The effect of beamed energy on the human body is deserving of the highest levels of understanding and accountability. Regarding electromagnetic weapons, Professor Steven Metz of the U.S. Army War College has said, "We need an open debate on them now." (Singapore Straights Times. July 18, 1997.)
Look web site

1976 by Norman Kempster entitled "Mind Reading Machine..."; "Scientists working under agency contracts at the University of Illinois, UCLA, Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Rochester, and in laboratories at other facilities have been able to determine an individual's alertness from his own brainwaves...
It may be only a matter of time before the machines will be able to read a person's brainwaves to determine just what he is thinking." Mind control technology has been described since the 1960s and it is logical to conclude that the Former Soviet Union and the U.S. would conduct research on it's military use.
From Military Review (official publication of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College) article on "The New Mental Battlefield" Lt. Col. John B. Alexander, U.S. Army, Ph.D.. "(Soviet) mind-altering techniques, designed to impact on an opponent are well-advanced. The procedures employed include manipulation of human behavior through the use of psychological weapons effecting sight, sound, smell, temperature, electromagnetic energy, or sensory deprivation." He further stated, "Soviet researchers, studying controlled behavior, have also examined the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans and have applied these techniques against the U.S. Embassy in Moscow
Articles by Cheryl Welsh
Nonconsensual Brainwave and Personality Studies by the U.S. Government
 HYPERLINK "" Another Arms Race? �What the Public Should Know About Electromagnetic Frequency Weapons
 HYPERLINK "" Hi-tech intelligence tools. -Yet another Classified Intelligence Program. Similar to the FBI Cointelpro Program.
 HYPERLINK "" Timeline of Significant Event in the History of Electromagnetic and Mind Control Technology
 HYPERLINK "" Ex-Con Plans Class Action Suit, Claims Prisoners Brainwashed Former Prisoner Raises Question of Mind Control
 HYPERLINK "" Fact Sheet and 
HYPERLINK "" Victims. �Allegations match electromagnetic weapons technology. �Further investigation is needed. U.S. Human Rights Abuse 
HYPERLINK "" Report: �A Classified Arms Race Between the Superpowers to Control the Human Mind and Body with Electromagnetic Technologies.
� HYPERLINK "" Nonlethal Weapons - A Global Issue
 HYPERLINK "" International Documents in Support of Claims of the Existence of Electromagnetic Anti-Personnel Weapons Book: The 1950s 
HYPERLINK "" Secret Discovery of the Code of the Brain -- U.S. and Soviet Scientists Have Developed the Key to Consciousness for Military Purposes. How The U.S. Government Won the Arms Race to Control Man
 HYPERLINK "" \t "_top" Book: The ability to control your mind is a military/intelligence capability: 2000 update and International campaign Cell phones and military radiation 
HYPERLINK "" \t "_top" controversy
 HYPERLINK "" \t "_top" Electromagnetic Weapons: As Powerful As The Atomic Bomb Refer to  HYPERLINK "" \t "_top" Mind Control Forum for further information.

A similar analogy would be the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government program to build the atomic bomb. The project used the highest of national security precautions, and few knew of its existence. Mind control technology is the currently classified weapons program and national security methods are even more entrenched and developed.

Some of the following text is in Hungarian. If you need a free translation contact me on [email protected]

Kedves Hadugyminiszter Ur!
Ez a level amit elkuldtem a dr.Lukacsi Tamas urnak a miniszterelnoki irodaba a mai nap. En ugy gondolom, hogy jobb ha a dr. Szabo Janos urnak van sajat masolata a levelrol. Miniszter ur legyen szives forditassa le a web oldalamon: Data oldalat.
Ez az oldal hasonlo amerikai kutatasokkal foglalkozik, eleg reszletesen. Tisztelettel udvozlom Dozsa Pal
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 13:14:01 -0800 (PST) From: pal dozsa Subject: Katonai kutatas es a magyar kormany helyzete To: [email protected] CC: [email protected]

Kedves dr. Lukacsi Tamas ur!
Szeretettel udvozlom. En nem tudom uram, hogy a magyar Miniszterelnok Ur, es a magyar kabinet, szemelyesen beleertve Szabo hadugyminiszter urat, mennyit tud arrol, hogy Magyarorszagon hany embert hasznalnak es hasznaltak fel, akaratuk ellenere, es megkerdezesuk nelkul katonai kutatasokban?
Miutan Amerikaban tobb imformaciot hoznak nyilvanosagra, ott tudhato, hogy Kanadaban nagynevu es valoszinuleg szadista kutatok 100 embert meggyilkoltak vagy megorjitettek, a tulzott hasznalataval az eletromos sokk hatasnak. A vezeto ideggyogyasz profeszor a vezetoje volt a Eszakamerikai Tudosok Szovettsegenek.
CIA es hasonlo organizatiok eltusoltak az ugyet. Remelhetoleg abbahagytak ott az ilyen formaju kutatasokat.

En 1958 ota vagyok felhasznalva kutatasokra. Biztos sok masik ember szinten fel van es volt hasznalva hasonlo celokra.
En nem akarom a multat piszkalni. A hideghaborus idokben sok olyan dolog tortenhetett amit talan jobb nem felhozni.

Ami az en velemenyem szerint a teny manapsag, es remelhetoleg az Orban ur, es on Lukacsi ur egyetert ezzel, hogy semmifele katonai, vagy occultista kutatas nem jelenthet veszelyt a civilian lakossag szabadsagara, egeszsegere, vagy a magyar kormany becsuletere.
En ugy gondolom, hogy barmilyen nyomas alatt allhat a magyar kormany a NATO, amerikai vagy volt szovjet erdekeltsegek szemelyeben, az emberekkel valo kutatas csak az illetekes emberek megkerdeze es hozzajarulasa utan tarthato fenn. Maskeppen a magyar kormany emberiseg elleni buncselekmenyek vadjaval vadolhato. Erre semmi szukseg nincs!

En szivesen dolgozom kiserleti alanykent a magyar katonai kutatas szamara, ha megkerdeznek hivatalosan a magyar hadugyminiszterium kepviseloi.
Dr. Hollo vezerornagy ur felajanlota hat honappal ezelott, hogy megvizsgaljak, hogy reszesultem vagy sem implantban 1958-ban Magyarorszagon. En valaszoltam a levelere, sajnos azota nem hallottam, sem Hollo urrol sem a hadugyminiszteriumtol.
Az eredeti levelemet direct a hadugyminiszter urnak cimeztem. Lekotelezne dr Lukacsi ur, ha az Orban ur mellett a Szabo urnak is elkuldene a masolatat ennek a levelnek.

En es nem tudom,hogy hany magyar ember van teljessen kiszolgaltatva ennek a ketsegtelenul nagyfontosagu katonai kutatasnak. A vilag masik reszerol meg tudnak bennunket olni, kinozni, vagy betege tenni azzal a tudassal ami a magyar kutatas rendelkezesere all. Ez egy fel nem tarthato allapot!

Elkuldom az angol nyelvu masolatat az amerikai kormanyt erinto hasonlo problemaknak.  � * 1
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