Summary - It will be a Korean food restaurant website with the menu, prices, opening hours, and all the neccesary information.
Content - The website will contain pictures of the foods, and it will come from pictures taken from myself or from the internet.
Competition - Flavor of Seoul: I liked that it had the prices with a description of each food. I also liked that it had a update section. I did not like that all of the information was on one page. I didn't like that it didn't have the respective pictures next to the respective dishes.
Purpose -The users should care about the focus of the website if they want to have a overlook before they arrive to the restaurant. For example, to check the prices, to know the opening hours, and the location of the restaurant. A site should be built for this because sometimes people want to have a look at the menu before they actually go to the restaurant.
Desired Results - I want the users to have a clear understanding of the prices, the types of food, and attract more people.
Target Audience - The target audience is anyone who wants to have good authentic Korean food.