The rank of Wolf is for boys who are in the 2nd grade or who are 8 years of age .  After accomplishing 12 required achievements, the Cubs are presented with the rank of Wolf.

It is the goal of the Den Leader to have each cub earn the WOLF rank so that a formal "advancement" ceremony can be held at the Blue and Gold Dinner.  It's important to the boys that we treat an advancement as the "major event" that it is.  Assist your Den Leader so that no boy gets left out of the ceremony. 

After earning rank, other activities can be done at the Cub's own pace.
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Den Leader
As the boys complete required achievements, they advance their progress toward rank.  Instead of making the boys wait until all 12 activities are complete, they are awarded a bead for every 3 completed activities.

It is important to constantly give the boys awards, so that they know their hard work is being noticed and to reinforce the fact that they are making progress.

Achievement Toward Rank is worn on the right pocket and remains on the uniform even after earning the Wolf Badge as it will also be used next year as the Wolves earn their way toward Bear.
Our Cubs earning the Wolf badge will have it presented with any other awards at the Blue and Gold banquet.  Those unable to attend will have their awards presented at the next Pack meeting or Den meeting (Cub's choice)

Afer earning the Wolf badge and rank, the Scouts have LOTS more to see and do.  The boys will continue with ELECTIVE activities that will earn them Arrow Points and Belt Loops.  

ANY achievement and activity is available to the boys for them to complete
at their own pace.  Those who choose to do more activites on their own should inform their Den Leader so that they are awarded the proper recognition and tokens of acheivement.  There is no obligation to complete activities at the same rate as anyone else in the Den.

The Wolf Den Leader works very hard to plan productive and entertaining Den Meetings.  Every effort is put forth to ensure that required activities and/or elective activities are completed at each meeting, which is why attending every meeting is so important.

Each arrow point represents the completion of 10 elective activities The first 10 electives earn a Gold Arrow Point. Each 10 after that earns a Silver Arrow Point.

These awards are displayed proudly under the left pocket.
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