Changling (aka Donna)

Recycle, A short story
Catergory: Humor
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Time Frame: Doesn't really matter. It takes place around Christmas/Winter Solstice however.
Summary: A short little story with Master Jinn and Master Yoda.

Big Brother Is Watching Part 1 of 1
Catergory: Humor / Romance
Rating: G to PG-13. (if you have ANY doubts, go with PG-13)
Spoilers: None that I know of.
Summary: In response to a writing challenge issued by Aya, Qui-Gon Jinn can't get any satisfaction... nada... zip. As a by-product of this predicament, Iovene Bitto can't get any either... grrr. Disclaimer: Qui-Gon Jinn belongs to George Lucas [damn] along with Star Wars (tm). Iovene Bitto and the Republic Intelligence Agency belong to me, as does the original characters to be introduced here. This is written for fun -- no money is being made. So let the games begin!
Feedback: This is always welcome; how else can a writer improve? email Changling

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