Key Messages to understanding the Work of El Palmar
and Prophecies from Times Past concerning the Great Pope Gregory XVII

The messages that follow were all received by Clemente Domínguez y Gómez, later to become His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII.

6th of January 1970
The Immaculate Conception

“My children: You are in the greatest place of apparitions in the world; that ever has been or ever will be... This Sacred Place is always encircled by the Heavenly Court, because it has been prepared for the salvation of the world.”

15th of March 1970
Our Lord

“What I am going to say now is sad: a schism will occur at the death of My present Vicar....Many sheep will go astray.”

5th of September 1970
The Immaculate Heart of Mary

“Freemasonry has infiltrated the Church hierarchy in many parts.”

29th of September 1970
Saint Michael the Archangel

“The Bishops do not undertake true reforms. The majority of them are united in attacking the apparitions. All such places are attacked by the Church hierarchy, and by that conduct they are telling Jesus and Mary to be silent.”

23rd of November 1970
Our Lord

“Soon the terrible schism will come. But take refuge under the sacred mantle of My Most Holy Mother and you will find the light, the way ahead, and will be able to discern where the true Pope is.”

8th of February 1971
Our Lord

“There are Freemason bishops and Marxist bishops. They do not permit the Pope (Paul VI) to move, and, worse than that, some of them in his presence applaud him, but each one does as he pleases and not what the Pope says.”

“Satan is now in the Vatican governing the Church, for there are bishops whose whole intent is to destroy the Church. But they will not succeed; I will be with My Church until the end of time.”

“I detest certain episcopal conferences where instead of teaching the Gospel, they deform it, and lead the sheep astray. How is it possible that in a Catholic Bishops’ conference they dispute My Divinity, My Real Presence in the Eucharist, the Marian dogmas? The only object of those bishops thereby is to confound the faithful.”

“Be prepared, My children! Be united under the mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for the Antipope will bring terrible confusion to the Church. Only with prayer and the constant invocation of Her Who is the Universal Mediatrix of all graces, will you be able to follow the true Pope.”

24th of February 1971
Our Lady of Mount Carmel

“My Divine Son reminds you that He will be with the Church until the end of time; which means that the destruction of Rome does not mean the destruction of the Church, which will exist until the end of time.”

25th of April 1971
The Most Holy Virgin Mary

“Paul VI will end his mission and then an Antipope will come. Many sons and daughters of the Church will believe that the Antipope is the true Pope; he will teach heresy, he will apparently destroy the Church. Many will say: ‘we have to obey the hierarchy’. But I will be speaking with My children and revealing the errors, and I will shepherd you.”

30th of July 1971
Our Lord

“O Shepherds of My Church! What are you doing? Do you want to put an end to her? But you cannot. I am with My Church and I assist her. Wicked bishops are governing My Church at present, because the hour of the power of darkness is approaching. But, as I did at My first Coming, I shall dispense with you, with you who are gone astray, and I will reveal My mysteries to the poor, to the disinherited, to the humble and to the ignorant; and they will sit at the banquet in the highest places.”

27th of September 1971
The Most Holy Virgin Mary

“An Antipope will reign next, the confusion will be terrible. A true Pope will not be lacking, but much prayer will be needed to see the light.”

26th of January 1972
Our Lord

“Holy Church is becoming obscured... Everyone thinks he is a theologian, everyone preaches to his fancy, everyone believes he is a prophet of God, and they want to transform My Church at whim... Everything is questioned. My Real Presence in the Eucharist is questioned, if it were not defined dogma! My glorious Resurrection is placed in doubt. Others even say that I did not rise from the dead, that I was not Divine. Others deny My Second Coming to the earth with great power and majesty, claiming that it refers to the coming at the hour of death to each. Fools, more than fools! My Return is perfectly clear in the Gospels. Today everything is attacked; and what is more painful, by persons consecrated to Me.”

9th of March 1972
Our Lord

“Rome has become prostituted. Rome embraces the enemies of the Church... The Pope is not allowed to govern... Freemasonry and Communism have thoroughly infiltrated the Vatican, trapping and martyrizing My dearly beloved Vicar Paul VI. There are bishops at the Vatican who are 33rd degree Freemasons... The children of the Church are gone astray because many pastors have gone astray.”

“My true Church will be very hidden and greatly persecuted; and the pharasaic Church will be widely recognized by all States and will follow in the steps of the Antchrist.”

9th of May 1972
Our Lord

“Dear little children: What times are approaching! The great schism is coming soon. After Paul VI, the reign of the Antipope comes. Then the question of obedience arises. Imagine a gentleman with the title of Pope, whom all think of as Pope, as Head of the Church, and who begins to give strange orders. They will of course say: ‘he is the Pope, I must listen to him and obey him’. Then will the deviations come, the sheep astray amidst the wolves.”

5th of September 1972
Two angels carry a large sign which says:

“Great and terrible events are approaching the Church. The Church will be eclipsed. That is, the true one, the Church founded by Jesus Christ; she will be hidden in the catacombs, persecuted by the pharasaic Church that will be officially recognized by all nations....”

6th of March 1973
The Most Holy Virgin

“The Heavenly Father has willed that this place be the guiding light that is to prepare the children of the new Church... The Eternal Father wills that from this blessed place go forth the apostles who are to prepare mankind for the return of Jesus.”

25th of March 1973
Our Lord

Daily My enemies will be occupying high posts in My Church, until they come to be seated in the Chair of Peter, and apparently the emissaries of Antichrist shall govern the Church. But...the true Pope will not be wanting.”

2nd of April 1973
Our Lord

“Be alert to the forthcoming Pontificate, for after Paul VI a false Pope will be seated on the Chair of Peter, who will attempt to destroy the Church. At that time there will also be a true Pope. So pray much so that when that day comes you have light and know whom to follow.”

19th of June 1973
Our Lord

“Soon the Catholic Church will be a member of the Council of Churches, which is the same as to say that the Catholic Church is one more Church, like all the Churches. This will be the preparation for the diabolical unity which will come to pass in the forthcoming Pontificate, with the Antipope at the head.”

From the 29th of July 1973, Clemente Domínguez is sent by Our Lord to visit the Bishops of Spain and of several European countries and to deliver them messages dictated by Heaven. In these messages the Bishops are required to shepherd their flocks according to the norms of Holy Tradition and of the authentic Magisterium of the Church, to break with the wave of progressivism and, besides, solemnly to consecrate every diocese to the Most Holy Virgin of Mount Carmel. Faithfully carrying out Heaven’s charge the seer made several tours of the countries of Europe and as well nine tours of the American Continent.

29th of January 1974
Message of the Virgin Mary

“The schism in the Church will occur in the near future and a false Pope shall be seated in the Chair of Peter... But for that moment Marian apostles will be ready in all nations who, in union with the true Pope, will re-establish order, —order that will not be visible, but in the catacombs.”

24th of September 1974
Our Lord

“The Order one day to be founded in this Sacred Place will illuminate all nations. The true Pope’s mainstay will be here, when the schism comes. O beloved little children! I am preparing you now for the future Order, in which lay persons will not be lacking either, namely those married persons who will make up the Third Order.”

30th of May 1975

Our Lord gives the command to begin the construction of the Shrine of Our Mother of El Palmar.

9th of September 1975
Our Lord

“Here is the Cathedra of the world, the light for the world, the beacon in the Church; El Palmar de Troya—the beacon in the Church, amid the confusion rampant throughout the world and within the Church herself...”

30th of November 1975
Our Lord

“I desire the foundation of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face.”

At once Our Lord gives the instructions for the same. But two days later He says that the foundation is to be deferred for the time being.

22nd of December 1975
Our Lord

“My beloved children, at this moment the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face is founded. This is the moment, now. But it was constituted on the 30th of last month.”

25th of December 1975
The Most Holy Virgin Mary

“My beloved children: today is a great day in El Palmar de Troya. You have present a successor of the Apostles” (referring to Archbishop Peter Martin Ngo-denh Thuc, who had arrived the previous day).

Addressing the Archbishop through the seer Clemente She says:

“I ask of you a special grace which is necessary in this Sacred Place. The consecration of new bishops is necessary! Very necessary! Urgent! There are several priests here that I need to be consecrated bishops... It is necessary, so that these bishops in their turn ordain priests and re-establish the Holy Tradition of the Church. That is the work that corresponds to you in your years of old age...”

1st of January 1976

After midnight takes place the ordination of five priests by Archbishop Peter Martin; including Clemente Domínguez y Gómez and Manuel Alonso Corral.

10th of January 1976
The Divine Shepherdess

“My dearest little children, observe My statue—the Divine Shepherdess—with crozier in the left hand, and giving directions with the right, upon the globe of the world. If you acknowledge Me as Divine Shepherdess, I am the One Who has the faculty, given by God, to instruct you and tell you that the Episcopal Consecrations must be done in this Sacred Place, and not in private as you were going to do. It is very important for your mission in the Church and in the world that there be eyewitnesses of your Episcopal Consecrations...”

(Five bishops were consecrated, headed by Clemente Domínguez y Gómez and Manuel Alonso Corral, in the early hours of the 11th of January 1976, the Feast of the Holy Family).

27th of January 1976
Our Lord (addressing the new Bishop Clemente Domínguez y Gómez)

“My dear son: as a Bishop that you are, you must make use of the power of the imposition of hands, since it is My desire that the following be consecrated bishops (naming three priests of the Order)... I need many bishops, more than you think, because this flock has to be multiplied right round the world. It is necessary to have an Episcopal College prepared, to receive in due course, in this Sacred Place, Pope Paul VI, who will reign and govern the Church from this Sacred Place.”

In accordance with Our Lord’s message, on varying dates new members of the community were ordained priests and some time later consecrated bishops, some still quite young. But this was ordained by Heaven.

4th of April 1976
Our Lord

“The time is coming, and soon, when you will not be able to use the title ‘Roman’.”

“Here will rise up the strong man who will govern the Church and condemn error and heresy. The Glory of the Olives draws nigh after Paul VI. This Olive staff is equally able to rule from here as from any other nation. The important thing is your unity, wherever you may be.”

5th of April 1976

Imprisonment and subsequent exile from Spain of the Palmarian Bishops.

29th of April 1976

Return of the exiled Bishops to Spain.

29th of May 1976

The car in which Father Clemente Domínguez y Gómez is travelling is involved in an accident, provoked by Satan and permitted by God. Father Clemente loses both eyes. He is operated on at a clinic in San Sebastian.

16th of June 1976

Father Clemente returns to Seville. By order of the Lord he consecrates several bishops; for as the Lord said, to consecrate, hands—and not eyes—must be imposed.

4th of August 1976
Our Lord, after quite some time without communicating with Father Clemente, appears to him anew and gives him a very important message.

“Let no one think that El Palmar has fallen, because victory lies in the Passion and in the Crucifixion. Later comes the Resurrection... Now is the time for the truth to be known. I am preparing the future Pope, step by step. Now you are suffering this cross. Later will come another, greater than this one... You will see, dearest son, if you continue steadfast to My will, how I will form you into a great Pope... You will be the future Peter, the Pope who will consolidate the Faith and the integrity of the Church, combatting heresy with great energy, since legions of Angels will assist you.”

(This message was given in Seville. At that moment the friars arrived from El Palmar). Our Lord went on to say: “The future Cardinals of the great Church shepherded by the Great Pope are arriving. This Pope will reign with the name of Gregory... The Glory of the Olives... the Pope who will lay down the name of Clemente to take up the new name of Gregory.”

“These are the Last Times and you are the Marian Apostles.”

5th of September 1976
Our Lord

“A great storm is at the very doors of the Church. It will appear as if the Barque of Peter is sinking. However I am sustaining the Barque in fulfilment of My promise of assistance until the end of time. You, the members of the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, are those who are called to assist the Church; and in this way My promise is being fulfilled. You are part of that promise of assistance to the Church. The Carmelites of the Holy Face are sustaining the Barque of Peter with Me, so that it may not sink under the water.”

7th of September 1976
The Divine Shepherdess

“A new era begins in the history of the Church... When the Holy Ghost fills you with knowledge, graces and virtue, then shall you be sent to preach everywhere.”

26th of November 1976
Our Lord (after a series of new ordinations and consecrations)

“I am gradually preparing the bishops who will replace the Sanhedrin... I am forming this Episcopal College which, later on, will fight a victorious battle against Satan and his henchmen.”

20th of January 1977
The Blessed Virgin Mary

“Now, My dear little children, it is necessary, very necessary, that from this moment all your names be changed as a sign of holy obedience, humility and renunciation of the world, beginning with that of the Father General who will henceforth be known as Father Ferdinand... And Father Manuel will be called Father Isidore (seven names in all are given)... And you, Father General, have the faculty of imposing the rest of the names on the members of the Community, who may not choose their own names, just as you have not been able to choose yours.”

3rd of February 1977
The Blessed Virgin Mary

“The great Pentecost of these apocalyptic times is approaching. That day is very close. When that new Pentecost comes, you will astonish the world. How many plans God has for you! You are My Apostles, the famous Marian Apostles of the Last Times of whom Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort spoke.”

31st of May 1977
The Blessed Virgin Mary

“My beloved children: the world does not realize the importance of this Sacred Place, where the Great Papacy and the Great Empire, the Empire of Christ, will be consolidated. This future Pope of the Glory of the Olives, who will bear the sword together with the cross, will re-establish order over the face of the earth. Therefore it is necessary that for a time he yet suffer the cross of blindness in order to be strengthened and perfected for the great papal and imperial enterprise that will fall upon him in due course.”

19th of June 1978

Accompanied by six bishop members of the Order, Father Ferdinand sets out on his ninth journey to America, visiting Argentina, Chile, Peru and Colombia. In Santa Fe de Bogotá, capital of Colombia, he founded a convent each for friars and nuns. There, on Sunday the 6th of August, Feast of the Transfiguration, he was surprised by the death of Paul VI.

A few hours later that day, the 6th of August, there took place the momentous event of the election and mystical crowning of Father Ferdinand (Clemente Domínguez y Gómez) as legitimate successor of Paul VI with the name of Pope Gregory XVII.

Our Lord then gives, successively, six very important messages.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Paul VI, and Saint Teresa of Avila also each give messages.

9th of August 1978

Return to Seville where the Blessed Virgin Mary gives another very important message.

15th of August 1978

The official and visible Coronation of Gregory XVII by four Cardinals takes place in Seville.

Fragments of the Messages given on the 6th and the 9th of August 1978:

“A great day today, in which you are vested with the high office of Pope, on this Feast of the Transfiguration on Mount Thabor, —feastday of the Holy Face, of the Order of which you are the Founder and Father General; moreover in this city which the Spaniards christened with the name of Santa Fe (Holy Faith), and which celebrates its foundation. Not chance, but Providence, so that the lowly and simple of heart better understand... Only the simple and humble of heart will recognize the true Pope: Pope Gregory XVII... The great Pontificate of the Glory of the Olives begins. The Pope foretold by many mystics and in many prophecies. The Pope who joins in his veins the blood of Spain, the noble blood of Spain, with the true blood of France and with the blood of the Chosen People (Clemente’s maternal grandmother was of French Jewish extraction). There the grandeur! He will not delay long before taking up the sword and fulfilling the mission of Emperor and Great Monarch. All will come in due course if you are faithful and correspond to grace.”

“It was also foretold in prophecies in times past how this Pope would be elected: namely through the direct intervention of the Apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul. There is no other way of counteracting the official election in conclave in Rome from which the Antipope will come.”

“Now the See of the Church is in El Palmar de Troya; naturally in Seville, the Land of Mary Most Holy. Here is the new Rome.”

“Noe’s Ark is here, this blessed field of El Palmar de Troya; the desert foretold in prophecies... The Church withdraws into the desert. Here she is, in the desert of El Palmar de Troya. Outside, no true Church is possible.”

3rd of September 1978
Our Lord

“The flight of the Pope has been fulfilled in the death of My most beloved Vicar, Paul VI, since ‘flight’ can be considered ‘departure’; and by his departure, Rome, the Great Harlot of the Last Times, has ceased to be the capital of Christendom; for the new Rome is the Sacred Place of El Palmar de Troya.”

“Paul VI has closed the history of the Papacy in Rome. Gregory XVII, Pope, has begun the history of the Papacy in El Palmar de Troya, which will be a See on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where I founded the Church and where I will go out to meet the last Pope to take back the Keys.”

Prophecies from Times Past
concerning the Great Pope Gregory XVII

Saint Catherine of Racconigi (1486-1547)

She saw the Barque of Peter in a terrible storm and Saint Peter, who all the while did not take his eyes off the ship being navigated by Saint Gregory.

Arnold of Wion

A Benedictine monk who around the year 1600 published the famous ‘Prophecies of Saint Malachy’ concerning the Popes, and who prophesied that the Great Pope of the Last Times would be known as Gregory XVII. It must be borne in mind that by the year 1600 there had only been 14 Popes who bore the name of Gregory. Popes Gregory XV and Gregory XVI had yet to be elected.

The mystic Maria Nieves Holgado

Born in 1904 in the province of Navarre, and miraculously cured in Lourdes in 1926, she said that the Great Pope would be called Gregory XVII.

A mystic nun of Salamanca

In 1954 she, also, predicted that the Great Pope would be called Gregory XVII.

Saint Amadeus I de la Tour

Bishop of Sion in the Swiss canton of Valais (1163-1168), he left an extremely important prophecy: “A Shepherd beloved of God and chosen by God will in due course enter the Temple, expel the buyers and sellers and will purify and reform the Church. He will be blessed with the blessing of Jacob, for he will truly be the Vicar of the Church of Jesus Christ. He will cleanse the world of a multitude of errors. He will teach all the secrets as yet concealed: about God, about the Angels and about the Universe... This shepherd will be like King David; since in the same way as this latter transformed ancient Jerusalem, the former will transform the Church. The Lord will grant him His grace and prudence. This Shepherd will plainly reveal the magnificence of God, making known to all the mysteries hitherto concealed. And all men shall listen to his voice... He shall send his apostles everywhere to take care of the sheep of the flock. After bringing peace to the world, he will promulgate the will of God to all; and men shall live in truth, purity of Faith and fear of God. The Faith of the Lord will reign throughout the world.”

The French author and editor Michel Servant

Who has published a work in three volumes titled ‘Watch and Pray, for the Hour is Nigh’, in which he brings together prophecies of all times concerning the Last Times. He concludes the chapter on the Great Pope by saying: “The future Great Pope will be revealed to the world only after the great chastisements. In any case no one at present knows him save those to whom God has wished to reveal him.”

Published by
the Secretariat of State
of His Holiness

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