at Holy Mass celebrated by our missionaries. And where it is totally impossible to assist at Holy Mass, they can gain this Indulgence by reciting the Holy Penitential Rosary.

We, in the present Document, decree:

Let there be set up in the Basilica of Our Crowned Mother of El Palmar, the Gate of Pardon,- which, with the help of God, we shall solemnly open at midnight, zero hours on the 1st January 1980. Through this gate the faithful will enter on the 30th of each month and on the particular pilgrimages. On 1st January 1981, at zero hours, the Gate of Pardon will be closed. It will remain sealed until another Holy Year, which in its time will be decreed.

Given in Seville, at the Apostolic See, 12th December, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ MCMLXXIX.


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