Each year I receive many inquiries about camera's and equipment - what my suggestions are, where to buy, etc.
Although a camera is not a necessary purchase to make to be in a photography course at MHS many students enjoy having the luxury of owning their own camera to complete projects for class as well as for personal use. Of course, I support any students wishes to become more active in photography so I have made this page to answer the questions I am commonly asked. I hope it helps! As always, feel free to contact me with additional questions.
Ms. Heather Palecek
Many people ask, "What's better? Canon or Nikon?" and to that my answer is that they are equal. They are each others biggest competitors and therefore are both equally as good. My suggestion to better help answer this question for yourself is to go to a store like Staples and look at the both a Nikon and a Canon - focus on the computer system and button layout of each brand and decide which one you like best. (Don't forget about Sony or Pentax either as they both have great dslr's as well!) The brand that feels most comfortable to you should be the one that you purchase. Another deciding factor should be if someone in your immediate family already has a canon camera with multiple lenses and is willing to share or has a canon film camera with lenses then you should maybe get a canon camera as well so that you can share and interchange the lenses.
-Unique Photo in Fairfield, NJ
-Staples, Best Buy, or Costco.
(Surprisingly, Costco has really great prices and the best deals!)
My Suggestions for DSLR's:
Canon DSLR:
Eos Rebel T5i, T4i or T3i.
Make sure you get a kit, which is a combination package including camera body and lens.
The T5i is the newest, T4i is a slightly older model and T3i even older.
Nikon DSLR:
D5200, D5100, D3200, D3100
The 5200 is the newest, D5100 is slightly older. D3200 is newer than the D3100.
When/If you would like to purchase an extra lens for your Canon or Nikon you can search through the specific brands selection OR the cheaper alternative is to purchase either a Sigma or Tamron lens. Sigma and Tamron are companies that make lenses that work on Canon and Nikon DSLR's. Their lenses are excellent quality and you will find that you like their prices better! *Make sure that when purchasing a Tamron or Sigma lens that you make sure it is designated for the correct brand of camera*
 If you want a great way to compare dslr cameras, go to: www.camerarocket.com - trust me!
My Suggestions for Film Cameras
Vivitar is the only company (to my knowledge) still manufacturing 35mm cameras. The model they are currently producing is the Vivitar 3800N. This is the camera we order at school. It's not the best though - it's made poorly of plastic pieces. I suggest getting an older model Canon, Nikon, Minolta, etc. (One that's made of metal, dating back to the 1980 or 1970's and still in working condition would be perfect!!!)
You can purchase a Vivitar 3800N from B&H, Freestyle Photo, or online.
To find an older 35mm film camera shop at the following stores: 
Check the used dept. at bhphotovideo.com
Go to NY Camera in Princeton and check out their selection of used cameras
You may even be able to buy one at a garage sale
If you want to be able to develop your film in the lab at MHS you must purchase black and white film that is NOT C-41.
My suggestion would be to purchase Kodak TMax or Tri-X.
If you want to purchase color film and will develop it outside of school you can purchase this film at:
-Unique Photo


-Some ShopRites, Walmarts, CVS's, etc. still sell C-41 Color film.
Extra, Fun, Photo-Related gifts can be found at www.photojojo.com
I personally, REALLY LOVE Jo Totes is you are interested in purchasing a fashion forward camera bag: www.jototes.com
(I have the Georgia Plaid Style and absolutely love it!)
At MHS your student uses the Adobe Creative Suite, particularly Photoshop, in Photo II, III & AP.
In the Photo III & AP levels students are also introduced to Lightroom.
To purchase these programs for your student to use at home, one of the best places to get them at a discount is: www.journeyed.com