39th Document

Some Dogmatic Definitions on the Work of Creation

Some Orientations on the Mottos of Saint Malachy' s Prophecies on the Popes

Anathema and Excommunication against Archbishop Frances Marcel Lefebvre, as Well as His Followers, and All Those Who Assist at His Cults

We, Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ, Successor of Saint Peter, Servant of the Servants of God, Patriarch of El Palmer de Troya.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, wish to develop certain concepts related to our previous documents.

We, as Universal Teacher and Guide of the Church, continue to speak of the infallible doctrine on the Work of Creation. 

We desire to orientate the faithful in unequivocal manner about the great mysteries of our sacrosanct Catholic Faith.

We, assisted by the Holy Ghost, desire with indescribable fire, to bring into clear light certain questions or opinions discussed by various doctors and authors.

Surely, throughout the History of the Church, the holy doctors have laboured with great diligence to bring light to the great mysteries.  In forming their opinions, all these holy doctors were moved by ardent love for the Church, and even with their diverse opinions, charity reigned among them.

It would be interminable to review in the present Document the abundant questions studied by the great doctors of the Church. 

Most dearly beloved children of our soul:  It is most clear that when these doctors studied profound questions, and tried to bring to light the meaning of those mysteries, they never did so in egoistic spirit, in order to surpass the others. Rather they were moved by profound love for the Church of God.

It is also most clear and certain that the doctors did not always find the precise answers to the infinite questions arising from the great mysteries.  They did not solve the problems because the Holy Ghost holds in reserve the right to solve certain questions precisely for certain epochs. 

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, in accord with our venerated predecessors, teach: 

The Holy Ghost has illuminated the Church throughout the centuries, according to the necessity of the moment,- necessity and moment which God alone knows how to determine.

Most beloved children: 

The Holy Ghost has always given the Church the Pope that corresponds to the need of each moment of history. 

From this, one understands the sure doctrine that each Pope has guided the Church in accord with the precise historical moment.

The Popes have guided the Bark of Peter, assisted by the Holy Ghost.  Each Pope has served the Church, with his own character as an instrument respected by God,- leaving aside personal weaknesses and defects.

Most dearly beloved children of our heart:

It is of utmost importance to examine, to weigh and assess the most profound mottos of the Prophecies of the Popes, bequeathed to the Church by the Irish Archbishop Saint Malachy.  In each of these mottos, you will find a profound personal history corresponding to each pontificate. These mottos are recorded in the briefest, but at the same time, profoundest phrases.

It would be foolish to reject the Prophecies of Saint Malachy, since these prophecies, in their brief mottos, offer great service to the Holy Church of God. 

This Holy Archbishop bequeaths to the Church a grandiose and admirable mystery concerning the Bark of Peter.  Each motto, one for each Pope, portrays a grand or humble, a sublime or mediocre, a long or short pontificate of each Pope.  To be sure, not all the mottos are clear. Some remain in certain obscurity.  One should not be surprised at the obscurity of some mottos.  In such circumstances, the faithful turn to prayer and penance, to ask light of the Holy Ghost in order to penetrate the obscurity.  In spite of some obscurities, certain persons favoured by God have been able to discern most profound mysteries.

Most beloved children:  do not be surprised at the obscurity of some mottos in the Prophecies of the Popes, since even in Holy Scripture there are obscurities, in order that the faithful, for this very reason, submit to the Magisterium of the Church.

Let us repeat once again that phrase of Saint Teresa:  God writes straight with crooked lines.

In his Infinite Wisdom, God has disposed all things in such wise that the faithful always know that they know nothing. The question put thus in its proper context, it is most clear that the faithful must feel themselves moved, with hands clasped, to fall on their knees to the ground, raise their eyes to Heaven, and implore the Mother of Good Counsel to shed light on these imponderable mysteries.

In his Infinite Goodness and Wisdom, God has placed in the Church a steersman, who teaches the Church. The one who stands at the helm of the Church is precisely the Pope, who is assisted by the Holy Ghost, so as not to deceive or be deceived.

Returning to the Prophecies of the Popes, you will be enraptured at the wonder of it, to understand in this way that the Holy Ghost chooses the Pope required at each moment of history.

Most dearly beloved children:

Analyse and examine with simplicity and humility, the motto "De Gloria Olivae".  This motto is the one that pertains to Us. You will observe that in many particulars, the motto "De Gloriae Olivae" corresponds perfectly to Pope Gregory XVII. 

Since God gives to the Church the Pope required at each moment of history, it is most clear that Gregory XVII is the Pope required at the present moment in history. It is sure doctrine that God respects his instruments in all that serves the greater glory of the Church.  The impassioned character of our self is a help required by the Church at the present moment.  The present moment of the Church and of the world is characterized by general apostasy and mediocrity.  Sad to say, the present epoch lacks great personages, while the majority in the world act merely like puppets.

The present epoch in History is characterized by an infinite number of fools, as also by a numberless crowd of traitors and cowards, those who sell Christ once more for 30 pieces of silver.  Before a panorama of apostasy, betrayal, cowardice and selfish convenience, there is needed without any doubt, a man of impassioned character and integrity, who is prepared to call things by their true names, without seeking words that please.  This apocalyptic epoch wants a man who will say "you scoundrel" to anyone who behaves without honour or dignity.  This critical moment for the Church wants a man who continues to call Marxism by its title "Intrinsically perverse doctrine."  At this fearful moment of history, when Russia is spreading her errors, errors that embrace Spain herself, there is needed a man who, with valour, continues to anathematise communism,- not merely condemning communism, but continuing to anathematise and excommunicate any Catholic who is affiliated with communism, and not merely affiliated, but who is in sympathy with that intrinsically perverse doctrine.

In these times of terrible aberrations, a man is wanted who continues to teach that Christianity and Marxism are incompatible,- likewise that Marxism represents militant atheism,- and in fact, that Marxism is the negation of every idea of God.

It is clear that communism presents itself in whatever guise it choose, while remaining the same terrible enemy of Christ and his Church. Given this fact, it is wholly impossible to dialogue with the communists, and if it is impossible to dialogue with them, all the more is it impossible to embrace them. Much worse than an embrace with a communist, is the presence of these cursed enemies at the ceremonies of the Church of God. Since it is impossible to admit the presence of communists at these ceremonies, there is no doubt that it is still more impossible to invite them to assist at ceremonies.

The fools of today do not see the signs, because they do not care to do so. While Pope Gregory XVII risks his life condemning communism, the monstrous antipope John Paul II dialogues with the communists.  Not only does he dialogue, he heartily embraces the communist leaders, persecutors of Christ.  Not only does he embrace them, he invites the communist leaders to assist at religious ceremonies.  It is clear that these ceremonies, at which the antipope John Paul II officiates, is not the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but rather the cursed Lutheran supper. Since it is a Lutheran supper, it is logical that there assist all kinds of heretics, sects and atheists, and whatever kind of cursed folk there be.

On the contrary, to the religious ceremonies celebrated by Pope Gregory XVII, the ceremonies of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, that cursed folk is neither wanted nor admitted.

Most dearly beloved children of our soul:

You yourselves can see with all clarity and precision, that the present epoch requires a man like Pope Gregory XVII, leaving aside his weakness and defects.

Most beloved children:

Examine, meditate and reflect on the motto of the monstrous antipope John Paul II, "De labore solis."  This motto means: "of the labour of the sun."  This labour, which the impostor John Paul II is accomplishing, is an attempt, no more nor less, than to eclipse the Sun, that very Sun which is Christ, and which, by delegation of Christ, is also the true Pope.  The false Pope, seated by usurpation in the city of the seven hills, pretends pharisaicly to eclipse Pope Gregory XVII.  Pope Gregory XVII has as motto "De Gloria Olivae.”  The olive tree is a figure of Christ.  Christ is the Mystical Olive Tree,- and the whole Church, being the Mystical Body of Christ, is also the Mystical Olive Tree.

The antipope John Paul II, precursor of antichrist, with his apparently good words, deceives even those who call themselves traditionalists.

It belongs to fools to imagine that Karol Wojtyla is going to restore the Holy Tradition of the Church, when, on many occasions he has repeated that his pontificate will be distinguished by the application and practice of the teachings of that disastrous Second Vatican Council. This cursed antipope has said that more reforms still remain to be made in the Church, and that Episcopal collegiality is to be put into practice with all rigour.

To be sure, the antipope John Paul II condemns abortion, divorce and other aberrations. But when he condemns, he does so in the name of human rights, and not according to the Traditional Doctrine of the Church, nor according to Divine Law.  Other religions too, condemn abortion, but according to diverse principles.  In certain countries, divorce is not allowed; not however for Christian reasons, but for political reasons, in the interest of State security, that is, for the interests of the government.

The antipope John Paul II condemns many theories; but he does not condemn those who practise those theories.  Up till now, the antipope John Paul II has not hurled a single anathema, nor excommunicated even one of the very many heretical Bishops who continue to pasture the flocks.  It would be interminable to speak of the clear signs that distinguish the true Pope from the false one.  Only the humble and simple of heart will see the signs. The wise and prudent will have a veil over their eyes, making it impossible to recognize the signs. The veil is woven by themselves. Through their pride, the wise and prudent weave the veil that makes it impossible for them to see. The attitude of the proud is abominable to God.

While the antipope John Paul II is acclaimed putatively by the multitudes, Pope Gregory XVII is rejected and disowned, not only by the Progresivists, but, what is worse, by the traditionalists as well.

It is incomprehensible that a good number of so-called traditionalists follow the French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. This Archbishop does not maintain a clear position. While he takes a stand as head of traditionalist and Tridentine groups, at the same time he asks to be received in audience by the impostor of the Vatican, John Paul II.  The posture of Lefebvre is flexible,- which is to say, he is playing with two packs of cards; or, also, one candle for God and another for the Devil.

If the Archbishop maintains that the Tridentine Latin Mass of Saint Pius V is the Catholic Mass, he cannot, in any way whatever, admit an authority which admits the Lutheran supper. It is not enough to obtain authorization for his seminaries, or for his priests to continue celebrating the Catholic Mass,- he must rather ask that the Lutheran supper - that is, the "Novus Ordo Missae" - be completely abolished, condemned, and put under anathema.

The astute and eminently diplomatic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre does not dare to ask that the Lutheran supper be abolished by Rome, since he might incur excommunication, be persecuted, calumniated, and taken for a madman. The sagacious Archbishop knows that, given open persecution, he would lose many of his followers, especially the wealthy.

We, who have an impassioned character and feel the lightning flash like the Apostle Santiago, called 'son of thunder',- we repudiate the comfortable posture of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and with Christ we say to him:  because you are tepid, God will vomit on you.

It is clear that the Archbishop is neither hot nor cold, since he works for two flags: namely, for the traditionalist groups, and for the Official Apostate Church of Rome.  It is clear that the Lefebvre group is autocephalous (it is its own head).  It is autocephalous because, in reality, it is neither with the true Pope, nor with the antipope.

It is sure doctrine that the Church is where Peter is.  Peter is in El Palmar, since the present Peter is Pope Gregory XVII, whether Archbishop Lefebvre likes it or not. If the Archbishop were humble and simple, he would not reject the great Work of El Palmar de Troya. This wise and prudent Archbishop has rejected El Palmar without ever having taken the trouble to set foot in El Palmar de Troya. The proud will not admit a number of know-nothings as brethren in the episcopate. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, like many other Bishops, was invited to the nuptial feast of the Gospel.  And when they declined and offered their excuses, the Lord sent his servants out into the byways to summon the know-nothings, the poor, the halt, and so forth.

We, in the name of Christ, ask Archbishop Lefebvre:  Do you care to tell Us whether the Apostles were men as wise and prudent as yourself?

Permit us to reply in your name:  The Apostles, those poor fishermen, in no way resembled the Sanhedrite Marcel Lefebvre.  Marcel Lefebvre belongs to the group of members of the Sanhedrin, those wise and prudent men who condemned Christ.  Pope Gregory XVII and the Episcopal College of the Palmarian Church, belong to that group of poor and ignorant fishermen who, led by the Holy Ghost, judge the former Sanhedrin.

It is necessary that Marcel Lefebvre define himself and take one definite stand: either with Christ or against Christ.  There is no room for two positions. Which is to say, either with Pope Gregory XVII, or with the antipope John Paul II, with all its consequences.

We, in the name of Christ, whom We represent on earth, solemnly declare:

We anathematise and excommunicate Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and all his followers.

So speaks the Vicar of Christ.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, assisted with most potent rays of light by the Holy Ghost, resume the subject named at the beginning of the present Document.

We, as Teacher and Guide of the Church, declare the infallible doctrine on the Work of Creation, namely:

God, in His Infinite Wisdom, created all things visible and invisible, in one instant divided into instants, whose duration only God knows, since, until now, He has not chosen to reveal it.

It is known as sure doctrine that before the Creation, there was no time, since time began to be measured beginning with the Creation; whereas all that is prior to Creation refers to God alone and to His eternity.

It is clear that, in Genesis, when Moses speaks of the Work of Creation and divides it into six days, he is explaining what took place on the Day of Creation in order that the Jews might understand it better.  Considering the rude condition of many of the Israelites, Moses presents these mysteries in a form adapted to their understanding.  One ought to appreciate that, in Genesis itself, light is given to understand that the Work of Creation took place on one day only.  For example, Moses says:  “In the beginning God created heaven and earth.”  Thus, with these most inspired words, the Holy Ghost has enclosed the Work of Creation. 

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, inspired by the Holy Ghost, solemnly believe, confess and teach:

In the words “heaven and earth,” We understand infallibly to be included the whole Work of Creation, all things, both visible and invisible.

Through the Vulgate (official Latin version of the Bible), the Holy Ghost has given another light to understand that the Work of Creation took place on the first day,- in the words: "and there was evening and morning, one day.”  If we compare this phrase with the corresponding phrase of the other days, we find a difference, namely:  "And there was evening and morning, the second day," - "and there was evening and morning the third day."  And so forth.  Following the Vulgate, there is no doubt that if the Work of Creation had taken place in six days, the Latin text would have to say:  "And there was evening and morning, the first day." 

The Holy Ghost, who was guiding the people of Israel, most wisely made this distinction in the composition of Genesis.

The Holy Ghost continued magisterially to write the following: "And He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He had rested from all his work which God created and made. These are the generations of the heaven and the earth, when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the heaven and the earth."

In this latter part, the Holy Ghost has written: "These are the generations of the heaven and the earth when they were created, in the Day in which the Lord God made the heaven and the earth."

In this latter part, you notice an apparent contradiction, since the concluding words are: "in the Day, in which the Lord God made the heaven and the earth."

The Holy Ghost, who cannot deceive, because He is Father of the Truth, manifests the truth in brief words, in order that it be seen at the moment in history that the Holy Ghost chooses.

We, as Universal Teacher and Guide of the Church, assisted by the Holy Ghost, teach infallibly and solemnly:

We believe, confess and teach: When the Holy Ghost says, "in the Day in which the Lord God made the heaven and the earth," He reveals, with great wisdom, that God created all things visible and invisible on the first and only day.

The Holy Ghost lets us discern here in the composition of Genesis, how certain it is that the first day is the Day of the Lord. 'Dominica' (Sunday), is the first day of the week in Latin, and means 'pertaining to the Lord'.

It is most clear and exact, that Dominica (Sunday), the first day of the week, is the Day of the Lord.

The expression "God rested," is not to be understood literally, because God never grew tired. In God Almighty, fatigue is impossible. In the phrase "God rested" is understood that Moses wished the Israelites to understand, humanly speaking, that it was precisely themselves who had to rest one day in the week. The avarice of the Jews is well known.  In order to gain a penny, a talent, some pieces of silver, or the equivalent, they have been capable of working continually with the heart of a miser, a sin which is well known amongst the Jews.

God, as is clear, did not rest, because He had never tired,- although, to be sure, He sanctified the Day, which, concretely, is His Own, the Day which, in highest degree, is His, and which can be no other than the Day of Creation.

The Jews, very devoted to the letter, rather than the spirit, have interpreted the Day of the Lord to be Saturday, the last day of the week.  As in most instances, the Jews, out of the hardness of their hearts, have inverted the sense.

Another interpretation of the Jews, following the Law of Moses, was this: "Love your neighbour and hate your enemies."

Christ, who did not come to abolish the Law, but rather to perfect it, said: "Love your enemies. Bless those that persecute you. Return good for evil, and so forth."

Christ said: "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days."  The Jews testified before the High Priests and said: "This man has said that he will destroy the temple, and in three days raise it up."  When Christ spoke of this destruction of the temple and its immediate reconstruction, He was referring to his own Crucifixion and Death, and to his glorious Resurrection on the third day.

Those Jews, zealous for the letter, ignored the spirit.

We recall that sure teaching: the letter kills, the spirit gives life.  It is also sure teaching that this saying does not justify the rejection of the letter as a matter of principle, because the spirit and the letter are complementary.

Oh most profound mystery! The Holy Ghost has reserved, as in a most sacred depository, the Day of the Lord for the Christians. The Church, our Mother, with sublime wisdom, has ordained, as holy day of precept, under pain of mortal sin, the Day of the Lord, the first day of the week, in memory of the Resurrection of Christ.

Christ, who came to perfect the Law, with his glorious Resurrection, gave sacred character to Sunday, the first day of the week, and abolished Saturday.

Oh most admirable prodigy: The Holy Ghost, on that first Pentecost, came down upon the Apostles on Sunday, in order to place his seal on the Day of the Lord.  By the ward Lord is understood each of the Divine Persons of the Most August and Most Holy Trinity. The Eternal Father is Lord. The only begotten Son of the Father is Lord. The Holy Ghost who proceeds from the Father and the Son is called Lord and Giver of life.  God, One in Essence and Three in Person, is the Lord.

When it is said that God created all things visible and invisible, We understand infallibly that the Three Persons created all things visible and invisible, there being no possible contrariety of will, since the Three Persons are one only True God.

Oh most profound and in searchable mystery!  Holy Mother Church, with sublime wisdom, has prescribed the Preface of the Most Holy Trinity for Holy Mass on most Sundays of the year.

Through this wisdom of the Church, the Holy Ghost has given us to understand that Sunday is the Day of the Lord.

In the tradition of Spain, there is a most precious devotion called the 'Holy Trisagion,’ which Saint Diego Jose of Cadiz composed under divine inspiration. This most admirable Trisagion in honour of the Most Holy Trinity is recited according to general custom, on all Sundays of the year.

This tradition is another manifestation of the Holy Ghost giving to Sunday the precise character of the Day of the Lord.

Christ entered Jerusalem in triumph on that glorious Palm Sunday. The entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem is a most solemn event in the history of Israel.

When Christ entered Jerusalem in triumph on a Sunday, He wished us to understand the importance of the first day of the week.  And He confirmed this importance by his glorious Resurrection on that most solemn Sunday of the Pasch, the Pasch that came to abolish the Jewish Pasch.

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, how admirable are your instructions!  You are the Truth, the Life, the Way. You are the Light, You have the words of Eternal Life.

When Our Lord Jesus Christ said to the Apostles:  "If you also wish to go, you may," Peter spoke up and said:  "Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone have words of eternal life."

Oh Christ!  O meekest Lamb!  Allow your Majesty to grant that this your Vicar, repeat those words: 

"Lord, to whom shall we go?  You alone have words of eternal life!"

Oh Divine and Imperial Majesty!  Behold your Vicar, Pope Gregory XVII, who loves you to folly, - in spite of our weaknesses, defects and imperfections, - in spite of our detestable sins against You.  Permit Us to hope in your infinite Mercy, in which We place our horrible sins, past and present; allow us to be confident, inspired by the hope of your grace, in which we place our future,- with which we desire to be strengthened and to dominate our inordinate passions.

Oh most merciful Christ, have pity on Us!  Strengthen your Vicar, do not allow Us to turn reprobate.

Oh Lord of infinite Mercy!  Do not regard our sins, but rather your own outraged Face, your crown of thorns. Regard your flagellation, your Way of Sorrows under the weight of the Cross, the Cross in which you bore those sins of Ours. Regard all of your Sacrosanct Passion, your Crucifixion. Consider how you shed your Blood to the last drop.

Oh Jesus, meekest Lamb, Sacrificial Victim, wash all our sins in your Most Precious Blood!

Oh Christ of Divine and Imperial Majesty, do not permit your Most Precious Blood to be without fruit in Us!

Oh Divine Majesty, Mary Most Holy, bring our prayers before his Divine Majesty, Christ Jesus, Our Lord and God!

Oh Divine Mary, do not permit, for even one moment, that We depart from under your Holy Mantle. And if such were to occur, take our freedom, and with royal power constrain Us to return to the shelter of your Holy Mantle!

We desire, in the present Document, to let you understand, that in our mind, there is no blame on all those who, until yesterday, maintained doctrines on the Work of Creation distinct for those which We, in the present Document, have defined infallibly. Until yesterday, all had been free to incline towards or adhere to various theses in questions still discussed but not defined. However, those who henceforth maintain such doctrines, We condemn with utmost severity. The Pope has spoken, the question is settled!  El Palmar,- that is, the New Rome,- has spoken, let all others hold their peace!

We, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and of our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach:

God created all things visible and invisible on the First and Only Day of Creation.

We, with the authority with which We are vested, teach infallibly that the First Day of Creation is the Day of the Lord, or Sunday (Dominica), first day of the week.

We, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and with our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach the following:  If anyone dare to deny that God created all things visible and invisible on the First and Only Day of Creation, the Day of the Lord, let him be anathema.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, feel the imperative need to confront with the sword, strike with precision, and cut off once and for all, modern currents of scientific thought on the Work of Creation,- and concretely, on the origin of man.

We transcribe the biblical passage on the origin of man, to wit:

“And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth, and breathed into his face the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

In this passage the Holy Ghost makes perfectly clear the origin of man. In this passage, the spirit is to be complemented with the letter.

Since remotest antiquity, the people of Israel commemorated this origin of man in an astonishing manner, as follows:

On a fixed day of the year, they covered all their body with ashes, not only to do penance, but also, and especially, to put men in mind of their origin. This Jewish tradition passed on to the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

With great wisdom, Holy Mother Church has prescribed, as preparation for the penitential season of Lent, the commemoration of Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday, Holy Mother Church in her Sacred Liturgy, puts ashes on the faithful and, with great wisdom, repeats the following formula: "Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris."  (Remember, man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shall return.)  This imposition of ashes is received by the Pope and by all, down to the least of the faithful of the Church. Those words of the Holy Ghost are heard by all the faithful of the Church, from the Pope to the least of the faithful.

Many scientists are disposed with an astute spirit to contradict Sacred Scripture, the Book of books, inspired by the Holy Ghost. With these words of the Holy Ghost in Genesis on the origin of man, every scientific thesis that explains the origin of man in another way, is crushed and destroyed.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, in accord with Holy Tradition, teach infallibly that God formed man of the dust or slime of the earth, created a rational soul, and infused it into that body. Through the infused soul, man was created in the image and likeness of God. This God did not do with any of the other animals.

Man has a rational soul in the image and likeness of God.  The other animals have an .irrational soul, and lack all image and likeness of God.

Through his rational soul, man is immortal, capable of distinguishing between good and evil. Man is capable of using his will to dominate his passions, - naturally, when he lets God help him.  Man is capable of acquiring the various disciplines of science and art.  Throughout the history of mankind it can be shown that man has used his intelligence to invent useful things.

The other animals have irrational souls, and so are incapable of discernment.  All the irrational animals of today continue to follow their most ancient ways during the course of their lives.

The system called evolution is totally false.

The animals with irrational souls continue to be irrational, as they were in antiquity.  No one of them has evolved. They continue to follow their most ancient ways, led by the well known so-called instincts that God has given them, in order to find their way in that which pertains to the life of an irrational animal.

It is totally false and absurd to say that man descends from a monkey.

Although among the various irrational animals the monkey, to be sure, resembles man most, one must understand with all clarity of mind that this resemblance is merely in external appearance, and is in no wise essential.  Between monkey and man there is a similarity of the same value as between wine and water.

It is well known that the monkey generally imitates man; sad to say, it is not always so, since there are cases of men who imitate monkeys. The number of fools is infinite.

It is well known from history that today's monkey continues to perform the same tricks as the monkeys of old.

The partisans of the cursed thesis that man descends from the monkey are moved by the noxious intention to explain everything by material means, causing the belief that God does not exist.

Those acquainted with animals can verify the various types there are of monkeys. There are some that externally resemble man. Others resemble dogs and also other animals. But no one says because of this that the dog descends from the monkey. The following fact is also certain, and has been carefully observed: it is noted that those monkeys which most resemble man, look with great complacency at women, likewise the females with respect to men.

Nevertheless, one should not look for the origin in such a fact, since this complacent gazing on the part of the monkey, comes from a certain external and agreeable resemblance that other animals do not find in man. It is also true that, as is known from history, men have often taught perversions not only to monkeys, but also to dogs, calves and other animals.

Unhappily, when man departs from God, he is capable of becoming the most savage beast amongst all the animals. A man without God becomes a brute. A man without God becomes a slave. He subjects himself to the rule of Satan, that infernal Dragon who, as Father of lies, can inspire the most terrible perversions.

The man who is brutalized is capable of committing the worst crimes, because he places his intelligence at the service of evil.

The man who lets God lead him is capable of attaining angelic dignity, because he places his intelligence at the service of God.

The man who receives the Holy Sacrament of Baptism participates in Christ, the Second Adam, and receives the divine nature and the indwelling in his soul of the Holy Ghost, not in accidental form, but rather in substantial form.

No monkey, however pretty and attractive it be, even sacrilegiously baptized, can ever receive the divine nature, nor the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, because the monkey was not created in the image and likeness of God, and does not possess a rational soul.

We recall the Spanish proverb, “a monkey dressed in silk, a monkey remains.”

We, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and of our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach:

God formed men out of the dust or slime of the earth, infusing a rational soul, to his image and likeness, with respect to the soul.

We, with the authority of Our Lord Jesus Christ, with that of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and of our own, solemnly declare, proclaim and teach the following:

If anyone dare to deny that God formed man of the dust or slime of the earth, let him be anathema.

We, as Universal Doctor of the Church, believe, confess and solemnly teach:

The earth has not the age that so many scientists affirm.

It is temerarious when, on finding a piece of stone or other object, all at once to affirm: this stone is fifteen million years old.

We ask that liar:  Friend, can you say on what part of the stone the date is marked?  In order to justify himself, the hypocritical scientist can of course find certain indications drawn from out of his own sleeve, in support of the age he asks us to accept.

In archaeological museums, there are most impressive objects, to which are assigned an inadmissible age. It is clear, that in years past, it sufficed that a scientist would place an object in remotest antiquity, so that objects found afterward would be placed in relation to the former, out of resemblance with that falsely dated object.

Scientists have had the audacity to assign to humanity an inadmissible antiquity, in open contradiction to the teaching of the Bible.

In the Holy Bible, there are minutely recorded genealogies, beginning with the first man, Adam, and relating the years of their lives. Through the Holy Bible we know that the existence of man has not yet attained six thousand years.

Any theory, any thesis or science that pretends to show that man has existed for more than the approximate six thousand years, is totally false.

We do not wish to extend the present Document excessively,- as, with the help of God, We will continue to teach in later Documents.

We speak again about the Day of Creation.

The doctrine We today teach infallibly on the Day of Creation is maintained by the Greek Fathers and certain Latin Fathers and Doctors; among these, the most glorious and luminous Doctor of the Church, the never sufficiently pondered Saint Augustine.

These Doctors, and among them, Saint Augustine, admitted that God created all things visible and invisible on the first Day of Creation. What they did not achieve in explaining very well, is whether it was in an instant or in many instants. Nevertheless, they allow freedom to understand that it was an instant divided into other instants.

We, who have commenced the present Document with the intention of speaking of other additional questions, determine now to continue to speak in the coming Documents, terminating the present Document so as to give pre-eminent character to the Work of Creation.

Given in Seville at the Apostolic See, the second Sunday of November, Feast of Thanksgiving to the Eternal Father through Our Lord Jesus Christ, as established in the Palmarian Church, being the 11th day of the same month, of the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ MCMLXXIX.


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