Palanca's Fave Pages
Read it from the real source:
"I like MEN. Not women. Not girls. Not boys. MEN. With hair on their faces and hair on their chests. Men who work hard with their hands. Men who get dirty and sweaty and whose boots and socks stink at the end of the day. REAL MEN."
(words from S. "Boots" McGraw, who formerly handled "Hacienda de Scooter")


Skins, cops, homies... this is DRUBSKIN foot art:

Barbeint from Oslo and his incredible foot site:

MALE FOOT FLAVA, taste the smelly chili next door:

ROB CLARKE, great artist with a great clownie page:

People from KINK VIDEO created an UNDERFOOT page with guy next door's foot fantasies:

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