The Palmarian Creed

Composed by the Venerable Fathers of the Holy and Great Palmarian Council, united together in the Holy Ghost, under the direction and with the approbation of His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII.

Given in Seville at the Apostolic See, the 30th March, Palm Sunday, in the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ MCMLXXX, and second of the Pontificate of the Pope now gloriously reigning.


I BELIEVE in one true God, Most Pure Spirit, Almighty, Living, Creative and Eternal, Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost: One Divine Essence in three truly distinct Persons, coequal and coeternal one with another.

I believe that the Triune God is eternal Love, infinitely good, holy, wise and beautiful, just and merciful, provident, munificent, free and truthful, immutable, immense and omnipresent, having one intelligence and one will in most perfect harmony; beginning and end of all things, without past, without future, in one eternal present.

I confess one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity; Mystery of mysteries, prefigured in the Old Law, fully revealed by Jesus Christ.

I adore Three Divine Persons, I venerate their ineffable community, their inexhaustible happiness; and with the Angels I praise: Distinctness in Persons, Oneness in Essence, Equality in majesty and glory.

I believe that God, to reveal His glory and share with us His love and happiness, moved by a most vehement desire, decreed the Work of Creation.

I believe in one Lord God, Father Almighty and unbegotten, First Person of the Most Holy Trinity, Creator of Heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible, Who made all things out of nothing.

I believe that the Work of Creation described in Genesis, was made in a single instant divided into instants, within the twenty-four natural hours of the first and only Day of Creation, called Dominica, or Day of the Lord.

I believe that, before all things, God created first the Most Divine Soul of Christ united to the Word of God; immediately afterwards the Divine Soul of Mary associated to the Divine Council.

Continuing, He created the Angels, of whom a third part sinned and were cast into Hell.

Then He created all visible things; and, as culmination of all these, He formed the first man Adam of the clay of the earth, breathed into him an immortal soul created to the image and likeness of God. And, out of his rib, God formed Eve, his wife, and breathed also into her an immortal soul.

Man, so created, is able to know and to love God and to render Him homage in the name of all the visible creation.

In His infinite goodness, God created our first parents in the state of original justice: communicating to them the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, bestowing upon them the preternatural gifts: immortality of the body, freedom from concupiscence and infused knowledge.

But, deceived by the ancient serpent, Adam, by his disobedience to God, lost original justice; and, by divine decree, lost it as well for all his descendants with the exception of Mary, leaving to them an inheritance of death, original sin.

I believe that at the moment of conception of each human being, God continues to create the soul, but now deprived of Sanctifying Grace.

I believe that God, in the fullness of time, in His infinite goodness and mercy, sent His Onlybegotten Son to accomplish the Work of Reparation and Redemption.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, Onlybegotten Son of the Father, true God and true Man; one Divine Person with two natures: the divine and the human, two intelligences, two wills and one memory that is human.

I believe that Jesus Christ, as God, is consubstantial with the Father and with the Holy Ghost. He is the Word of God, Uncreated Wisdom, begotten, not made, born eternally of the Father. God of God, Light of Light, true God of true God, and by Him all things were made.

I believe that His Most Divine Soul is truly human, with most perfect plenitude of grace, with the highest degree of infused knowledge and most sublime vision of God.

I believe that the Divine Word, without leaving the glory of the Father, came down from Heaven, and, for the salvation of mankind, in marvellous manner was made flesh in the most pure womb of the Virgin Mary, not through the work of man, but through the action and grace of the Holy Ghost, and He was made Man.

I believe that He was born in Bethlehem in the year five thousand one hundred and ninety-nine of the Creation of the world, and that He was in all things like as we are, but without sin.

I believe that our Divine Saviour, during His hidden life in Nazareth, was subject to obedience in the heart of the Holy Family, also called the August Trinity on earth.

And that, during the three years of His public life, in His sublime mission as Envoy of the Father, He proclaimed the Kingdom of God, and confirmed His Divinity and Doctrine by His example and miracles.

I believe that, under the authority of Pontius Pilate, He suffered a most shameful and cruel Passion, and was crucified; and, commending His spirit to the Father, He immolated Himself and died, and thus He consummated the continuous offertory of His whole life.

I believe that, through this admirable and sublime Sacrifice, He accomplished the infinite and necessary reparation to the Father.

I confess that, as gratuitous consequence of this act of reparation, came superabundantly the redemption of mankind; and that it all expressed the most complete triumph of the infinite goodness of God over sin. That which man’s pride and disobedience had lost, divine obedience restored with increase. O happy fault! When love overcame hate! By the fruit of the Virgin’s womb, was crushed forever the head of the infernal serpent. Where there was defeat, now there is victory! Where the fruit of the tree of Paradise brought death, the Fruit of the Tree of Calvary restored life. Where darkness prevailed, now reigns the light!

I believe that, from the side of the Divine Reparator and Redeemer, came forth, cleansed and renewed, the New Church, with the Wisdom of the Sacraments.

I believe that, in His Soul united to the Divinity, He descended into Hell, chained Satan, liberated the souls of the just in the Bosom of Abraham, filled the souls of Purgatory with hope; and all bent their knee at the holy and terrible Name of Jesus.

Taken down from the wood of the Cross, wrapped in the Holy Shroud, borne to the Holy Sepulchre, His Body, united to the Divinity, received the adoration of the Angelic Choirs.

I believe that Jesus Christ, Almighty God, His Body and Soul united, glorious and immortal, rose on the third day from the dead by His own power, fulfilling the Scriptures, and leaving us the greatest proof of His Divinity, the foundation of our Faith, pattern of our spiritual life, cause and hope of our resurrection to come.

I believe that first He appeared to His Most Holy Mother; then to Saint Mary Magdalen, to the other holy women, to Saint Peter and the other Apostles: to fortify them and instruct them in the Faith, to confirm them in their powers, to send them to preach the Gospel and to baptize every creature — which is indispensable for salvation — charging them to remain together in Jerusalem until the Coming of the Holy Ghost, and promising to be with them until the consummation of the ages.

I believe that, on the fortieth day, while blessing the disciples, He ascended by His own power to Heaven with majesty and glory, to the acclamations and jubilee of the Angels and of all the Blessed who accompanied Him in so happy a triumph. And, in the sight of all, with the Light shining from His Divine Face, as Supreme King, He threw open the gates of Heaven; and there He is seated at the right hand of the Father, equal to Him in glory as God, and, as Man, greater in glory than all others.

I believe that from there He will come, with the same majesty and glory, to judge the living and the dead, as Supreme and Just Judge with irrevocable judgement; and of His Kingdom there will be no end.

I believe that Jesus, as God, is King of Infinite Majesty, and, as Man, is temporal King of the Jews; since, as legal son of Saint Joseph, He is by descent heir to the throne of David.

I believe that He is the Christ, the Anointed, the Angel Mediator, the Great Prophet, and the Eternal High Priest Melchisedech.

I believe in one Lord God the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity, Creator and Renewer of the face of the earth, giver of life and sanctifier of souls, advocate and consoler of us men, Divine Love and most sweet union of the Father and the Son.

I believe that the Holy Ghost, unbegotten, uncreated, proceeds eternally from the infinite love of the Father and the Son, as from one principle, and is consubstantial with Them and together with Them is adored and glorified.

I believe that the Holy Ghost is Himself Sanctifying Grace, the Great Supernatural Gift Who dwells truly in the souls of the just, regenerates them in Baptism, makes them divine, living temples of God, sons and heirs of His glory.

I believe that He is the Soul of the Church, Spouse of the living souls of the faithful, and that — according to their co-operation — He fills them with His gifts and fruits.

I believe that the Holy Ghost, on the Day of Creation, covered the waters with His shadow, giving life to all.

That He dwelt in the Ark of Noe, confounded the tongues of Babel, justified Abraham, our father in the Faith, fortified Isaac, figure of Christ, guided Jacob, figure of the Church, taught Moses observance of the Law, made him captain of the people of Israel, and dwelt in the Ark of the Covenant.

He spoke by the prophets, anointed kings, gave courage to the captains, descended over the Virgin Mary, appeared over the Jordan, was poured out in the Blood of the Victim immolated on the Cross, came in tongues of fire over the Apostles, fortified the martyrs of Christ, continues to speak by the Magisterium of the Church; and lavishes Himself over the Palmarian Apostles, who prepare the way for the Return of Christ and for His Messianic Kingdom of peace on earth.

O most vehement Fire of Love! O Most Sweet Dove! O Fountain of Wisdom! O Breeze of Consolation! O Most Blessed Light! O Breath of God! Infinite Ocean of Light! Dispeller of darkness! Impetuous Wind of Salvation! Splendour of the Glory of God! O Most Loving Gift of souls!

I believe that the Most Holy Virgin Mary, real and most perfect creature, is the true Mother of God, conceived eternally in the mind of God as His worthy companion.

I believe that Her Divine Soul, through participation in the Most Divine Soul of Christ, with which She was spiritually espoused, was full of the Holy Ghost from the very instant of Her creation, and full of all virtues and graces to a degree never suspected — with most perfect light to understand the exalted mission for which She was created; enjoying the beatific vision, endowed with infused knowledge, in a plenitude of light and grace, not only for Herself, but also for Her to pour out over all creatures.

I believe that Mary, Most Loving Companion of God, is Mother and Heart of Creation, Sweetness of grace, sublime Joy, untold Praise, ecstatic Presence, Breath of rapture, exquisite Touch, mystical Cadence, Taste of delight, Cooing of the Creator Spirit over the waters.

I believe that Mary Most Holy is the Woman announced in Genesis to crush the head of the infernal serpent, and that She is prefigured in the Old Testament:

Eve, as mother of all the living; Sara, in miraculous fruitfulness and as mother of the son of                   promise; Rebecca, as mother of the chosen people; Rachel, in the immolation of giving birth to the Mystical Christ; Deborah, as captain of the Hosts of the Lord and Mother of the            Church; Ruth, as model of virtue, handmaid of the Lord and gleaner of souls; Judith, as fortitude and sword of God; Esther, as sublime star of salvation; The mother of the Machabees, as mother and courage of the martyrs.

O Mary! Described by the Holy Ghost in the Old Testament, sung by the Angels, expected by the Patriarchs, announced by the Prophets.

O Immaculate and Most Pure Dove! Graceful as the Palm! Who is She that cometh forth as the morning rising, Fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array? She is the splendour of the eternal light, the unstained mirror of the ways of God, the image of His goodness.

O Mary! How fair Thou art! As the rod of Aaron that flowered without plough or seed, as the bush that burned without being consumed. O garden enclosed! O fountain sealed up!

Of Thee the Holy Prophet Isaias announced: “The Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son: and His name shall be called Emmanuel”.

O Mary! Let my tongue, united with the angelic choirs, exalt Thy glories, repeating: Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou, O Mary! Mother of God and ever Virgin.

I believe that Mary Most Holy was begotten by the work of man, of Her presanctified parents, Anne and Joachim; She was conceived without original sin and endowed with most perfect beauty, spiritual and human.

I believe that Mary Most Holy was free as well from all personal sin, and that in view of the sublime dignity of Mother of God, merited the singular privilege to be the Irredeemed, since She who never knew sin could not be redeemed.

I believe that the Immaculate Virgin Mary, in the very instant of Her Most Pure Conception, enjoyed the use of reason; and, fully conscious of the sublime gifts received from God, — which surpass those given to all other creatures together — with most profound and perfect humility, most vehement desire and most generous response, offered Her whole Self to Her Divine Spouse, the Creator, consecrating to Him the first fruits of Her being: the exquisite lily of the Perpetual Vow of Virginity.

I believe that the Divine Mary, in the womb of Saint Anne, — Sanctuary of the Tabernacle of God — with unceasing and heroic acts of Faith, Hope and Charity, revered, praised and adored the Infinite Majesty in the Unity and Trinity of God, for Herself and for all creatures.

With sublime prostrations and many sighings She interceded and prayed for the salvation of all mankind, and vehemently implored the Heavenly Father to hasten the hour of the coming of the Promised Messias.

I believe that the divine Child Mary, in most sublime ecstasy, absorbed and withdrawn from all sensible things, was born resplendently beautiful, as became Her dignity of Spouse of God, filling mankind with plentiful hope.

Her devout parents gave Her the Most Sweet Name of Mary, as God had decreed and communicated through the ministry of the Angels; at this Name, with profound reverence, all bow their heads, in heaven, on earth, and in hell.

I believe that the Divine Princess was presented and left as ward in the Temple by Her parents, at the age of three years — to the admiration of the priests and of all those in the service of God, being Herself model and example of the religious life.

I believe that God, in His Infinite Wisdom, in order that this exalted Lady be able to work in the sublime mission to which She was consecrated, in certain moments of Her life, suspended Her infused  knowledge and other most divine gifts, leaving Her in the ordinary condition and state of the virtues, and thus, with the practice of heroic virtue, to be the admiration of the Angels and the perfect model of mankind.

I believe that Mary, the Sovereign Princess, in an act of indescribable renunciation and obedience, and the immolation of Her own will, full of faith and confidence in Her Creator, accepted with supreme charity the divine command: being espoused at the age of seventeen years with a just man of the House of David, called Joseph, chosen through a singular providence of God.

I believe that, when the fulness of time was come, the Most High chose to reveal Himself to men and to accomplish the Salvific Work of Redemption. He sent the Holy Archangel Gabriel to the city of Nazareth, accompanied by innumerable Angels, to announce to the Virgin Mary the Mystery of the Incarnation and to ask for Her consent, which She gave, pronouncing Her Fiat.

I believe that, at that very moment, the Holy Ghost overshadowed Mary, forming of the Most Pure Blood of the Virgin a most perfect body of a Child; and, in the same instant, was united to this Body the Word of God and His Most Divine Soul; without ceasing to be God, He became true Man.

I believe that Mary, Mother of God and ever Virgin, rapt in heavenly ecstasy, brought forth Her Divine Son Jesus in a stable of Bethlehem — Who, coming forth from the Maternal Womb like a ray of sunlight that passes through crystal without shattering or staining it, was adored by Mary and Joseph; thus fulfilling the Scripture: “My spikenard exhaled her aroma”.

And, at these glad tidings, the heavens smile, the stars sing, the Angels chant praise, shepherds and kings adore, the hills dance with delight. The Messias is come! The Expectation of the nations! All the Universe leaps for joy!

I believe that this Most Pure Mother, in obedience to the Law, in a supreme act of humility, went to the Temple, in company with Saint Joseph, to submit Herself to the legal rite of Purification and Presentation of Her Divine Son, and heard from the lips of the holy and venerable Simeon this most dolorous prophecy: “And Thy own Soul a sword shall pierce”.

I believe that the Immaculate Virgin Mary, requested and received the Holy Sacrament of Baptism from the hands of Her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, obtaining the common priesthood of the faithful and a greater plenitude of grace.

I believe that Mary Most Holy is Universal Mediatrix in the Dispensation of all graces, Suppliant Omnipotence — a privilege that She uses continuously, as is well proved at the marriage of Cana, when She hastened the hour of the first public miracle, or manifestation of the glory of Christ.

I believe that Mary is Co-reparatrix, because she suffered in Her spirit all the pains that Christ suffered in His flesh, offering to the Father the death of Her son and Her own spiritual death, thus accomplishing a Co-priestly mission with Christ.

I believe that Mary is Co-redemptrix of mankind, because She united the pains and countless afflictions of Her life to the Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, not as mere co-operation, but as authentic suffering of the Passion.

Therefore I believe most firmly that the Most Holy Virgin Mary is Co-priest of Christ the Eternal High Priest, and that this real and true Priesthood of Mary is inferior to the Supreme Priesthood of Jesus Christ, greatly superior to the Ministerial Priesthood and immensely superior to the Common Priesthood of the faithful.

I believe that Mary Co-priest is Spouse of Christ the Eternal High Priest, and Most Pure Spouse of Priests.

I believe that Mary is Mother of the Church, because the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ.

I believe that Mary is Mother of Mankind, because all men are called to be grafted into the Mystical Body of Christ.

I believe that Mary is Treasuress and Universal Dispensatrix of all graces, because She is an inexhaustible Treasure and Store of grace, which with prodigal abundance She lavishes on Her children.

I believe that Mary is the tender Mother of Priests, since She is Mother of Christ the Eternal High Priest.

I believe that Mary Most Holy was present at the Ascension of Her Divine Son, and participated in His glorious entrance into Heaven.

I believe that Mary, Help of Christians, gathered and presided over the Disciples in the Cenacle, and that they were persevering with one mind in prayer and recollection, when the Holy Ghost came down visibly upon them in the form of tongues of fire.

I believe that Mary is the Divine Shepherdess of Souls, because, as Mother, in the name of Christ, She shepherds the flock of the Church.

I believe that Mary is the Divine Doctoress of the Church because She is the Seat of Wisdom.

I believe that the Most Holy Virgin Mary did not die, but that, living in Jerusalem, at the age of seventy-four years, there came over Her a most gentle Dormition in the presence of the Apostles and Holy Women.

I believe that Her Most Pure Body, united to Her Divine Soul, was placed in a sepulchre, where She received the veneration of the Angels, of the Blessed and of the first Christians.

I believe that, on the third day, gently waking, She was Assumed into Heaven in Body and Soul, not by ministry of Angels, but by the virtue that belongs to a glorified body. She was accompanied by Her Divine Son Who descended from Heaven, and by all the Court of Heaven.

Mary Assumed into Heaven! O wonder never seen! Who is She that cometh up from the desert like the lily that grows in the valleys, like the fragrance of myrrh and frankincense, full of light and majesty? She is the delight of the Angels, the wonder of Heaven, the consolation of men, the joy of mankind, the happiness and peace of the earth, the health of the world, unfathomable abyss of the divine mercies.

Mary Assumed into Heaven! Behold with delight the Rose of Jericho, more comely than all comeliness, more beautiful than all beauty, more perfect than all perfections that are to be admired in the Universe.

O Ladder of Jacob! O Lily of Zabulon! O Rod of Moses! O Fleece of Gedeon!

Mary Assumed into Heaven! O prodigy worthy of Infinite Wisdom! O most faithful image of the Divine Face of Jesus!

I believe that the August Mary was crowned by the Most Holy Trinity, and is seated at the right hand of Her Divine Son as Queen of Heaven and earth, whence She exercises Her sovereign power over the Angels and Saints and all other creatures.

I believe in the spiritual Presence, real and true, of the Most Holy Virgin in the Holy Eucharist, in kneeling position, adoring God and supplicating for all mankind.

I believe that the Most Holy Virgin Mary, as Spouse of the Holy Ghost, dwells in the souls of the just, and that this presence, spiritual and real, is acquired, firstly and principally, in Baptism.

The Holy Ghost speaks thus in the Book of Wisdom: “Then the Creator of all things commanded and said to me: and He that made me rested in my tabernacle. And He said to me: Let thy dwelling be in Jacob and thy inheritance in Israel, and take root in my elect”.

I believe that Mary is Health of Mankind, because on Her depends the salvation of many, since without Mary there is no possible salvation.

I believe that Mary is the Divine Infirmarian because, as Co-priest, She cures the souls of sinners.

O Mary! Of Thee the Apocalypse says:

“And I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her Bridegroom”.

I believe the Most Holy Virgin Mary is the Precursoress of the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I believe and confess that the exalted creature called Mary, has attained all these privileges as worthy Mother of God, and that the abyss of all Her mysteries lies hidden in this Wisdom:

Mary, Daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, Spouse of God the Holy Ghost, Temple and Sanctuary of the Most Holy Trinity and Mystical City of God. O Mary! Greater than Thou — God alone!

I believe that the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, the Just Man, was predestined from all eternity in the mind of God for the most high dignity of Virginal Spouse of Mary and Virginal Father of Jesus.

I believe that Saint Joseph is prefigured in the Old Testament:

Adam, natural father of the human race: Saint Joseph, Spiritual                   Father; Noe, captain of the Ark of Salvation; Abraham, father in the Faith and model of obedience; Joseph, son of Jacob, son of predilection and model of chastity and           fidelity; Aaron, chosen miraculously through the rod which flowered; Moses, who spoke with God face to face; David, king and fearless warrior of God.

I believe that the Patriarch Saint Joseph was presanctified in the womb of his mother in the third month of his conception; and that his soul, from that very instant, rejoiced in the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. Confirmed in grace, free from concupiscence of the flesh, by divine providence he was unable ever to sin.

I believe that the Patriarch Saint Joseph is the man full of grace — and that, after Mary, he surpasses all Angels and Saints together.

I believe that Saint Joseph, from the very instant of his Presanctification, enjoyed the use of reason, infused knowledge and other exalted gifts. He consecrated himself to God by the Vow of Perpetual Virginity, and rejoiced in the beatific vision, as in many other moments of his life.

I believe that Joseph Most Holy was born in the city of Bethlehem to his holy parents Jacob and Rachel; and that this exalted man was always of an indescribable beauty.

I believe that the virginal Saint Joseph, at the age of twenty-six years, was espoused to the Most Holy Virgin Mary.

I believe that also of Joseph Most Holy, in certain moments of his life, God, in His Infinite Wisdom, suspended the infused knowledge and other exalted gifts, that he might exercise virtue in heroic degree.

I believe that Joseph Most Holy, knowing that his Spouse, the Virgin Mary, had conceived the Son of the Eternal Father through the work of the Holy Ghost, as he was a just and humble man, considered himself unworthy to live in company with the Mother of                   God, and to represent the Eternal Father, legally. Therefore, with unspeakable sorrow, he pondered leaving Her in secret.

I believe that Joseph Most Holy exulted with indescribable joy on receiving through the Angel the divine command to remain in the company of Mary, and to exercise legal fatherhood over the Son of God by imposing the Name of Jesus.

I firmly believe and confess that Joseph Most Holy never at any moment doubted the virginal purity of Mary.

I believe that Joseph Most Holy, in obedience to the Law, circumcised the Son of God and called His Name Jesus, exercising his Legal Fatherhood and mission of Co-priest with Mary.

Therefore I firmly believe that the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph is Co-priest of Mary, and that this real and true Priesthood of Joseph is inferior to the Priesthood of Mary, superior to the Ministerial Priesthood, and greatly superior to the Common Priesthood of the faithful.

I believe that Joseph Most Holy is Father and Doctor of the Church.

I believe that Saint Joseph, because of his most high dignity as Virginal Spouse of Mary and Virginal Father of Jesus, exercises, as Coadjutor of the Exalted Mother of God, the Prerogatives of Co-reparator, Co-redeemer, Co-mediator, Co-treasurer and Co-dispenser, as well as many other exalted privileges.

I believe that Joseph Most Holy, shortly before the public life of Christ began, died of love in the arms of Jesus and Mary.

I believe that the August Saint Joseph is in Heaven in Body and Soul, seated at the right of his August Spouse, whence he reigns over the Angels and Saints, and all other creatures.

O Joseph Most Holy! Vicar of God the Father, Guardian of God the Son, Bosom Friend of God the Holy Ghost, Custodian of the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity, Protector and Defender of the Church.

I believe that Anne Most Holy is the Mother of the Virgin Mary, and that she was presanctified in the womb of her mother in the fourth month of her conception: the Holy Ghost dwelling in her soul from that very instant and filling her with most high grace.

I believe that Anne Most Holy was born in Sephoris, close to Nazareth, and was espoused to Joachim Most Holy, of the House of David.

I believe that Anne Most Holy conceived the Mother of God in the City of Jerusalem, and that she gave birth in Sephoris.

I believe that Anne Most Holy is in Heaven in body and soul, seated at the right of Saint Joseph, above all the Angels and Saints.

I believe that Joachim Most Holy is Father of the Virgin Mary, and that he was presanctified in the womb of his mother in the fifth month of his conception: the Holy Ghost dwelling in his soul from that very instant and filling him with most high grace.

I believe that Joachim Most Holy was born in Sephoris.

I believe that Joachim Most Holy is in Heaven in Body and Soul seated at the right of his Spouse, above all the Angels and Saints.

I believe that Saint John the Baptist is the Precursor of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and that he was presanctified in the womb of his mother in the sixth month of his conception, on the occasion of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Her cousin Saint Elizabeth: rejoicing from that very instant in the indwelling of the Holy Ghost.

I believe that the Holy Prophet Elias was presanctified in the womb of his mother in the seventh month of his conception: rejoicing from that very instant in the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. He was taken up, without dying, in a chariot of fire, and will return close to the Second Coming of Christ.

I believe in the Angels, pure spirits, sublime images of God. Proved in love, confirmed in grace, they behold without cease the Face of God, and fulfill at each moment the divine will. Myriads upon myriads is their number; nine choirs in three hierarchies, they sing the praises of God. Charged with the guardianship of men, they protect them from evil and guide them towards Heaven. At the end of the ages they will sound the trumpets for Judgement and gather together the elect from the four winds of the earth.

There excel, among all the Angels, the seven Archangels who stand in the presence of God, who serve the Lord and who are charged with the principal missions:

Saint Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, Saint Uriel, Saint Cediel, Saint Cedechiel and Saint Jereniel.

I believe in the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Palmarian. One in Faith, One in government, One in the Sacraments. Holy for its Founder, Holy for its Doctrine and its Sacraments, Holy                   in many of its members. Catholic, that is, Universal, since it is for all peoples, all times, and             embraces all truths. Apostolic, for the succession of its Hierarchy, Apostolic for the ori-                 gin of its Doctrine and Worship, Apostolic for its mission. Palmarian, since the See of Peter was first in Jerusalem, and rested            briefly in Antioch. This Apostolic See, by divine decree, was translated to Rome,       and due to the apostasy of Rome, it has been translated,      by divine decree, to El Palmar de Troya in Spain; and, in the end, it will return again to Jerusalem.

I believe that the Church, Catholic and Palmarian, is the Mother and Mistress of Souls; She alone teaches the true and unchanging Doctrine contained in the Deposit of Revelation: Holy Scripture, Holy Tradition, the Dogmatic Definitions of the Popes and of the Holy Ecumenical Councils — and She alone is authorised to interpret it.

I believe that the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, founded on the one Rock in the person of Blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles.

I believe and confess that the Pope, by the will of Christ, is the Visible Head of the Church and Immovable Rock, Vicar of Christ, Successor of Saint Peter, Universal Father and Doctor, Supreme Pontiff and Chief Shepherd, Symbol and guarantee of unity, Sweet Christ on earth.

I believe and confess that the Pope enjoys the charism of                   Infallibility when, as Universal Doctor, he defines a truth in matters of Faith or Morals for the whole Church.

I believe and confess that the Pope, as Vicar of Christ the King of the Universe, possesses supreme power in the spiritual and in the temporal by divine right, as well as full power as Sovereign, being Lord, Administrator and Distributor of all lands. This fullness of power is represented in the two keys.

The Pope, then, is named: Abraham, for his Patriarchate; Melchisedech, for his Priestly Order; Moses, for his authority; Samuel, for his jurisdiction; David, for his throne; Peter, for his power; Christ, for his anointing.

I recognize the Pope with all his rights and privileges, and I submit myself to him with filial respect and veneration.

I believe that Jesus Christ has constituted the Church with hierarchical order.

I believe that in the Church there are seven true and efficacious Sacraments instituted by Christ: Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, Communion, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders and Matrimony.

I believe that of these Sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders impress a character in the soul.

O Sacraments of the Church! Fruits of the mystic tree, Fountains of eternal life, Channels of divine grace. O wisdom of the Sacraments! Each overwhelms the souls of the faithful with the fruits of the Passion of Christ.

Baptism purifies the soul from all stain of sin, original and personal, remits eternal punishment, snatches us away from the power of the devil, opens Heaven, communicates the Holy Ghost, makes us sons of God, incorporates us in the Mystical Body of Christ and gives the right to the other Sacraments.

Confirmation gives us greater fullness of the Holy Ghost, confers His seven gifts, strengthens the soul, makes us witnesses and soldiers of Christ, ready for the combat even to martyrdom.

Confession forgives sins, reconciles with God, cleanses the soul, restores or increases the supernatural life in all who, repentant, sincerely confess their sins to a priest.

O Holy Communion! O Holy Eucharist! O Most Holy Sacrament! In which is received substantially the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and Mary is received spiritually; prefigured by the manna and the Paschal Lamb, promised by Christ in the synagogue at Capharnaum and instituted by Christ on the eve of His Passion. O wonder of divine power! The bread is changed into the Body of Christ, and His presence is multiplied down through the centuries in innumerable Consecrated Hosts. O prodigy of love! In which Christ, for love of us, veils His glorious Body beneath the humble appearance of the Host. O wonder of Divine Wisdom! Through Thee Christ remains amongst us, sacrifices Himself unceasingly on our altars, delivers Himself as food for our souls and is our viaticum for the journey to Heaven. O Sacrament of mercy! O sign of unity! O bond of charity! Be Thou forever blessed and praised, and forever adored!

Extreme Unction purifies from sin, increases grace, succours and fortifies the soul, sometimes restores health and always prepares for the final combat.

Holy Orders makes of poor mortal men priests forever, confers on them divine Powers to pardon sins and to bring down onto our altars the Son of God.

Holy Matrimony legalizes and sanctifies the union of man and woman, confers the necessary grace to live their union in holiness, adorns the Church with new children and symbolizes the union between Christ and His Church.

I believe that the Holy Sacrifice of Mass, or Holy Sacrifice of the Altar, is the very Sacrifice of Calvary, perpetuated in unbloody manner. It is the one, perfect and eternal Sacrifice of the New Covenant, prefigured by the Sacrifice of Melchisedech, the Paschal Lamb and the sacrifices of the Old Law. Its three essential parts are: the Offertory, the Consecration of the two species and the Communion of the Celebrant. Four are its ends: to adore God, to give Him thanks, to atone for sin and to supplicate for the living and the dead. O Pure! O Holy and Immaculate Sacrifice!

I believe that the Church, in the person of the Pope, has the power to grant Indulgences for the pardon of temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven, the debt to be paid either in this life or in Purgatory.

I believe and confess that: outside of the Catholic Palmarian Church, there is no salvation.

O Spouse of Christ! Ark of Salvation! Bark of Peter! Never-failing source of holiness! Church Visible, Church Indefectible, Church Persecuted and                   Invincible.

I believe that the Church has instituted the Sacramentals, numerous signs, sensible and sacred, to honour God, to sanctify souls, to implore gifts and graces and to defend us from the attacks of the devil.

I believe that the Sacred Images of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed ever-Virgin Mary, of Her Most Chaste Spouse Saint Joseph and those of all the Angels and Saints, as also their Holy Relics, should be kept, conserved and given due honour and veneration.

In accord with the teaching of Holy Mother Church, I distinguish worship in this way: to God is owed that of latria; (adoration) to the Most Holy Virgin Mary is owed that of hyperdulia; (supreme                   veneration) to Joseph Most Holy is owed that of protodulia; (veneration before      all                  others) and to the other Angels and Saints is owed dulia. (veneration)

I believe that the Communion of Saints is the sharing of grace or spiritual goods between members of the Mystical Body of Christ, composed of: the Church Triumphant, that of the Blessed in Heaven; the Church suffering, those in Purgatory; and the Church Militant, the faithful on pilgrimage in the world.

Therefore: the faithful on earth can and ought to help one another with their prayers and sacrifices; the faithful on earth can and ought to relieve the Holy Souls in Purgatory with their prayers and good works, to lighten their sufferings and hasten their entry into Glory; for they are not able to help themselves. The faithful on earth venerate and invoke the Blessed in Heaven as friends of God, models of Christian life and powerful intercessors. The faithful on earth venerate and invoke the Holy Souls in Purgatory, dearly beloved of God, who, in turn, intercede before God for the faithful on earth. The Blessed in Heaven heed the petitions of the faithful of the Church Militant and of the Church Suffering. O admirable Communion of Saints, Grandiose manifestation of the charity of God!

I acknowledge and confess that Christ also assists His Church through the ages by apparitions, miracles, and diverse charismatic and prophetic gifts. A multitude of sanctuaries, devotions and religious Orders owe to these their existence. In these Last times, there have multiplied extraordinarily the apparitions of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. She, as Precursoress of the Second Coming of Christ, calls with maternal solicitude for prayer and penance, announcing plainly the close proximity of the Return of Christ; all culminating with the Apparitions, mystical phenomena and heavenly messages in El Palmar de Troya, where Mary, as Divine Shepherdess and Doctoress, prepares and teaches the Church of the Last Times to go forth to meet Christ.

I believe that the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face is the last and only religious Order of the Last Times.

I believe that the first religious Order was also that of the Carmelites, founded in ages past on Mount Carmel by the great and holy Prophet Elias, who imbued it with his spirit of prayer, penance and devotion to the Virgin Mother of God to come.

I believe that this ancient Carmelite Order prepared for the First Coming of Christ, keeping alive the authentic traditions of the Chosen People.

I confess that the Carmelite Order, spread through many parts of Christendom, became relaxed, departing from its primitive Rule, and that later, by divine inspiration, it was admirably reformed by the exalted Saint Teresa of Avila.

I believe that the most glorious branch of this Reform is that of the Carmelites of the Holy Face, which, captained by the Most Holy Virgin Mary and the Glorious Patriarch Saint Joseph, is preparing for the glorious return of Christ to the earth.

I believe that the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, or Crossbearers, are the Marian Apostles of the Last Times, chosen by God to save the Church and to re-establish order in the world.

I believe that it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this, the Judgement.

I believe that death is: separation of body and soul, fruit of the sin of Adam, end of our earthly pilgrimage, end of the time of grace, end of merit or demerit, beginning of eternal life or eternal death.

I believe that the Particular Judgement occurs at the very moment of death, when each one is judged according to his works, receiving irrevocably the sentence: eternal salvation or eternal condemnation.

I believe that Heaven is eternal and absolute happiness, without mixture of any evil, where the Blessed see God as He is, in the splendour of the Holy Face and the sublime beauty of the Divine Mary, immersed in the ocean of the Divinity in the company of the whole celestial court. This is the eternal salvation with which God rewards the good with a joy that never ends, as Saint Paul says: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love Him.

I believe that there exists a Purgatory, to which those go who die in the state of grace with venial sins or debts of temporal punishment for sins already forgiven, to be purified with true material fire before they may enter Heaven; with most vehement love for God and full assurance of their salvation, they suffer unspeakable pains in proportion to their sins.

I believe that Hell, or eternal death, is absolute unhappiness, the conglomeration of all evils without mixture of any good, for those who die in mortal sin; where the demons and the damned suffer double torment: the pain of loss: deprived forever of the vision of God; the pain of sense: eternal fire, the pool of brimstone, kindled by the justice of God, in which the damned are hurled and tormented with eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth, in a sea of despair, blaspheming and hating without end, horror of horrors, in the furnace of avenging justice; whence the smoke of their torments shall ascend for ever and ever.

I believe in the existence of Satan, the ancient serpent or Devil, head of all the demons, father of lies, inventor and instigator of all evil: who, by divine permission, tempts men without respite to make them sin against God and bring them down into the eternal fire of Hell.

I believe that Limbo is the place where the souls of children go who die without Baptism before the use of reason.

I believe that the Devil, Lucifer, head of all the demons, has been unchained, by divine permission, in order to sift the Church, giving rise to the first General Apostasy.

I believe that the present time is that announced by the evangelist Saint John in the Book of the Apocalypse.

I believe that on this General Apostasy follows a dread and awful punishment of purification, manifestation of the just Wrath of God.

I believe that, following this great purification, Satan again enchained, there arises the Sacred Hispano-Palmarian Empire or Reign of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, achieved through the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face or Crossbearers.

I believe that, at the end of this Sacred Empire, the Devil is unchained for the last time, giving rise to the second and last General Apostasy, with the appearance of the Man of Iniquity, the Antichrist in Person, and the last persecution of the Church.

I believe that, during the Reign of Antichrist, Elias and Henoch will come to preach penance, leading to the conversion of the Jewish People.

I believe that during the Reign of Antichrist, great chastisements will befall mankind, culminating in the three last days of darkness, when, on the third day, Our Lord Jesus Christ will return to the earth with great power and majesty, in His Second Coming, destroying Antichrist with the spirit of His mouth, and with the brightness of His Coming, casting forever into the pool of fire and brimstone of Hell the Devil and his followers, never more to tempt the nations.

I believe that, at the very instant of the Return of Christ, will also take place the Resurrection of the Dead and the Last Judgement; the Blessed, with glorified bodies, will go to Heaven; the damned, in their bodies, will go to Hell.

I believe that those who survive will acknowledge Christ as the true Son of God; they will be confirmed in grace and will enter the Messianic Kingdom of absolute peace on the earth made new, where they will enjoy the preternatural gifts which Adam lost through sin, and will be able to attain high thrones in Heaven according to the measure of their love. They will multiply until is completed the number decreed by God, and, without knowing death, they will go through a gentle dormition to Heaven.

I believe that, at the end of the Messianic Kingdom, the Son will deliver up the Kingdom to the Eternal Father, from Whom all proceeds, and to Whom all must return.


O Father of Infinite Majesty! Thou art Alpha and Omega, Fount of the Divinity, Maker of all things, from Thee proceeds all fatherhood in Heaven and on earth.

Thou art the very Light, the very Life, Thou art all Holiness.

No one knoweth Thee but the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal Thee.

No one knoweth the hour of Judgement but Thou — Thou Who dost apportion the thrones in the Kingdom of Heaven.

O Love of the Father! Thou hast so loved the world that Thou didst give us Thy Only-begotten Son! What manner of charity Thou hast shown us! that we should be called Thy sons, and that we should be sons in truth!

Therefore we give Thee thanks and sing: Thee O God we do adore, Thee O Lord we glorify, Thee, the Father everlasting of Boundless Majesty, all creation doth worship. To Thee the Angels, to Thee the Cherubim and Seraphim cry out without ceasing: Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God of Hosts, Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of Thy glory.

To Him that sitteth on the Throne and to the Lamb, benediction and honour and glory and power for ever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.


                  If anyone dare to deny that the Palmarian Creed is truth revealed by God, let him be Anathema.


                  With Our Apostolic Blessing


                  GREGORIUS XVII, P.P. Póntifex Máximus




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