Cubbie Corner
We have strated a birthday club for the boys. Please e-mail your bous' birthday to Cheryl or Jennifer.
We will still be mmeting at the school during the summer, but the room we meet in might change.
All dues need to be payed at the parent meeting the first of the month. If a paernt becomes 2 months delinquent on dues, the parent need to see the Cubmaster or Asst Cubmaster.
Lorayne Deluna has agreed to be the Assistant Cubmaster for Pack Four. Thank you, Lorayne, for volunteering.
Thanks for visiting, you are visitor number
7/12 All Achievements need to be turned in to your son's leader
7/19 Movie Night @ AMC Norwalk. Spiderman 2 Pack will pay for the boys and the leaders. any additional tickets money need to be truned into Connie no later then 7/12.
7/26 Awards night and Birthday recognition.
8/5 Parent meeting Frantons 6:30. If your going to eat plaese get there early.
8/7 Outing for fundraiser. either Adventure city or Knotts.
8/16 All achievements need to be turned into your son's leader.
8/22 Seaside Lagoon end of summer
8/30 Awards night
9/02 Parent meeting
9/18 California Science Center
Hosted by